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Agency requesting deductions from invoice
Autor de la hebra: XXXphxxx (X)
Tom in London
Tom in London
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
Miembro 2008
italiano al inglés
It can always be discussed in private Mar 7, 2010

Russell Jones wrote, quoting from the FAQs:

we simply can not handle administration of an open public forum that allows criticisms ......that is why we created the Blue Board

Anyway, if anyone wants to know the details of particular criticisms of particular outsourcers, there's always the private emailing option for PRoz members.

This actually makes the BB more effective since the offending outsourcer being discussed cannot see what is being said about them.

[Edited at 2010-03-07 14:08 GMT]

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
italiano al inglés
A suggestion Mar 7, 2010

Lisa Simpson wrote:

do forum rules allow us to make a public request for people to log an entry on the BB if they have had any experience (both good and bad) of a specific outsourcer

One option would be this: http://www.proz.com/faq/3010#3010

2.6 - I would like to ask others to make entries concerning a particular outsourcer. How do I do that?
If the outsourcer is already listed, click "Call for entries" from the outsourcer's record page. This will cause a request for entries to be published on the ProZ.com home page. In addition, an email will be sent to all those who have subscribed to such requests.

If the outsourcer you are interested in is not yet listed, adding it will cause the notification to be sent automatically. You may add an outsourcer whether or not you are a member. Note that only one "call for entries" is allowed per outsourcer, per month.

inglés al finlandés
+ ...
? Mar 7, 2010

Does anyone know if there is a blacklist of companies that refuse to pay? The only reason these companies keep going is because nobody knows of them until they encounter this problem. I cannot afford to lose well over $1000 - this money was intended for our summer holiday in Finland. Our eldest son is having a Blessing of his Marriage to a Canadian and now we have no money to fly over. Charming. We are both currently unemployed and living in Spain for cheapness. The sun is fun if you have ... See more
Does anyone know if there is a blacklist of companies that refuse to pay? The only reason these companies keep going is because nobody knows of them until they encounter this problem. I cannot afford to lose well over $1000 - this money was intended for our summer holiday in Finland. Our eldest son is having a Blessing of his Marriage to a Canadian and now we have no money to fly over. Charming. We are both currently unemployed and living in Spain for cheapness. The sun is fun if you have money, not when you are in prison looking out through the grills.Collapse

XXXphxxx (X)
XXXphxxx (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
portugués al inglés
+ ...
Good thinking Mar 7, 2010

Russell Jones wrote:
If the outsourcer is already listed, click "Call for entries" from the outsourcer's record page. This will cause a request for entries to be published on the ProZ.com home page. In addition, an email will be sent to all those who have subscribed to such requests.

If the outsourcer you are interested in is not yet listed, adding it will cause the notification to be sent automatically.

Thanks very much Russell. I wasn't aware of either of those. You've been very helpful

XXXphxxx (X)
XXXphxxx (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
portugués al inglés
+ ...
I like it ;-) Mar 7, 2010

Tom in London wrote:

This actually makes the BB more effective since the offending outsourcer being discussed cannot see what is being said about them.

[Edited at 2010-03-07 14:08 GMT]

HOWEVER, I was recently in a ghastly dispute with some dog breeders who stole my children's money and then tried to silence me by threatening to sue me for defamation because I'd discussed the case on a dog forum (although I never named them). I was advised that in France at least defamation need not be public to be construed as such. It would be interesting to know what the consequences would be of sharing info on a PM only to find that your recipient was friends with the outsourcer and you then found yourself in a sticky libel case! This economic crisis is bringing out the worst in human nature.

Tom in London
Tom in London
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
Miembro 2008
italiano al inglés
ah yes but..... Mar 7, 2010

Lisa Simpson wrote:

It would be interesting to know what the consequences would be of sharing info on a PM only to find that your recipient was friends with the outsourcer

Yes- that's why I'd always recommend going private with the discussion. The procedure being: first, you email me via my profile on this page, and after we've made the first contact, we take it *really* private by exchanging our private email addresses.

That's after I'm satisfied about your bona fides and that you are not that very outsourcer, contacting me under an alias or via a third party

But that only happens because outsourcers take the BB *very* seriously. That's how good it is !

I've been able to sort out a number of problems that way, and to assist others too.

[Edited at 2010-03-07 14:59 GMT]

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
italiano al inglés
Outsourcers seeing comments Mar 7, 2010

Tom in London wrote:

This actually makes the BB more effective since the offending outsourcer being discussed cannot see what is being said about them.

I misread this first time round. You mean, I now realise, "cannot see what is being said about them" in private e-mails, as opposed to the BB, where they certainly can.

[Edited at 2010-03-07 15:34 GMT]

Tom in London
Tom in London
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
Miembro 2008
italiano al inglés
Ultimately Mar 7, 2010

ULtimately, of course, one's objective should be to avoid these problems entirely by cultivating relationships of reciprocal trust between oneself and a small number of reliable agencies that supply regular work.

The problem in this specific case seems to be that a once-reliable agency has suddenly become unreliable.

And should therefore be dropped !

XXXphxxx (X)
XXXphxxx (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
portugués al inglés
+ ...
How FREE are we? Mar 7, 2010

Tom in London wrote:

That's after I'm satisfied about your bona fides and that you are not that very outsourcer, contacting me under an alias or via a third party

Would someone get struck off ProZ if it was found out that they lured someone into a PM to reveal information regarding an outsourcer and then in turn dobbed them in to the outsourcer (for their own reasons e.g. friends, personal gain), leading to further mess and complications?

Tom in London
Tom in London
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
Miembro 2008
italiano al inglés
ha ha Mar 7, 2010

Lisa Simpson wrote:

Tom in London wrote:

That's after I'm satisfied about your bona fides and that you are not that very outsourcer, contacting me under an alias or via a third party

Would someone get struck off ProZ if it was found out that they lured someone into a PM to reveal information regarding an outsourcer and then in turn dobbed them in to the outsourcer (for their own reasons e.g. friends, personal gain), leading to further mess and complications?

em... aren't we losing focus here?

The end goal is to see if you can get paid by that bunch of [unmentionable] who are trying to rip you off.

XXXphxxx (X)
XXXphxxx (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
portugués al inglés
+ ...
100% with you Mar 7, 2010

Tom in London wrote:

And should therefore be dropped !

I'd decided to drop them the minute I saw how unreasonable they'd been. It was clear that I wouldn't be able to trust them again. I'm only treading carefully and not slamming them with a low BB rating straight away because there is a lot of money at stake (2300 euros if I include the undisputed amount). The threat of the BB is the very next step though

XXXphxxx (X)
XXXphxxx (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
portugués al inglés
+ ...
Yes, but it pays to be careful Mar 7, 2010

Tom in London wrote:

Lisa Simpson wrote:

Tom in London wrote:

That's after I'm satisfied about your bona fides and that you are not that very outsourcer, contacting me under an alias or via a third party

Would someone get struck off ProZ if it was found out that they lured someone into a PM to reveal information regarding an outsourcer and then in turn dobbed them in to the outsourcer (for their own reasons e.g. friends, personal gain), leading to further mess and complications?

em... aren't we losing focus here?

The end goal is to see if you can get paid by that bunch of [unmentionable] who are trying to rip you off.

Of course I agree with you Tom and all your comments are very valuable but recent experience has taught me it pays to be careful. I find it pretty litigious over here and it does make you paranoid...

Russell Jones
Russell Jones  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
italiano al inglés
Threats Mar 7, 2010

Lisa Simpson wrote:

The threat of the BB is the very next step though

Lisa, I should draw your attention to this rule: http://www.proz.com/siterules/blue_board_bb_blueboard/9#9

The Blue Board may not be used to coerce.
Using the Blue Board, or threatening to use the Blue
Board, in such a way as to pressure an outsourcer or
service provider into taking some action, is strictly

inglés al finlandés
+ ...
Blue Board Mar 7, 2010

What is it for, pls explain, I am new here? And can I add my agency to it?

XXXphxxx (X)
XXXphxxx (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 00:33
portugués al inglés
+ ...
What is the reason for that? Mar 7, 2010

Russell Jones wrote:

The Blue Board may not be used to coerce.
Using the Blue Board, or threatening to use the Blue
Board, in such a way as to pressure an outsourcer or
service provider into taking some action, is strictly

Thanks Russell. Just wondering why? Would it constitute blackmail (?) Tricky to know how to play it. My LWA score would be nil (or 1 if 0 isn't possible!) and that wouldn't change whether this matter gets resolved or not, but if they eventually do see the light and realise that they haven't behaved properly shouldn't they be credited for that?

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Agency requesting deductions from invoice

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