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Off topic: 茶馆 : 所有"无关紧要的"话题 Autor de la hebra: chance (X)
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 chino al inglés + ... fast talker can't get it right | Apr 5, 2014 |
广播员 念了两次,都没读对; 是不懂报导内容,乱断句的 又一个例子 ...
书面原文:海巡01轮5日在南纬25度、东经101度附近南印度洋水域通过黑匣子搜寻仪侦听到频率37.5kHz、每秒一次的脉冲信号,与失联�... See more 广播员 念了两次,都没读对; 是不懂报导内容,乱断句的 又一个例子 ...
第一次读作:... 海巡 01 轮 5号是在南纬的 25度、东经 101 度附近的南印度洋水域, 通过黑匣子搜寻仪侦听到了频率 37.5 赫兹每秒的一次的脉冲信号,与失联客机的关联性有待进一步的鉴定。
第二次念更糟糕:... 海巡 01 轮呢 5号在南纬 25度、东经 101 度附近的南印度洋水域, 通过黑匣子的搜寻仪侦听到了频率为 37.5 赫兹每秒的一次脉冲信号哈 - 就有一次脉冲信号,与失联客机的关联性有待进一步的鉴定。
IMO, it's better for a journalist to read the script clearly, slowly and get it right, especially if you don't understand what nonsense you're spouting. ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 inglés al chino + ... |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 chino al inglés + ... Don't want to sound overly critical, but ... | Apr 6, 2014 |
200/60 = 3.33
That's at least 3 minutes! And it does't occur to the search team to get the sound recorded? Instead the first thing they do is to change the position of the detector? | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 chino al inglés + ... The Baltic Sea | Apr 6, 2014 |
pkchan wrote:
央视主持人最近连连出错,近日,又有细心的网友看央视五套《你好,2008》时,发现男主持人华北在说到“波罗的海/明珠”时,竟然断成了“波罗的/海明珠”。这个低级的错误让网友非常不满。昨日(7日),《你好,2008》节目组的工作人员对记者表示,他们会严查主持人的失误,如果属实,将给予处罚。2008年04月09日08:29 来源:【成都晚报】
Here'a another good one for you, in case you missed it.
[Edited at 2014-04-06 12:04 GMT] | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 inglés al chino + ... Lack of common sense | Apr 6, 2014 |
wherestip wrote:
That's at least 3 minutes! And it does't occur to the search team to get the sound recorded? Instead the first thing they do is to change the position of the detector?
[Edited at 2014-04-06 14:40 GMT] | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 chino al inglés + ...
ysun wrote:
Lack of common sense
wherestip wrote:
That's at least 3 minutes! And it does't occur to the search team to get the sound recorded? Instead the first thing they do is to change the position of the detector?
Why the recording function is not built into the instrumentation is beyond me! | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 inglés al chino + ... Recording function | Apr 6, 2014 |
wherestip wrote:
Why the recording function is not built into the instrumentation is beyond me!
I think the instrument does have the recording function, but the operator simply forgot to push the bottom. | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 inglés al chino + ...
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 chino al inglés + ...
ysun wrote:
wherestip wrote:
Why the recording function is not built into the instrumentation is beyond me!
I think the instrument does have the recording function, but the operator simply forgot to push the bottom.
真是遗憾! I hope they're better prepared if and when they detect the signal again.
Take a look at this video clip. It has a few frames of the search crew reading a frequency meter that was registering the frequency of 37.5 KHz (at around time 0:51 and 2:30 of the clip).
[Edited at 2014-04-06 23:57 GMT] | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 inglés al chino + ...
wherestip wrote:
But anyway, it's a great relief they detected the black box pinger signal.
现在看来,MH370机组人员和乘客都已遇难。他们家属的焦虑心情可以想见。希望搜寻人员能早日找到失事飞机和遇难人员遗体。 | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 inglés al chino + ...
【视频:张绍忠称我卫星可测到零下700度以上物体】13日,CCTV4 《海峡两岸》节目中,军事专家张召忠谈马航MH370失联事件,当讲到红外遥感卫星时,说“零下700度以上的物体”都能被观测到。" 绝对零度(理论上宇宙最低温度)是零下273.15摄氏度。
绝对零度(absolute zero)是热力学的最低温度,是粒子动能低到量子力学最低点时物质的温度。绝对零度是仅存于理论的下限值,其热力学温标写成K,等于摄氏温标零下273.15度(−273.15℃)。 | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 chino al inglés + ... Seems like they are against what he said | Apr 6, 2014 |
ysun wrote:
Maybe he invented his own "Zhang scale", uniquely different from the scales of Celsius and Fahrenheit. 
Absolute zero cannot be achieved, although it is possible to reach temperatures close to it through the use of cryocoolers, dilution refrigerators, and nuclear adiabatic demagnetization. The use of laser cooling has produced temperatures less than a billionth of a kelvin.[17] At very low temperatures in the vicinity of absolute zero, matter exhibits many unusual properties, including superconductivity, superfluidity, and Bose–Einstein condensation. To study such phenomena, scientists have worked to obtain even lower temperatures.
• The current world record was set in 1999 at 100 picokelvins (pK), or 0.000 000 000 1 of a kelvin, by cooling the nuclear spins in a piece of rhodium metal.[18]
• In November 2000, nuclear spin temperatures below 100 pK were reported for an experiment at the Helsinki University of Technology's Low Temperature Lab. However, this was the temperature of one particular degree of freedom – a quantum property called nuclear spin – not the overall average thermodynamic temperature for all possible degrees in freedom.[19][20]
• In February 2003, the Boomerang Nebula was observed to have been releasing gases at a speed of 500,000 km/h (over 300,000 mph) for the last 1,500 years. This has cooled it down to approximately 1 K, as deduced by astronomical observation, which is the lowest natural temperature ever recorded.[21]
• In May 2005, the European Space Agency proposed research in space to achieve femto-kelvin temperatures.[22]
• In May 2006, the Institute of Quantum Optics at the University of Hannover gave details of technologies and benefits of femto-kelvin research in space.[23]
I think they are disputing his assertion. But who knows, weirder things have happened. | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 inglés al chino + ... |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 chino al inglés + ... Pop icon + Gov mouthpiece | Apr 6, 2014 |
Who knows. It sounds like he's more of a showbiz celebrity than anything else.
[Edited at 2014-04-06 23:05 GMT] | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 08:01 chino al inglés + ... |
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