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Poll: Do you solve translation / interpretation problems in your dreams?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Dec 20, 2006

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you solve translation / interpretation problems in your dreams?".

This poll was originally submitted by rafamolina

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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you solve translation / interpretation problems in your dreams?".

This poll was originally submitted by rafamolina

View the poll here

A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see: http://proz.com/topic/33629

Iman Khaireddine
Iman Khaireddine
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:22
Miembro 2006
inglés al árabe
+ ...
Really? Dec 20, 2006

Now this is the funniest poll ever

Could this really happen?

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:22
turco al inglés
+ ...
Interesting question Dec 20, 2006

This is an interesting question for me because very often when I wake up the first thing that springs to mind is some flaw in my previous day's translation work - often some obscure point buried in a mound of text. Sometimes I leap up and identify the mistake so that I can correct it later when the computer is on - sometimes it is too late because the final text has already been delivered. So much so that, deadline permitting, I sometimes delay sending a text to a client until I have 'slept on i... See more
This is an interesting question for me because very often when I wake up the first thing that springs to mind is some flaw in my previous day's translation work - often some obscure point buried in a mound of text. Sometimes I leap up and identify the mistake so that I can correct it later when the computer is on - sometimes it is too late because the final text has already been delivered. So much so that, deadline permitting, I sometimes delay sending a text to a client until I have 'slept on it'.
Recently I was working on a book translation, and I found it very useful to read the pages I expected to work on the following day shortly before going to bed. I found this made me more productive the next day.
So, yes, I strongly believe that the subconscious mind reviews our translation work as we sleep.

Agua  Identity Verified
inglés al español
+ ...
Definitely it does happen... Dec 20, 2006


I have solved things in dreams lots of times: Maths problems for homework included.

I also finished a book in my dreams, although I have never checked whether my ending was the one I have never read....



PAS  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:22
polaco al inglés
+ ...
Not necessarily funny Dec 20, 2006

I don't recall if I actually dreamt a solution to a problem, but I have solved translation problems while in bed, in the middle of the night.
Maybe I was lying in a half-asleep state and "click!" the proverbial lightbulb went on.

This just goes to show that even when you want to rest, your poor brain continues to churn.

Pawel Skalinski

Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL
Giovanni Guarnieri MITI, MIL  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:22
inglés al italiano
No... Dec 20, 2006

but I have dreamt of finishing a project only to be very disappointed when I woke up...


Christopher Burin
Christopher Burin  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:22
francés al inglés
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Depends Dec 20, 2006

Do you mean finding solutions to real life transl/interp problems in dreams (in which case no, sadly!) or having dreams in which you are solving a series of transl/interp problems (I do have dreams about work sometimes so maybe yes!)?

Ivana de Sousa Santos
Ivana de Sousa Santos  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:22
francés al portugués
+ ...
No Dec 20, 2006

But when I'm involved in a big translation I dream about it. The same happens when I have problems, with Trados, fior instance, because of a certain document, I also dream about it. If I spend an evening winaligning documents, I will also dream about it.

Never find a solution, but dream about it.

Gillian Scheibelein
Gillian Scheibelein  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:22
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Sometimes.... Dec 20, 2006

If it does happen, then when I'm half-awake and not in a dream, which is why I always keep paper and a pen (+ a torch!) next to my bed.

Williamson  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:22
flamenco al inglés
+ ...
No Dec 20, 2006

I have too many nightmares about the native language only demon.

[Edited at 2006-12-20 14:37]

Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:22
Miembro 2005
inglés al español
+ ...
Never... Dec 20, 2006

...as I have too many other things to process in my dreams and don't have time for the translation issues.

Rebecca Garber
Rebecca Garber  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:22
Miembro 2005
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Not in my dreams per se Dec 20, 2006

I don't usually remember my dreams. What I do remember is that I consistently cannot read in them.
However, I do wake up with the answers to translation problems.
So some part of the brain is working while I'm not.

Parrot  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:22
español al inglés
+ ...
Not too strange Dec 20, 2006

Mar Rodríguez wrote:

I have solved things in dreams lots of times: Maths problems for homework included.

As I recall, even the Silva mind control method had a way of programming problem-solving in dreams (mainly because it happens in a random way).

Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:22
Miembro 2003
danés al inglés
+ ...
I dreamed about Multiterm... Dec 20, 2006

Having got the basic functions of Trados to work, and persuaded it to link up with Multiterm a long time and a lot of hassle later... there was definitely a period when I woke up "knowing" things I did not know when I went to bed.

Sometimes they worked, and sometimes they were sheer wishful thinking...

I do try to 'sleep on' translations and give them a final proof reading before delivering them, especial
... See more
Having got the basic functions of Trados to work, and persuaded it to link up with Multiterm a long time and a lot of hassle later... there was definitely a period when I woke up "knowing" things I did not know when I went to bed.

Sometimes they worked, and sometimes they were sheer wishful thinking...

I do try to 'sleep on' translations and give them a final proof reading before delivering them, especially if I have worked late the night before. That is definitely worthwhile.

In general I sleep well (or crash out exhausted ) and don't remember my dreams, but I suspect quite a lot of them do involve translating. Too many, in fact, in the last couple of months.

Time for a fortnight's break and a gathering of the clan in the UK as opposed to my husband's Scandinavian clan...

Happy holidays, or whatever you do until the date changes to 2007!


Pundora  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:52
inglés al hindi
+ ...
Not so far. Dec 20, 2006

I have no experience of interpretation but I am scared what happens if translation encroaches upon my dreams also!!


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