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Poll: If a CAT tool has increased your revenues, it is because...
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Sep 6, 2016

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "If a CAT tool has increased your revenues, it is because...".

This poll was originally submitted by Hugo Martínez Andrade. View the poll results »

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:21
Miembro 2005
inglés al japonés
+ ...
Where did this idea come from? Sep 6, 2016

I believe this person who thought of this poll has never used a CAT tool because a CAT tool would NEVER increase one's revenues but is quite the opposite.

Local time: 09:21
español al inglés
+ ...
Other Sep 6, 2016

I find the obsession with "more, more, more" expressed by the tiresome notion of "increasing revenues" distasteful. Not all translators are struggling or grasping; some of us are content with the amount of work/clients/income we have.

PS: Questions like this always seem to assume that if one is successful it is by design. On the contrary, I have no idea how I ended up with my current client portfolio, other than by word-of-mouth recommendation from satisfied customers. I certainly d
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I find the obsession with "more, more, more" expressed by the tiresome notion of "increasing revenues" distasteful. Not all translators are struggling or grasping; some of us are content with the amount of work/clients/income we have.

PS: Questions like this always seem to assume that if one is successful it is by design. On the contrary, I have no idea how I ended up with my current client portfolio, other than by word-of-mouth recommendation from satisfied customers. I certainly didn't set out with a scheme or plan, which, as the bard reminds us, "gang aft agley".

[Edited at 2016-09-06 08:38 GMT]

EvaVer (X)
EvaVer (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
checo al francés
+ ...
It is true Sep 6, 2016

that some clients require the use of a CAT tool, so yes, I couldn't work for certain clients without one.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
Miembro 2006
alemán al inglés
Other Sep 6, 2016

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

I believe this person who thought of this poll has never used a CAT tool because a CAT tool would NEVER increase one's revenues but is quite the opposite.

That is not quite true. In some cases customers are not aware how CAT tools work and if I get a translation with 50% 100% matches that are paid to 100% (which is not the norm!!!) then I increase my revenue - do you use a CAT tool?

I am quite content with the work / customers that I have which does not mean that I push in more than I can handle, but the CAT tool has increase my efficiency and I would definately not be earning what I do if I did not use a CAT tool.

This would obviously be a different case for those where using a CAT tool is not any use....

[Edited at 2016-09-06 14:49 GMT]

Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
Reino Unido
Miembro 2011
sueco al inglés
+ ...
Other Sep 6, 2016

Because I get the work done faster.

(I should add: I use CAT for my convenience, not for the customer's; I don't charge less for matches)

[Edited at 2016-09-06 09:56 GMT]

Local time: 16:21
Miembro 2013
inglés al japonés
+ ...
CAT tool can reduce time but increase our workload. Sep 6, 2016

CAT tool can reduce rate but also increase workload. Wish they can spare me some tag spree! I have never seen a CAT tool that can always reduce tasks instead of increasing.

We pay for them and got rate - cut so sometimes I wonder what is going on.
Someone said translators need to buy an espresso machine on their own just in order to buy a cup of coffee at kiosk every morning...

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

I believe this person who thought of this poll has never used a CAT tool because a CAT tool would NEVER increase one's revenues but is quite the opposite.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:21
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
I don't use CAT tools! Sep 6, 2016

I’m one of those translators that are on their way to extinction, also known in the trade as dinosaurs, because I don’t use CAT tools. In general, the type of work I do is neither very technical nor repetitive, with one exception: I have a long-standing customer for whom I have been translating medical devices certifications and, though these tend to be very similar, I don’t need to spend money on a CAT tool just to change a date or a name. Anyway, call me old-fashioned, but I’ve always ... See more
I’m one of those translators that are on their way to extinction, also known in the trade as dinosaurs, because I don’t use CAT tools. In general, the type of work I do is neither very technical nor repetitive, with one exception: I have a long-standing customer for whom I have been translating medical devices certifications and, though these tend to be very similar, I don’t need to spend money on a CAT tool just to change a date or a name. Anyway, call me old-fashioned, but I’ve always approached my craft more as an artisan…Collapse

Ana Vozone
Ana Vozone  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:21
Miembro 2010
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Other, including peace of mind... Sep 6, 2016

I have used CAT tools (Trados initially, now Studio as well, and Wordbee) for many years now.

I find that the basic Trados help(ed)(s) me immensely, as it shows sentences one by one, neatly, so it immediately decreases the chance of skipping sentences or paragraphs. For this feature alone, CAT tools are a plus.

The basic Trados (and, of course, the more sophisticated Studio) has the WinAlign feature, which lets you create memories and, therefore, create a terminology so
... See more
I have used CAT tools (Trados initially, now Studio as well, and Wordbee) for many years now.

I find that the basic Trados help(ed)(s) me immensely, as it shows sentences one by one, neatly, so it immediately decreases the chance of skipping sentences or paragraphs. For this feature alone, CAT tools are a plus.

The basic Trados (and, of course, the more sophisticated Studio) has the WinAlign feature, which lets you create memories and, therefore, create a terminology source. This is a fantastic feature as well.

I have clients that only work with me because I have CAT tools. That is a plus too, so I get more clients because of CAT tools. More clients, more revenue and certainly more choice.

I know I work faster because of CAT tools and always use Trados, even if the client does not require that I do.

So, CAT tools have increased my revenue, because they allow me to work faster and to have more clients.

Anne-Laure Martin
Anne-Laure Martin  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:21
español al francés
+ ...
Calculation Sep 6, 2016

It is quite difficult to calculate any increase in revenue directly imputable to the CAT tools. I can tell my impression though. With all the time I have lost because of CAT tools in general in 10 years, I would say that my impression is that they did not help increase my revenue in terms of making me work faster.

Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:21
Miembro 2007
+ ...
I can sometimes be more productive Sep 6, 2016

That gives a higher rate per hour, but I imagine the poll is referring to rate per word (?) so I answered "other"".

I never let clients tell me what discounts to give them (that's just absurd in my book) and to be honest I use my CAT mostly for QA, the glossaries and concordance searches. But occasionally I have a client who comes up with very similar texts time and time again. I have one at the moment and I charged 100% at first but now that my TM is proving extremely useful I offe
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That gives a higher rate per hour, but I imagine the poll is referring to rate per word (?) so I answered "other"".

I never let clients tell me what discounts to give them (that's just absurd in my book) and to be honest I use my CAT mostly for QA, the glossaries and concordance searches. But occasionally I have a client who comes up with very similar texts time and time again. I have one at the moment and I charged 100% at first but now that my TM is proving extremely useful I offer a discount. His invoice states the full rate for the job, with a second line giving a negative amount. It's calculated from a 50% discount on reps/100%s and 25% on 85+% fuzzies. I don't go into that detail with him though. I just tell him the truth: we're sharing the benefits of my CAT tool. Hopefully he'll think twice about going elsewhere, and I'll keep earning well from a good client.

Yasutomo Kanazawa
Yasutomo Kanazawa  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:21
Miembro 2005
inglés al japonés
+ ...
Maybe so, but there are conditions. Sep 6, 2016

Michael Harris wrote:

Yasutomo Kanazawa wrote:

I believe this person who thought of this poll has never used a CAT tool because a CAT tool would NEVER increase one's revenues but is quite the opposite.

That is not quite true. In some cases customers are not aware how CAT tools work and if I get a translation with 50% 100% matches that are paid to 100% (which is not the norm!!!) then I increase my revenue - do you use a CAT tool?

I am quite content with the work / customers that I have which does not mean that I push in more than I can handle, but the CAT tool has increase my efficiency and I would definately not be earning what I do if I did not use a CAT tool.

This would obviously be a different case for those where using a CAT tool is not any use....

[Edited at 2016-09-06 09:30 GMT]

Only in some cases where an agency is not involved (direct clients). Yes I do have and use a CAT tool, so I know how it works.
Like you mentioned above, there are certain conditions to be met in order to boost your revenues.
But most of the time, use of a CAT tool forces you to negotiate with your clients regarding "Trados breakdowns", a term which most translators hate to hear or see.

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:21
inglés al español
+ ...
Assumptions Sep 6, 2016

If you believe using a CAT tool (or any software tool) has increased your revenues, you are either a salesman or a misinformed and gullible person.

Software companies thrive because they keep selling the same software program, only with more bells and whistles with each new version. Most of us have experienced this. A run-of-the-mill word processor, such as WordPerfect or Word, should be sufficient to write any document with just enough formatting. But, no, software companies have t
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If you believe using a CAT tool (or any software tool) has increased your revenues, you are either a salesman or a misinformed and gullible person.

Software companies thrive because they keep selling the same software program, only with more bells and whistles with each new version. Most of us have experienced this. A run-of-the-mill word processor, such as WordPerfect or Word, should be sufficient to write any document with just enough formatting. But, no, software companies have to add more stuff to it.

Speaking of CAT tools, I believe they reached their peak years ago. In other words, even incremental improvements are insignificant to a translator. I've been using Trados and Dejà Vú since 1998 and 1999, respectively, and I've seen how they've improved. But beyond a certain point, so-called improvements are meaningless. In fact, some new features require you to do more clicks, which is the opposite of being “productive.”

Like Neillmac, I find this obsession with speed, productivity and increased revenues or sales by means of using a tool, feline or otherwise, quite distasteful and a waste of time.

Maybe the poll author is trying to convince himself that he needs a newer or shinier CAT tool to be more marketable or to become a better translator. I said it before: if you don't excel at writing, you have no business being a translator.

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:21
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
Other Sep 6, 2016

This may be true up to a point, but increased revenue comes at a cost. Like that?

I prefer to use CAT tools since they offer me big features that ensure that I can get a better job done by ensuring accuracy and consistency in big files and across various files that comprise a big project. Use of CAT tools is the norm in technical translation. Period!

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:21
inglés al español
+ ...
The CAT tool's meow Sep 6, 2016

Julian Holmes wrote:

This may be true up to a point, but increased revenue comes at a cost. Like that?

I prefer to use CAT tools since they offer me big features that ensure that I can get a better job done by ensuring accuracy and consistency in big files and across various files that comprise a big project. Use of CAT tools is the norm in technical translation. Period!

You sound like you took too much coffee today, heheh.

Far be it from me to be an either-or kind of guy. Some software programs are a necessity. For example, I may be a well-trained technical writer, steeped in all the do's and dont's of writing manuals, but the marketplace (i.e. clients, colleagues, etc.) will ask me to produce documents using AuthorIt, MadCap or some other software package.

I tread carefully around the word “consistency” in translation, which has become a buzzword among software salespeople, translators and terminologists. Just sayin'

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Poll: If a CAT tool has increased your revenues, it is because...

Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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