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Poll: In what language(s) do you talk to your pet(s)?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jun 30, 2011

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "In what language(s) do you talk to your pet(s)?".

This poll was originally submitted by Monika Jakacka. View the poll results »

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:19
Miembro 2006
alemán al inglés
dont have any animals Jun 30, 2011

but if I did, then the local language - German here

Marta Riosalido
Marta Riosalido
Local time: 19:19
alemán al español
+ ...
If not in Spanish Jun 30, 2011

how could she (Lucila, my cat) possibly under stand me??

Noni Gilbert Riley
Noni Gilbert Riley
Local time: 19:19
español al inglés
+ ...
Test cases Jun 30, 2011

The recent hot weather here in Spain has tested out this question for me: having all the windows and doors open to try and create some kind of through breeze means that the delighted cats can come and go as they wish and can appear at any time of the night to disturb your fitful sleep (the new cat is a toe licker and her victorious purring sounds like a steam roller) and if possible to snuggle up to you and make you feel even hotter and sweatier. I can assure you that I have sworn lengthily at t... See more
The recent hot weather here in Spain has tested out this question for me: having all the windows and doors open to try and create some kind of through breeze means that the delighted cats can come and go as they wish and can appear at any time of the night to disturb your fitful sleep (the new cat is a toe licker and her victorious purring sounds like a steam roller) and if possible to snuggle up to you and make you feel even hotter and sweatier. I can assure you that I have sworn lengthily at them both in Spanish and in English, meaning that even when half asleep I have very little contol over what language comes out!Collapse

Heidi Fayolle (X)
Heidi Fayolle (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:19
francés al alemán
Both Jun 30, 2011

but in any case he (Baloo, a Golden Retriever) only understands what he wants to unterstand...;)

Viola Briatkova
Viola Briatkova
Local time: 19:19
eslovaco al inglés
+ ...
:D :D Jun 30, 2011

aceavila - Noni wrote:

The recent hot weather here in Spain has tested out this question for me: having all the windows and doors open to try and create some kind of through breeze means that the delighted cats can come and go as they wish and can appear at any time of the night to disturb your fitful sleep (the new cat is a toe licker and her victorious purring sounds like a steam roller) and if possible to snuggle up to you and make you feel even hotter and sweatier. I can assure you that I have sworn lengthily at them both in Spanish and in English, meaning that even when half asleep I have very little contol over what language comes out!

I see that my cat is not alone doing this...

Ventnai  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:19
alemán al inglés
+ ...
multi-lingual Jun 30, 2011

My cats are usually spoken to in Spanish, sometimes English, occasionally in German, less often in French plus a much used phrase in Hungarian that a friend taught me.

Sandra Petch
Sandra Petch
Local time: 19:19
francés al inglés
+ ...
Hungarian phrase Jun 30, 2011

Ian Jones wrote:

My cats are usually spoken to in Spanish, sometimes English, occasionally in German, less often in French plus a much used phrase in Hungarian that a friend taught me.

Of the kind that would be labelled "may be considered offensive" if posted as a question?

David Wright
David Wright  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:19
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Both Jun 30, 2011

after all, everyone needs to be bilingual nowadays if they wish to succeed in modern society - and the dog is equally disobedient in both languages.

Local time: 19:19
español al inglés
+ ...
Try mosquiteras Jun 30, 2011

aceavila - Noni wrote:

The recent hot weather here in Spain has tested out this question for me: having all the windows and doors open to try and create some kind of through breeze means that the delighted cats can come and go as they wish ...

A place near me makes window-frame sized mosquiteras so you can leave your windows open for fresh air but things can't fly in (we have kamikaze mantises which can be scary). Cats wouldn't get in that way either. They fit your window frame snugly and are reasonably cheap (the mosquito nets, not the moggies!) ...

DianeGM  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:19
Miembro 2006
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
In both my native languages ... Jun 30, 2011

David Wright wrote:

... and the dog is equally disobedient in both languages.


Local time: 19:19
español al inglés
+ ...
A blend Jun 30, 2011

A mix of Spanish, English or that goo-goo-ga-ga-boo-boo language we tend to resort to with babies and pets. Dogs tend to be more sensitive to tone/intonation and other semantic cues anyway so I suppose it doesn't matter either way...

Having been stung three time in the past week by wasps while gardening I am afraid the language I use to address them is unfit for publication here in any tongue..

Local time: 19:19
español al inglés
+ ...
Check out the "Dog Whisperer" Jun 30, 2011

DianeGM wrote:

David Wright wrote:

... and the dog is equally disobedient in both languages.


Maybe you should try Cesar Millan's methods, I find them great with some people too... the website is http://www.cesarsway.com/

[Edited at 2011-06-30 10:21 GMT]

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:19
español al inglés
+ ...
Nice question Jun 30, 2011

A humorous but interesting question.

To tell the truth, I've never really noticed. I suppose I speak a mix of Catalan and English to my fish (Shubunkins, comets, platies, guppies, bettas, neon tetras, and corydoras), just as I do with my family.

Eloïse Notet-Gilet
Eloïse Notet-Gilet
Local time: 19:19
Miembro 2005
alemán al francés
+ ...
several languages! Jun 30, 2011

In my cat's vaccination card, I even wrote "bilingual" under "distinguishing features".. !!

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Poll: In what language(s) do you talk to your pet(s)?

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