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Poll: Are you active on the ProZ.com's forums?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Oct 2, 2006

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Are you active on the ProZ.com's forums?".

View the poll here

A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see: http://proz.com/topic/33629

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2006-10-02 21:15]

Bonita Mc Donald
Bonita Mc Donald
Local time: 19:34
español al inglés
+ ...
Proofread suggestion Oct 2, 2006

ProZ.com Staff wrote:

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Are you active in the ProZ.com's forums?".

View the poll here

A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see: http://proz.com/topic/33629

"Are you active on the ProZ.com forums?"


"Are you active on ProZ.com's forums?"

either one would be more grammatically correct than the original wording, I think.



Reed James
Reed James
Local time: 21:34
Miembro 2005
español al inglés
Too busy translating Oct 2, 2006

I put "seldom". Sometimes I browse the forums after completing a large translation job, or on those rare days I don't have any work to do.

I also post questions on the forums when I have a computer/software problem.

Between translating, answering KudoZ questions and my family life, there is more than enough to do!


Juan Jacob
Juan Jacob  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:34
francés al español
+ ...
Occasionally. Oct 2, 2006

I answered "occasionally".
And, since "somebody" must read my contributions -a new rule?-, less and less. That's a pitty.

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 21:34
Just ran some stats... Oct 3, 2006

... and they show that the forums are still not used by the majority of ProZ.com users.

Most members (ie. paying members) have never posted in the forums at all. And only 20% of members have posted to the forums more than once in the last 6 months. The percentage of non-members posting to the forums is even lower.

So I think that Reed has spoken for many. KudoZ and the job-related areas of the site are much more popular than the forums.

Alicia Casal
Alicia Casal  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:34
inglés al español
+ ...
I do Oct 3, 2006

But now my contributions need to be approved..

But I do believe that participating in the fora builds bridges and shortens distances among this plurilingual and multicultural community.

I d love to open a kind of comparative terminology gloss for all the different Spanish variants.

If i m not too busy, i like to participate.


[Edited at 2006-10-03 01:38]

[Edited at 2006-10-03 01:40]<
... See more
But now my contributions need to be approved..

But I do believe that participating in the fora builds bridges and shortens distances among this plurilingual and multicultural community.

I d love to open a kind of comparative terminology gloss for all the different Spanish variants.

If i m not too busy, i like to participate.


[Edited at 2006-10-03 01:38]

[Edited at 2006-10-03 01:40]

[Edited at 2006-10-03 01:42]

Andrea Ali
Andrea Ali  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:34
Miembro 2003
inglés al español
+ ...
649 postings in four years Oct 3, 2006


That is my stats.

Henry wrote:

... and they show that the forums are still not used by the majority of ProZ.com users.

I use them because I read them
As per participating, lack of time would only be a minor reason in my case. Forums have changed a lot.

Most members (ie. paying members) have never posted in the forums at all. And only 20% of members have posted to the forums more than once in the last 6 months. The percentage of non-members posting to the forums is even lower.

Are you making direct reference to this poll or to other stats? If it is the former, 500 votes would not be that representative. I guess you must be talking about other stats. I am curious about it!

So I think that Reed has spoken for many. KudoZ and the job-related areas of the site are much more popular than the forums.

Let me disagree on this one. I would say he has spoken for many but I do not think his is the only and more important reason for the rest.
I do not know if it is relevant or not, but Kudoz and Jobs areas are the ones I visit less and less.
KOGs, Forums and BB are the areas I use the most, in that order.

BTW, I love polls just for the sake of it.

And back to translation! Still a long night ahead.


Anne Patteet
Anne Patteet  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:34
inglés al francés
+ ...
Relative lack of participation doesn't mean lack of interest. Oct 3, 2006

I think it isn't because people don't participate often that it means we are not interested: I am new on ProZ and I love reading the forums.
But I dont' feel yet that I have to post a new question, because there are so many of my questions already answered that I could read for hours. I am far from having exhausted the topics.
On the other hand there aren't so many topics to which I could answer myself yet, as I don't consider myself experienced enough.
So, I will ask somethin
... See more
I think it isn't because people don't participate often that it means we are not interested: I am new on ProZ and I love reading the forums.
But I dont' feel yet that I have to post a new question, because there are so many of my questions already answered that I could read for hours. I am far from having exhausted the topics.
On the other hand there aren't so many topics to which I could answer myself yet, as I don't consider myself experienced enough.
So, I will ask something when/if I don't find the answer anywhere else, and I will answer when I really can contribute to the topics.

In the meanwhile, thanks to all of you who do post!


PS: plus, "And only 20% of members have posted to the forums more than once in the last 6 months"... 20% of a lot is a lot anyway, my 2 cents

Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:34
ruso al inglés
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In Memoriam
Where are my forum statistics? Oct 3, 2006

Andrea says her forum postings total 649. I think I have seen such a statistic for myself somewhere, but I can't find it. The logical place would seem to be under the "My ProZ.com" menu but I don't see it.

Aurora Humarán (X)
Aurora Humarán (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:34
inglés al español
+ ...
Profile Oct 3, 2006

Jack Doughty wrote:

Andrea says her forum postings total 649. I think I have seen such a statistic for myself somewhere, but I can't find it. The logical place would seem to be under the "My ProZ.com" menu but I don't see it.

You can see the info in your profile, Jack. (Profile tab, forums contributions).

Au ( 5,579 postings in six years)

Edited to add this:

My priorities: KudoZ and Forums. Forums have proved to me to be a Job area also (I have mentioned this lots of times) as good clients 'found' me in the fora and I (this is Aleph speaking now) 'found' excellent translators in the forums. (You can know much more about a translator in this way than by reading a CV.)

I have only been assigned two jobs through bidding (a bad combination probably: my rates and my nationality ); From my experience, networking (kudoz, forums, powwows, etc.) is key.

I was once surprised by the 'agree' from a colleague in the kudoZ: it was evident that he knew what he was talking about. I went to his profile and kept him in my database. Happy end: very soon I contacted him for a huge project. Kudoz and forums show you real translators in action, you can even have an idea of other soft areas (e.g. manners) which are as important as professional skills (hard areas.)


[Editado a las 2006-10-03 11:30]

Brandis (X)
Brandis (X)
Local time: 03:34
inglés al alemán
+ ...
I post and read a lot as well Oct 3, 2006

Proz.com forums have always been a wonderful resource in case of help, getting to know the community, above all fast reaction to a given problem. I haven´t counted how many forums I participate in, but surely a lot of them. Just now checked, it is about 1223 forums sofar. Most postings are mainly repeats, so lately I just read the thread headline and either then read or go further to the next. Best Brandis

[Edited at 2006-10-03 13:32]

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 21:34
Response to Andrea Oct 3, 2006

Andrea Ali wrote:
Most members (ie. paying members) have never posted in the forums at all. And only 20% of members have posted to the forums more than once in the last 6 months. The percentage of non-members posting to the forums is even lower.

Are you making direct reference to this poll or to other stats? If it is the former, 500 votes would not be that representative. I guess you must be talking about other stats. I am curious about it!

Database stats. Most members have never posted.

Alicia Casal
Alicia Casal  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:34
inglés al español
+ ...
I guess Oct 3, 2006

It s related to personality.
Sometimes i interrupt my job to participate.
I can t help it!

Others, I also guess, read and follow the fora with interest.


Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 02:34
ruso al inglés
+ ...
In Memoriam
Forum postings data found - thanks, Au. Oct 3, 2006

But I still couldn't find this information at first. It only appears on the "Standardized" display format, not the "Personalized" one.

Claudia Aguero
Claudia Aguero  Identity Verified
Costa Rica
Local time: 19:34
español al inglés
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Encourage participation Oct 3, 2006

I think that many of us do not participate as often as we'd like because of time- and job-related issues. However, participation might be encouraged by placing a link in the "Kudoz term question" section or in the home page, right where ads for Proz.com conferences are placed.

In fact, in many cases, I don't even remember about the fora, since I go directly to the "Kudoz term question".

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Poll: Are you active on the ProZ.com's forums?

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