The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

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alemán term inglés translation
Hänge-WC wall-hung toilet/WC
Hängeschrank (hanging) wardrobe
Härtegradeinstellung consistency setting
Härtestopfen firmness/hardness adjusters/adapters
höchste Schlafkultur for the most highly-individualized sleeping refinement
Höhenraster grid of variable (adjustable) heights
herausdrehbar swivelling
Heurigentisch/-bank beer-garden table/bench
Hin-und-weg-Gucker a sight for sore eyes; a real sight to behold
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Hockertisch folding table
holmübergreifend extending over the side of the frame
holmüberlagernd bar-covering / rail-covering (crosspiece)
Holzingenieur wood engineer
Holzmusterkette wood sample chain
Entered by: Darko Kolega
Holzschaumleim polyurethane wood adhesive
Holzversprossung mullions
Holzwerkstoffplatte engineered wood boards/composite wood boards
horizontale Furnieranwicklung horizontally matched veneer
Hub-Pflegerahmen height-adjustable mattress base
Hublüfter pop-up extractor fan
Entered by: Emily Plank
Husse slip cover
Entered by: Olaf Reibedanz
Im Gewährleistungsfall in case of a warranty claim
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
in Drehbolzen gelagert secured/mounted/attached to the studs
in reinem Lack gehalten with a clear (lacquer) finish
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Induktionsherd Induction cooker
Jeder Griff sitzt everything within reach / at hand
jedoch mit o.g. Größenmaß but with the dimensions listed above
Kabelfach cord (storage) compartment
Kaltlagerfach chill compartment
Entered by: Yuu Andou
Kaltschaum cold foam
Kantenausführung als Kunststoff-Anleimer adhesive plastic edge banding
Kantenhockerregal rack for shelf sitters
Karabinerbolzen bayonet-bolt
Entered by: Ronald van Riet
Kassettenfront shaker style
Kastenmöbel case furniture
Kälteakku cold accumulator
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Küchenesse flue
Küchenwandbatterie wall-mounted swing spout faucet
Küchenzeile kitchen cabinets
Kedder rand
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