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Poll: Before leaving for vacation, I...
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Sep 24, 2009

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Before leaving for vacation, I...".

This poll was originally submitted by Miho Ohashi

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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Before leaving for vacation, I...".

This poll was originally submitted by Miho Ohashi

View the poll here

A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see: http://proz.com/topic/33629

Sophie Dzhygir
Sophie Dzhygir  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
alemán al francés
+ ...
Combination Sep 24, 2009

I send an e-mail. That's all I used to do, but I have changed hoster and now I can setup an auto-responder, so I do that too.

Sandra Petch
Sandra Petch
Local time: 23:16
francés al inglés
+ ...
Also a combination Sep 24, 2009

I let clients know by email in advance (usually when sending a translation I add a little note) plus I set up an "out of office" autoresponder... which doesn't mean I don't get the odd work phone call while on holiday!

Carla Catolino
Carla Catolino
Local time: 23:16
Miembro 2008
italiano al inglés
+ ...
I am a true.... Sep 24, 2009

slave to my job and I don't tell my clients that I will be out of the office because I still check my mail from my mobile!

Mary Worby
Mary Worby  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 22:16
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Likewise Sep 24, 2009

Carla Catolino wrote:

slave to my job and I don't tell my clients that I will be out of the office because I still check my mail from my mobile!

Although I do tell them I am going, they seem to take little notice and e-mail anyway! I find it's useful to be able to line up the work for when I get back!

Catherine Winzer
Catherine Winzer  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
alemán al inglés
+ ...
e-mail and auto-response Sep 24, 2009

Like Sophie, I send an e-mail to my regular clients before I go away and set up my e-mail account to send an automatic notification that I'm not available.

Jocelyne S
Jocelyne S  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
francés al inglés
+ ...
Me too Sep 24, 2009

Catherine Knight wrote:

Like Sophie, I send an e-mail to my regular clients before I go away and set up my e-mail account to send an automatic notification that I'm not available.

I'm like Sophie and Catherine, too.

Marcus Malabad
Marcus Malabad  Identity Verified
alemán al inglés
+ ...
nothing Sep 24, 2009

Like Carla above, I still check my email while on vacation (except of course when I'm in the middle of the Pacific ocean diving with my club). I've been awarded major projects while still on vacation. I simply say I'll start working in x days. I used to set up an auto-responder but that did not discriminate so I'd rather write back.

Interlangue (X)
Interlangue (X)
Local time: 23:16
inglés al francés
+ ...
Several Sep 24, 2009

When they are planning their own schedule, customers contact me to know about my holiday plans.
When I have a reservation, I let everybody know about dates by email: one specific message and a note enclosed with my signature in any mail I send during a given period.
While I am away, incoming mail receives an automatic reply, specifying dates.

For a "long week-end", I tell regular customers who call or enclose a note with a translation I hand in.
If it is just one
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When they are planning their own schedule, customers contact me to know about my holiday plans.
When I have a reservation, I let everybody know about dates by email: one specific message and a note enclosed with my signature in any mail I send during a given period.
While I am away, incoming mail receives an automatic reply, specifying dates.

For a "long week-end", I tell regular customers who call or enclose a note with a translation I hand in.
If it is just one day, the automatic reply system will do the trick. For 3 or 4 extra days, I send a message (see above for holidays)

Deborah do Carmo
Deborah do Carmo  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:16
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
E-mail + BlackBerry Sep 24, 2009

Send an email informing them of the days I'll be away and have my BlackBerry with me to line up work for my return.

José Henrique Lamensdorf
José Henrique Lamensdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:16
inglés al portugués
+ ...
In Memoriam
Plus... Sep 24, 2009

... for my "frequent flyer" clients, I try to get some qualified, dependable colleague to cover their needs for me while I'm out, and get them set up together.

No, it's not one same translator for all of them, but one specialized in each client's most likely needs.

I had a permanent backup for my longest-standing client, actually they were the ones who introduced me to her. But she always manages to create interpersonal relationship problems wherever I suggest her, othe
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... for my "frequent flyer" clients, I try to get some qualified, dependable colleague to cover their needs for me while I'm out, and get them set up together.

No, it's not one same translator for all of them, but one specialized in each client's most likely needs.

I had a permanent backup for my longest-standing client, actually they were the ones who introduced me to her. But she always manages to create interpersonal relationship problems wherever I suggest her, other clients included, so I'm not doing it with her any more, ever!

For the past few years, these frequent flyers thank me for the heads-up, and advise me that they'll plan to hold everything they can until I'm back.

While I'm out, I go to a cybercafé every two days or so, and they keep me advised on what will be expecting me on my return. Thanks to my unlimited capacity e-mail service, they start stacking up files there.

Gianluca Marras
Gianluca Marras  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
inglés al italiano
it depends Sep 24, 2009

I call some clients (regular), I have the automatic response for the rest. But they all know that I check my email through my mobile, in case there is something which needs to be done shortly after I come back.

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 14:16
Miembro 2003
español al inglés
+ ...
I h aven't taken a vacation in 5 years Sep 24, 2009

I can never find the space in my schedule to get away.

When I've taken vacations in the past, I have notified my main clients by e-mail, but I avoid those automatic messages. For a translator, I don't think they're good for business. My own experience is that when I get one I go somewhere else to solve the problem. I mentally write the person off.

When clients offer a job, they usually give it to the first qualified person who responds - they don't wait for me - they mo
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I can never find the space in my schedule to get away.

When I've taken vacations in the past, I have notified my main clients by e-mail, but I avoid those automatic messages. For a translator, I don't think they're good for business. My own experience is that when I get one I go somewhere else to solve the problem. I mentally write the person off.

When clients offer a job, they usually give it to the first qualified person who responds - they don't wait for me - they move on. That's the way the business works. However, if I TELL them I'm away, they might unconsciously think I won't be available for a while.

I tend to get tied up with large projects from clients I know well - and they will know when I'm returning. I sdon't worry about losing the little ones.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:16
Miembro 2006
alemán al inglés
Call them Sep 25, 2009

I always call my regular customers and seeing that I always have my laptop with me on holiday, I check my mails a few times every day.
If the job is too big to be completed within a certain time, I have to leave it.

JaneTranslates  Identity Verified
Puerto Rico
Local time: 17:16
español al inglés
+ ...
Other--Pack up work to take along Sep 25, 2009

Yeah, yeah, I know...but almost all my work consists of large projects with fairly long deadlines. When I work on vacation, it's without pressure--nothing I HAVE to finish during that time--and anything I accomplish makes me feel so virtuous!

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