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General Translation and Transcription; Portuguese BR to English. 377sec. General Translation of a Transcription from Portuguese to English. 1784 Words Translation of two Birth Certificate 1.000 Words: Portuguese to English. Transcription and Translation: PTBR>EN // Invoice Translation EN>PTBR Technical MT Post Edition, Energy: English to Portuguese. 19.086 words Technical MT Post Edition, Energy, Eletronics: English to Portuguese. 9.982 words. Technical MT Post Edition: English to Portuguese. Around 15.000 words. General Translation of Transcriptions. Portuguese to English: around 400 words. KidsOut. World Stories. Children's story. Portuguese English. 710 Words. Hotel services brochure. 1751 words. English to Portuguese. Translation and proofreading. 1 user Another information security document. English Portuguese. Translation and proofread. 498 words. English to Portuguese, information security company brochure, 562 words. Time for a coffee. Just finishing a proofread of a file, English Portuguese, 3421 words, for the translation of a language course. |