Poll: Do you actively market your services to potential clients?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Dec 31, 2012

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Do you actively market your services to potential clients?".

This poll was originally submitted by Gianluca Marras. View the poll results »

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 14:16
italiano al inglés
No but ... Dec 31, 2012

I answered No but, as staff member Lucia Leszinski reminded me in a recent virtual conference, my ProZ.com profile is doing exactly that.

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:16
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Yes, but only when work is slow Dec 31, 2012

I must say that this is the only activity where I always have this vague notion that I never get done quite as much as I should.

Happy New Year to all Prozians!

Local time: 15:16
español al inglés
+ ...
No Dec 31, 2012

Just because I have a proz profile doesn't mean I'm touting for clients. For one reason or another, I tend to end up refusing most offers that come my way nowadays.

Can't one simply have a presence just for its own sake, without any ulterior motives?

Rebecca Garber
Rebecca Garber  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:16
Miembro 2005
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Not actively Dec 31, 2012

If my ProZ profile is doing the work, then that's lovely. Otherwise, I haven't actively looked for projects in 4 years. I have a nice niche and do it well.

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:16
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Other Dec 31, 2012

Well, my profile here is doing the marketing.

Other than that I only contact potential clients when I'm really interested in working with them.

JaneTranslates  Identity Verified
Puerto Rico
Local time: 09:16
español al inglés
+ ...
No. Dec 31, 2012

I get very few offers via my ProZ profile, and turn down almost all of those, for reasons ranging from extremely low rates to offers that do not fit my skills. I suspect that potential clients who come here send out blanket offers. Even the ones that use my name will be outside my fields and language pairs as often as not.

I get almost all my jobs via word-of-mouth. My former professors, my colleagues who work English > Spanish (same pair as me, opposite direction), and my clients r
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I get very few offers via my ProZ profile, and turn down almost all of those, for reasons ranging from extremely low rates to offers that do not fit my skills. I suspect that potential clients who come here send out blanket offers. Even the ones that use my name will be outside my fields and language pairs as often as not.

I get almost all my jobs via word-of-mouth. My former professors, my colleagues who work English > Spanish (same pair as me, opposite direction), and my clients recommend me to others.

I might be willing to contact potential clients, but I don't really know who that might be. My biggest client is one that I never dreamed would need translation services INTO ENGLISH. Once in a great while, when things are slow, I call the agency where I got my professional start and ask if they've got anything for me.

I figure my success at getting good jobs without advertising is due to my being very lucky, very blessed...and (forgive me) very good.


Allison Wright (X)
Allison Wright (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:16
No perceived need Dec 31, 2012

At the moment, I am happy to say, I have no need to engage in active marketing. There are a couple of potential clients who have requested me to translate for them in the past. I have refused because I have had other work on the go. These would be the first I would approach if I saw a serious downturn in volume looming.

Steve Kerry
Steve Kerry  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:16
alemán al inglés
Yes and no... Dec 31, 2012

I must admit that I have managed for the last twenty years on "word of mouth" recommendation and long-term clients, without any need to advertise. However, I have recently been looking for a replacement for one of my long-term clients - things are looking quite promising at the moment and hopefully I will soon not need to "market myself" for another twenty years!

Steve K.

Triston Goodwin
Triston Goodwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 07:16
español al inglés
+ ...
I do, but should be doing more Dec 31, 2012

Like the other posts, most of my work gets to me on its own, but I do actively market my services in certain markets where I genuinely enjoy to work. And when ever I don't have paying work in those fields I can always find volunteer work ^_^

I've been toying with contacting some potential clients from different fields here in my area, but have been busy with holidays and the like. It's near the top of my to-do list for '13 though!


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Poll: Do you actively market your services to potential clients?

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