Archived polls

5996 polls, displaying 3951 through 4000
Do you send your CV/resume with your applications/quotes?
By Jan Schauseil - featured on Jan 6, 2012
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Do you increase your rates according to the increase in the cost of living?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 5, 2012
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Studying and working simultaneously: is it possible to reach positive results in both spheres?
By Susanna Martoni - featured on Jan 4, 2012
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After completing a difficult and long assignment, how do you feel?
By Juliana Brown - featured on Jan 3, 2012
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With the new year, are you planning to introduce any new services?
By anonymous - featured on Jan 2, 2012
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How often do you update your CV?
By Andrea Munhoz - featured on Dec 31, 2011
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How often do you have to go back on a sentence you have just translated to correct typos?
By Caro Maucher - featured on Dec 30, 2011
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How long did you study your source language (top pair) before you started translating/interpreting?
By Jenn Mercer - featured on Dec 29, 2011
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Do you have a blog?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 28, 2011
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Do you send season's greetings to your clients/colleagues?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 27, 2011
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Which of the following do you find more rewarding?
By Elisabete Cunha - featured on Dec 26, 2011
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Will you work on this December 24th (today)?
By Monika Jakacka Márquez - featured on Dec 25, 2011
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Have you ever rejected an assignment on ethical grounds?
By Roser Bosch Casademont - featured on Dec 24, 2011
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Do you occasionally offer free translations to regular clients?
By Nicole Blanc (X) - featured on Dec 23, 2011
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Do you reply to e-mails (job offers) from agencies/persons who do not address you by name?
By Jan Kolbaba - featured on Dec 22, 2011
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Have you donated to a worthy cause this year?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 21, 2011
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Is your significant other a(n) translator/interpreter too?
By Ikram Mahyuddin - featured on Dec 19, 2011
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Do have a day of the week when you try to not work?
By Karina Rafter - featured on Dec 18, 2011
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Do you have a tablet PC?
By Cristina Heraud-van Tol - featured on Dec 17, 2011
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What type of chair do you have at your workspace?
By Alicja Weikop - featured on Dec 16, 2011
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Have you made/are you planning to make any resolutions for 2012?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 15, 2011
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Have you noticed a decrease in the workflow during the last quarter (October-December 2011)?
By Paula González Fernández - featured on Dec 14, 2011
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How often do you accept projects in unfamiliar fields?
By zhangxiaowan - featured on Dec 13, 2011
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Do you check the spelling and grammar of the source text?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 12, 2011
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On average, how many hours a day do you spend in front of your computer screen?
By EHI (X) - featured on Dec 11, 2011
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Do you usually work between Christmas and New Year?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 10, 2011
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Have you have accomplished all your goals as a translator/interpreter?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 9, 2011
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Has 2011 been a good year for your business (compared to 2010)?
By Steve Melling - featured on Dec 8, 2011
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When do you find you are most productive, in general?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 7, 2011
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Have you ever been asked to prove you are really a native speaker of the language you declare?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 6, 2011
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How often do you have to work all night long in order to meet a deadline?
By Katarina Dusikova - featured on Dec 5, 2011
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Are you planning to raise your rates in 2012?
By Simon Cole - featured on Dec 3, 2011
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What percentage of your agency clients wouldn't mind working with translators not native of the TL?
By anonymous - featured on Dec 2, 2011
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How do you chill out after a hard day's work on a tough translation project?
By Alison Schwitzgebel - featured on Dec 1, 2011
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What fee do you charge for late payments?
By Elizabeth Novesky - featured on Nov 30, 2011
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Which of these will you invest in over the next 12 months?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 29, 2011
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Which is the most relevant factor for scheduling your vacations?
By Elías Sauza - featured on Nov 28, 2011
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How many of your clients have you met personally (face to face)?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 27, 2011
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Do you send your Terms and Conditions to every new client?
By Veronica Lupascu - featured on Nov 26, 2011
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What percentage of the translations you do per year are into a language that is not your native?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 25, 2011
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Is it acceptable to mix 2 different languages in informal speech or writing?
By K S (X) - featured on Nov 24, 2011
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Do you respond to enquiries for potential jobs?
By Mary Worby - featured on Nov 23, 2011
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Do you currently live in the country you were born?
By peter palladius - featured on Nov 22, 2011
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How long do you usually wait before sending a payment reminder?
By Lenah Susianty - featured on Nov 21, 2011
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Do you have a love-hate relationship with technology (computers, CAT tools, etc.)?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 20, 2011
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Which dictionary format do you prefer?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 19, 2011
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Do you charge agencies and direct clients the same rate?
By SYTham - featured on Nov 18, 2011
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Do speak more than 2 languages fluently?
By Henny Willis - featured on Nov 17, 2011
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Do you usually get notified by your clients about an expected delay in payment before the due date?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 16, 2011
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Do you apply discounts for 100% matches repetitions and fuzzy matches?
By Alexey Ivanov - featured on Nov 15, 2011
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5996 polls, displaying 3951 through 4000