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SDLX - Can anybody recommend it?
Autor de la hebra: Nina Ouadia
Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
inglés al chino
+ ...
switch between SDLX and Trados May 2, 2007

Hi Sylvain,

Are you referring to the latest SDL Trados package? If this is the case, I would like to upgrade my present Trados (7.0).

Thanks in advance,


[/quote]Sylvain Leray wrote:

with the new package, you get SDLX and Trados together. If SDLX doesn't convince you, you can easily switch between the two programs.


Sylvain Leray
Sylvain Leray  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:21
Miembro 2003
alemán al francés
Yes May 2, 2007

Zhoudan wrote:

Hi Sylvain,

Are you referring to the latest SDL Trados package?

Yes: you can easily use Trados-TMs with SDLX, translate Trados files with SDLX, translate SDLX-files with TagEditor, create SDLX-termbases with XML Multiterm files, etc. Almost all formats are compatible between the 2 applications.


Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
inglés al chino
+ ...
Then still need to buy SDLX May 2, 2007

So you are talking about the compatibility. I was thinking the new package had integrated SDLX and Trados into one program, and you could use either SDLX or Trados within the same program. It seems that I misunderstood you in the first place.

I occassionally use SDLX Lite. The latest Lite version can translate TagEditor files. I have not tried the TM yet.

Thank you for the info.


Sylvain Leray wrote:

Yes: you can easily use Trados-TMs with SDLX, translate Trados files with SDLX, translate SDLX-files with TagEditor, create SDLX-termbases with XML Multiterm files, etc. Almost all formats are compatible between the 2 applications.

Sylvain Leray
Sylvain Leray  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:21
Miembro 2003
alemán al francés
It IS a package May 2, 2007

Zhoudan wrote:

So you are talking about the compatibility. I was thinking the new package had integrated SDLX and Trados into one program, and you could use either SDLX or Trados within the same program. It seems that I misunderstood you in the first place.

No, you did not misunderstood:

If you buy SDL Trados 2007, you will get Trados AND SDLX in one package. Two for the price of one, so to say.


Alexey Ivanov
Alexey Ivanov  Identity Verified
Federación Rusa
Local time: 16:21
inglés al ruso
Still DVX is easier but this is not the subject of this thread May 2, 2007

However, I do agree that format painting can sometimes be a real pain...

Hi Gigi,
I did not know that you could change the view choosing various types of tags and not only coloured segments, thank you indeed. But still inserting the tags (codes) in DVX is easier than doing format painting in SDLX. It also has one more function absent in SDLX - "assemblying" translation which allows to translate at least the words present in the Lexicon filling in the rest of the segment with the source text and assemble translation of segments from parts in other segments. But to answer the original question about SDLX I would say I would prefer it any time to Trados (when I am allowed to) and would recommend it to anyone. But the important point is that you really cannot depend on one tool to solve all your problems and any translator in my view should have several CAT tools: Trados for the jobs required by the client to be done solely in Trados or Trados TagEditor, SDLX or DVX for other types of files, Catalyst or similar for web and software localisation, and Heartsome Translation Suite for XLIFF files.

Best regards,


Nina Ouadia
Nina Ouadia  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:21
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Thank you all... May 2, 2007

... for your comments.

Seems as if most of you is satisfied with SDLX (or, at least eventually:-)

Zhoudan  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:21
inglés al chino
+ ...
This is great news May 3, 2007

I will take a careful look at their website and decide whether to upgrade. Thanks a billion.

Sylvain Leray wrote:

If you buy SDL Trados 2007, you will get Trados AND SDLX in one package. Two for the price of one, so to say.

Mustafa Fadhel
Mustafa Fadhel
Local time: 16:21
árabe al inglés
+ ...
Trados Jun 21, 2007

Hi if there is a different between SDLX and Trados, so using both of them would be a waist of time. And I think the main goal of those programme is to save time. Maybe I am to old fashion but I used the trial version, and it took me along time to change the format of the document and I couldn’t switch back to word format, so I lost time, and the document too. Is there any how that I can have some training in SDLX.
please help I want to be SDLX prof.

Nina Ouadia
Nina Ouadia  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:21
inglés al alemán
+ ...
SDLX training Jun 22, 2007

SDL Int. offers training, for example.

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SDLX - Can anybody recommend it?

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