Men tekshirishni boshladim va uning Gurgle chiqarib bergan bir botmon axlat ekanini angladim! Nima boʻlganda ham, men mukammal tarjima qildim... ammo mijoz mening benuqson ishimni bir chalasavod betayinga tahrirlashga topshiribti va u barcha ishimni chippakka chiqardi! Alal oqibat, ular mening xato aralash tarjimamni mening nomimni qoʻshgan holda onlayn chop etishdi! | Entry #29573 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Tashkenttashuzb
Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
6 | 1 x4 | 1 x2 | 0 |
- 1 user entered 4 "like" tags
ammo mijoz mening benuqson ishimni bir chalasavod betayinga tahrirlashga topshiribti va u barcha ishimni chippakka chiqardi! | Flows well | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
- 1 user entered 4 "dislike" tags
xato aralash tarjimamni | Mistranslations Xato aralash tarjimam-it is not the speaker's translation. It is the mis-edited by someone translation. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
mening nomimni qoʻshgan holda | Inconsistencies doesn't flow well | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
Men tarjimani qayta koʻrib chiqa boshlagandim va uni Gugle tomonidan qilingan, chidab boʻlmas ahlat uyumi ekanligiga iqror boʻldim! Shunga qaramay men tarjimamni mukammal qilib yubordim... Lekin mijozim ulugʻvor ishimni qandaydir savodsiz toʻnkadan oʻzgartirib buzibdi! Keyin ular soʻnggi nuqsonli tarjimani nashr qilib, mening nomimni biriktirib qoʻyishibdi! | Entry #30220 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
1 | 0 | 0 | 1 x1 |
- 1 user entered 1 "like" tag
- 1 user entered 7 "dislike" tags
chidab boʻlmas ahlat uyumi | Mistranslations ahlat uyumi doesn't sound well in Uzbek. a humongous pile of excrement has the meaning "poor translation", here it is a direct, not idiomatic translation. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
yubordim | Inconsistencies topshirdim is better choice here, I think. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
ulugʻvor | Mistranslations There is nothing about "Ulug'vor" in this context. Poor wording. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
savodsiz toʻnkadan oʻzgartirib buzibdi | Mistranslations Totally misleading. It doesn't make a sense. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
nashr | Mistranslations Nashr is totally different stuff. You use "nashr" when you are publishing via press, mostly on papers. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
biriktirib | Inconsistencies Biriktirib so'zi mening fikri ojizimcha, umuman bu yerda birikmayapti. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
Haqiqiy daxshatli hikoyalar Men tahlil qilishni boshladim va birdan bu tomoq chayishdan hosil bo’lgan qattiq ovoz ekan. Mukammal tarjimani bajarib bo’lmagunimcha bir narsani anglmabman….. Mijoz nihoyatda mukammalik bilan bajargan tarjimamni bir to’da uquvsizlarga berib, tarjimamni yo’qqa chiqaribdi. Va ular mening xatolik mavjud tarjimani ismim bilan onlaynda chop etishibdi. | Entry #30287 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Not specifiednone
Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- 1 user entered 9 "dislike" tags
tahlil qilish | Mistranslations Tahlil qilish is something more than proofreading. Tahlil qilish analyse. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
birdan | Syntax Totally different thing, there is no such a thing birdan-suddenly | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
bu tomoq chayishdan hosil bo’lgan qattiq ovoz ekan. | Mistranslations Totally mistranslation. The context says nothing close about this. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
tarjimani bajarib bo’lmagunimcha | Mistranslations It is not your translation to perform, it is a proofreading stuff. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
bajargan | Mistranslations tekshirilgan yoki ko'rib chiqilgan, the speaker did not perform that translation, didn't he? | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
bir to’da | Mistranslations There is no such a thing, to'da in here. Totally misleading. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
Va ular mening xatolik mavjud tarjimani ismim bilan onlaynda chop etishibdi. | Inconsistencies doesn't flow well. Poor wording. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
Men koʻrib chiqishni boshladim va bu Gurgle tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan gʻoyat katta axlat uyumi ekanligini angladim! Shunga qaramay, men mukammal tarjimani topshirdim... lekin mijoz mening yuksak darajadagi ishimni, uni buzib yuborgan savodsiz ahmoqqa tekshirtirib yoʻqqa chiqardi! Va ular mening nomim bilan bir qatorda, mening hozirgi toʻgʻirlab boʻlmas xato tarjimamni internetda nashr etishdi! | Entry #30088 — Discuss 0 — Variant: Samarkand-Bukharasmrkbkr
Voting points | 1st | 2nd | 3rd |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
- 1 user entered 8 "dislike" tags
koʻrib chiqishni boshladim | Inconsistencies ko'rib chiqa boshladim sounds more natural. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
katta axlat uyumi | Mistranslations Literal, direct translation | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
buzib yuborgan | Mistranslations Buzib yuborgan means completely different thing. For ex; Uyni buzib yuborgan... Besides, that illiterate editor buzib yubordi after he or she made changes. But in your wording, buzib yuborgan is before checking. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
toʻgʻirlab boʻlmas | Mistranslations Doesn't sound well, meaning is totally different than the source. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
xato tarjimamni | Mistranslations It is not your translation, it is the mis-corrected translation by somebody else. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |
nashr etishdi | Mistranslations Nashr etish is what you do in printing houses. | Turdimurod Rakhmanov No agrees/disagrees | |