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Nov 15, 2019 09:46
4 yrs ago
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español term

desenvolverse en el ámbito de la movilización y tránsito

español al inglés Jurídico/Patentes Automóviles / Camiones
I am translating a law from Colombia about safety features in vehicles and am stuck on the following paragraph relating to information to be provided to consumers.

Que la adecuada información al público favorece la educación vial de los distintos actores del tránsito, la cual, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 3° de la Ley 1503 de 2011, debe consistir en “acciones educativas, iniciales y permanentes, cuyo objetivo es favorecer y garantizar el desarrollo integral de los actores de la vía, tanto a nivel de conocimientos sobre la normativa, reglamentación y señalización vial, como a nivel de hábitos, comportamientos, conductas, y valores individuales y colectivos, de tal manera que permita ***desenvolverse en el ámbito de la movilización y el tránsito*** en perfecta armonía entre las personas y su relación con el medio ambiente, mediante actuaciones legales y pedagógicas, implementadas de forma global y sistémica, sobre todos los ámbitos implicados y utilizando los recursos tecnológicos más apropiados

So far I have:

Appropriate public information promotes road safety education to the different road users. In accordance with the provisions of article 3 of Law 1503 of 2011, this information must consist of “initial and on-going educational activities, whose purpose is to promote and ensure the comprehensive development of road users, both in relation to learning about road rules, regulations and signage, and in relation to habits, behavior, conduct, and individual and collective values. This will enable .................................. in perfect harmony between people and their relationship with the environment, through legal and pedagogical activities, implemented globally and systematically, in all the areas involved, using the most appropriate technological resources.

For translation to US English. TIA


Jane Martin (asker) Nov 15, 2019:
Thanks Phil. You're right, particularly the end of the sentence. I have had to send it off and did actually shorten it to something very similar to what you are suggesting.
philgoddard Nov 15, 2019:
This is a very wordy text, with long sentences and legalistic use of synonyms like "hábitos, comportamientos, conductas". I think you've stayed too close to the original. Even though it's a law, you can still produce a translation that's accurate and reads well, for example by using shorter sentences.

"desenvolverse en el ámbito de la movilización y el tránsito en perfecta armonía entre las personas y su relación con el medio ambiente" basically means "use the road in harmony with others and with the environment".

Proposed translations

5 horas

develop / including /function in the field of mobilization and transit

including in the area of resource mobilization and transit / develop
Something went wrong...
6 horas

movement and circulation

perhaps sufficient?

Building, Planning and Development - Page 109 - Google Books Result › books
Ernest H. Green - 1981 - ‎City planning
Circulation Traffic movement and circulation are interrelated with the function of layout but they should not overrule all other considerations. A satisfactory traffic ...
Something went wrong...
10 horas

to be (more) efficient in the mobilization and transit matter/issue

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