Is it forbidden to repost jobs somewhere else?
Autor de la hebra: Juliano Martins
Juliano Martins
Juliano Martins  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:32
Miembro 2008
inglés al portugués
+ ...
Mar 15, 2023


I would like to know if it is allowed or forbidden to copy a job post from here and paste it in another platform. I have just seen someone regularly reposting jobs in his own platform and charging 3x as much as for people to have access.

Best regards,

[Edited at 2023-03-15 19:07 GMT]

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:32
danés al inglés
+ ...
Not allowed without permission Mar 15, 2023

'3.1 Job postings may not be republished elsewhere without the permission of the job poster.'

I suggest you report that other site t
... See more

'3.1 Job postings may not be republished elsewhere without the permission of the job poster.'

I suggest you report that other site to Proz support at , as it sounds abusive what is taking place.

Luca Tutino
Juliano Martins
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Andriy Yasharov
Feisal Mohamed
Estados Unidos
Local time: 06:32
inglés al ruso
+ ...
Just an idle curiosity Mar 16, 2023

Tricky minds of swindlers never cease to amaze me

Are jobs being reposted as Proz jobs, or do all traces of Proz get erased?

What is being offered as a way to communicate with the client then? Or does that business genius charge for showing an access to Proz?

A rhetorical question - how would the client who posted an offer on Proz react to the response referring to another source? You know,
... See more
Tricky minds of swindlers never cease to amaze me

Are jobs being reposted as Proz jobs, or do all traces of Proz get erased?

What is being offered as a way to communicate with the client then? Or does that business genius charge for showing an access to Proz?

A rhetorical question - how would the client who posted an offer on Proz react to the response referring to another source? You know, like in our routine "I was ecstatic to see your offer on XXX and would love to throw myself and my services at your feet"

Christopher Schröder
Juliano Martins
Juliano Martins  Identity Verified
Local time: 08:32
Miembro 2008
inglés al portugués
+ ...
ProZ was never mentioned Mar 16, 2023

The job post on this other platform showed all original details, wordcount, budget, including client's email address to get in touch. Then the user would simply send an email to this client.

I talked to the platform owner today. He deactivated it promptly and informed all users that it would no longer exist, after recognizing his wrongdoing.


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Is it forbidden to repost jobs somewhere else?

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