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The difference between proofreading and editing

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anitha gomathy
anitha gomathy  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:03
inglés al malayalamo
+ ...
Payment information! Nov 6, 2012


I would like to participate in it.

Could you let me know the payment information about this except sending some links.



Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Payment information! Nov 6, 2012

anitha gomathy wrote:


I would like to participate in it.

Could you let me know the payment information about this except sending some links.



Hello Anitha,

The session costs 15 USD. To purchase access to the session click on "Purchase for $12.00" at the right upper corner. Please follow the payment steps suggested. Remember, 72 hours before the session you will be emailed a link to the GoToWebinar platform from "gotowebinar @" to use to join the session.

Hope this helps.

My bests,

Natalia Mackevich
Natalia Mackevich  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 23:33
inglés al ruso
+ ...
See the Registration block (upper right corner) Nov 6, 2012

"Purchase for USD12"

Astrid Vallero (X)
Astrid Vallero (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:33
italiano al inglés
+ ...
rate Nov 6, 2012

I registered earlier today when the early bird offer was on, though soon after I was told there were no more places. Now it seems that a few places have been added but the price has gone up by €3.

Germaine  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:33
inglés al francés
+ ...
rate Nov 29, 2012

Helen Shepelenko wrote:
The session costs 15 USD.

Natalia Mackevich wrote:
"Purchase for USD12"

Astrid Vallero wrote:
...the price has gone up by €3.

Well... Not so bad! On my screen, I read "Buy it for $24.00" !!!

Susana Chavez
Susana Chavez  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:33
inglés al español
+ ...
rate Nov 29, 2012

Germaine wrote:

Helen Shepelenko wrote:
The session costs 15 USD.

Natalia Mackevich wrote:
"Purchase for USD12"

Astrid Vallero wrote:
...the price has gone up by €3.

Well... Not so bad! On my screen, I read "Buy it for $24.00" !!!

In my screen too.... $24.00 ... why the differences???

Laura Barzilai
Laura Barzilai  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:33
inglés al español
+ ...
New price Nov 29, 2012

The price in my screen is also $ 24!! Weird!!

Vendula Habr (X)
Vendula Habr (X)
República Checa
Local time: 00:33
inglés al checo
+ ...
rate Nov 29, 2012

I also read USD 24.00. Different price for different people?

Melanie Meyer
Melanie Meyer  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 18:33
Miembro 2010
inglés al alemán
+ ...
$24 Nov 29, 2012

Germaine wrote:

Helen Shepelenko wrote:
The session costs 15 USD.

Natalia Mackevich wrote:
"Purchase for USD12"

Astrid Vallero wrote:
...the price has gone up by €3.

Well... Not so bad! On my screen, I read "Buy it for $24.00" !!!

Same here, I paid $24. Did I miss something here?

Catherine GUILLIAUMET  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:33
inglés al francés
+ ...
In Memoriam
22 euro now ! Nov 29, 2012


Now I can see : price : 22 €, i.e. a little more than USD 28.4 !!

I have the feeling of being on a wellknown online auction website

It is somewhat unfortunate.


Attila Piróth
Attila Piróth  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:33
inglés al húngaro
+ ...
"Special - 3 seats remain" Nov 29, 2012

EUR 22. Has the pricing scheme of low-cost airlines been adapted?


Germaine  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:33
inglés al francés
+ ...
eProz-bay? Nov 29, 2012

Indeed. As there were 5 places (now 2) remaining, the price went up to $28...
I don't mind a different price applying to non-member (that's usual practice) but at least,
members should benefit from one basic price, whether or not 30 or 2 places remain.

Edited to add:
Besides, considering this is an interactive training, it might be much more profitable - both for Proz and to members - to organize 2 or 3 smaller groups and successive or different day presentations
... See more
Indeed. As there were 5 places (now 2) remaining, the price went up to $28...
I don't mind a different price applying to non-member (that's usual practice) but at least,
members should benefit from one basic price, whether or not 30 or 2 places remain.

Edited to add:
Besides, considering this is an interactive training, it might be much more profitable - both for Proz and to members - to organize 2 or 3 smaller groups and successive or different day presentations, than that huge 110 people group.

[Edited at 2012-11-29 21:28 GMT]

Soledad Azcona
Soledad Azcona  Identity Verified
inglés al español
+ ...
Price has increased overtime Nov 29, 2012

Hi all,

Like in other training sessions or events, those that purchase their seats earlier get an "early bird" or cheaper price, and those that purchase later or last minute, get to pay a higher price. We also apply a price increase based on the number of registrants in a course ie. the first 15 pay one price, the next 10 pay another price etc.

In this case the price has slightly increased several times since the date when it was announced to now that we are closer to t
... See more
Hi all,

Like in other training sessions or events, those that purchase their seats earlier get an "early bird" or cheaper price, and those that purchase later or last minute, get to pay a higher price. We also apply a price increase based on the number of registrants in a course ie. the first 15 pay one price, the next 10 pay another price etc.

In this case the price has slightly increased several times since the date when it was announced to now that we are closer to the date and we have more than 100 paid. We always advice to secure your seat in advance if you are interested in a course. In this way you get to secure your seat, pay a lower price, and also we get to know in advance if the minimum required to run the course is reached - unfortunately, sometimes we are forced to cancel or reschedule a course if just very few express interest in advance.

Hope this answers your question.



Maria Popova
Maria Popova  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 16:33
inglés al ruso
+ ...
From 12 to 32 USD Nov 30, 2012

The price I see is 32 USD, though it's still like 3 weeks before the seminar. Your price changed from 12 to 32 USD. Which is kind of unfriendly:(

Helena El Masri
Helena El Masri  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:33
inglés al portugués
+ ...
My screen also shows $32USD Nov 30, 2012

Has the price increased?

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The difference between proofreading and editing

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