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Poll: How often do make a backup of your work?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jul 12, 2011

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How often do make a backup of your work?".

This poll was originally submitted by Kerstin Mouhannaya. View the poll results »

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 18:25
alemán al inglés
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Daily Jul 12, 2011

Everything is automatically backed up to a NAS device every night. We recently moved over from a tape-based system. Touch wood, I don't remember ever having to use the backup but I'm very glad it's there.

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:25
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
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Daily, of course. Jul 12, 2011

Every evening I do a backup on a Memory stick.
And it did come in handy once.

Simon Cole
Simon Cole  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 18:25
Miembro 2008
francés al inglés
Often Jul 12, 2011

I voted Daily, but actually back up at the end of a project, document or before lunch (to a 2nd internal hard disk) and after accepting and setting up a new project.
At the end of the day to the 2nd internal HD and an external HD.
This way, even if I delete something by accident, I can recover it from the Recycle bin or the int/ext HD.
I also have a UPS to protect against power cuts.
Paranoia? Yes, right up to the moment when you need it!

Vibeke Degn-P
Vibeke Degn-P  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:25
Miembro 2010
inglés al noruego
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Every time I press save Jul 12, 2011

Every time I press save, the file is uploaded to an internetbased backup, so I do backup of my work very, very often.
And my backup has saved me several times:
* When my computer broke down
* When my cat broke my computer down
* That time when Trados broke down and deleted everything just before delivery of a huge project.
* When I was away on holdiday and the customer had "lost" my translation. Then I could log on to my backup, find the file and send it from a bo
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Every time I press save, the file is uploaded to an internetbased backup, so I do backup of my work very, very often.
And my backup has saved me several times:
* When my computer broke down
* When my cat broke my computer down
* That time when Trados broke down and deleted everything just before delivery of a huge project.
* When I was away on holdiday and the customer had "lost" my translation. Then I could log on to my backup, find the file and send it from a borrowed computer.
Life without constant backup would be a life with sleepless nights.

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Reino Unido
Local time: 18:25
francés al inglés
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Daily + when necessary Jul 12, 2011

I've just been experiencing huge problems with my 5-year-old computer and I'm so glad I subscribe to Mozy which does an automatic back-up of all my files every evening. I have had to restore files on a handful of occasions over the years and it makes it a very worthwhile subscription! I've also been backing up to Dropbox when I'm in the middle of a long project, just in case I can't access my main computer, so can work on any of my other computers that have Dropbox installed - also a lifesaver! ... See more
I've just been experiencing huge problems with my 5-year-old computer and I'm so glad I subscribe to Mozy which does an automatic back-up of all my files every evening. I have had to restore files on a handful of occasions over the years and it makes it a very worthwhile subscription! I've also been backing up to Dropbox when I'm in the middle of a long project, just in case I can't access my main computer, so can work on any of my other computers that have Dropbox installed - also a lifesaver! The computer repair chap who came round at some point in the repair process told me that you should ideally have three back-ups - one off-site, one on a hard drive and one on CD or a data stick! That seems slightly over the top to me, but I suppose for really important files, it might be worth considering.

We ended up jettisoning my old computer in the end, having wiped and then reinstalled the whole operating system, but it was still freezing and obviously had a corrupt hard disc (which didn't show on the hard disc diagnostics process!). All my files are now up-and-running on a new computer, but back-up will remain a priority!

Local time: 19:25
español al inglés
+ ...
Other Jul 12, 2011

I never used to back up much, but nowadays I usually save my work folder, which contains all the client folders and TMs, etc, for the past few years, every day or two, or at least a couple of times a week, on a pen drive.

I bought an exterior hard drive a couple of years ago to back up my whole hard disk, but it was a pain, very slow, and there was always something which couldn't be saved /copied, and it conked out after about 6 months and, true to form, I hadn't kept the receipt
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I never used to back up much, but nowadays I usually save my work folder, which contains all the client folders and TMs, etc, for the past few years, every day or two, or at least a couple of times a week, on a pen drive.

I bought an exterior hard drive a couple of years ago to back up my whole hard disk, but it was a pain, very slow, and there was always something which couldn't be saved /copied, and it conked out after about 6 months and, true to form, I hadn't kept the receipt (always keep your receipt, folks!).

The pen drive works fine though, and I update the work folder onto my backup PCs on a quite regular basis so if one crashes, I always have a more or less recent version of everything to hand.

Local time: 19:25
español al inglés
+ ...
Me too Jul 12, 2011

Simon Cole wrote:
I also have a UPS to protect against power cuts.
Paranoia? Yes, right up to the moment when you need it!

A must-have in my area, where power surges, brownouts and occasional scary thunderstorms are the norm. I recenty invested in surge-breakers for the sockets too, just in case. Better safe than sorry!

Local time: 19:25
español al inglés
+ ...
Security issues? Jul 12, 2011

[quote]Vibeke Degn-P wrote:

"Every time I press save, the file is uploaded to an internetbased backup ..."

I just wonder if anyone share my instinctive reservations about storing all their info in a cybercloud somewhere like this, or is just an old geezer's incipient technofear?

Steven Capsuto
Steven Capsuto  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:25
Miembro 2004
español al inglés
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Other: Manually, several times a day Jul 12, 2011

Why is it assumed that "several times a day" is synonymous with automatic backup systems?

Mike (de Oliveira) Brady
Mike (de Oliveira) Brady  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Miembro 2008
portugués al inglés
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Cloud storage makes it easy Jul 12, 2011

I backup to a cloud storage mirror of my documents folder before I leave the house with my laptop (which is password protected), just in case it goes missing. I do the same if I have done a large amount of work and would hate to lose it. Otherwise, it is about weekly. I back up to an external hard drive a little less frequently as that is useful for restoring the entire system if I have to change computers for any reason (or upgrade my hard drive as I did recently).

I wrote an artic
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I backup to a cloud storage mirror of my documents folder before I leave the house with my laptop (which is password protected), just in case it goes missing. I do the same if I have done a large amount of work and would hate to lose it. Otherwise, it is about weekly. I back up to an external hard drive a little less frequently as that is useful for restoring the entire system if I have to change computers for any reason (or upgrade my hard drive as I did recently).

I wrote an article a while ago in praise of cloud storage if anyone wants to know more. Not only did cloud storage save me when my laptop died, I was able to continue working virtually uninterrupted:

I use IMAP for my emails, so they remain on the server and I can access them online. In fact, I use mail forwarding to the IMAP system so I have duplicate online backups. See:

Vibeke Degn-P
Vibeke Degn-P  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:25
Miembro 2010
inglés al noruego
+ ...
Security Jul 12, 2011

[quote]neilmac wrote:

Vibeke Degn-P wrote:

"Every time I press save, the file is uploaded to an internetbased backup ..."

I just wonder if anyone share my instinctive reservations about storing all their info in a cybercloud somewhere like this, or is just an old geezer's incipient technofear?

Oh, I care about security, trust me. Of course, I decide what files are beeing uploaded, by deciding what folder I store it in. Not all folders are automatically backed up.
But most of my work is meant to be published, either in books, magazines or newspapers. Being true to a deadline in a tight production line is far more important than the very theoretical scenario that someone would hack my backup account in order to get their hands on a cookbook a month before it hits the stores.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:25
Miembro 2006
alemán al inglés
A general Jul 12, 2011

backup during the day or a backup of the whole system?
The first, several times a day and the latter, once a week

Anthony Baldwin
Anthony Baldwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:25
portugués al inglés
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monthly Jul 12, 2011

I hvae an external usb hard drive, and once a month I plug it in and do

rsync -rvua /home/tony /media/Elements/

But, since I use Debian GNU/Linux Stable, I've not once in 10 years needed it for software issues.
Once I had a hard drive fail, back in 2006 (it was old).
Also, when I bought a new kit this winter, it was handy for moving all my stuff onto the new machine.

Noni Gilbert Riley
Noni Gilbert Riley
Local time: 19:25
español al inglés
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As a member of that shamefaced group... Jul 12, 2011

...called "only when I remember" (which is actually pretty often in my case), perhaps we should petition Proz to run a poll as often as possible with variations on this question, since it's a pretty good reminder to do one of your sporadic back-ups!

And for the procrastinators, reading about all the automatic systems again and again may finally pitch us over into doing something about making our back-up provision more reliable.

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Poll: How often do make a backup of your work?

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