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Off topic: 泰晤士(TIMES)四合院儿 Autor de la hebra: QHE
David Lin Reino Unido Local time: 19:06 Miembro 2013 inglés al chino + ... Moderador de este foro
wherestip wrote:
David Lin wrote:
令人想起以前看过的电影 《色,戒》里面的梁朝伟和汤唯。
You wouldn't happen to be reading a review of the movie "Blackhat"? It has at least 2 of the actors of Chinese descent that acted in "Lust | Caution". BTW, I didn't like "Blackhat" one bit; half way through the film I fell asleep.
Any technical person would tell you it's pure fiction kludged together by someone who didn't have a clue. Plus IMO the acting was subpar.
No I haven't watched "Blackhat". Given your review and that of others, I guess I won't have time for this sci-fict.
IMO, funny stuff like those you mentioned in sci-fict movies are often caused by lack of research by screenwriters or carelessness of directors/producers. All is avoidable really I think.
I actually watched the 2014 movie 黄金年代 “The Golden Era" while on a long-haul flight to the Far East. I was quite impressed by Tong Wei's role of the short-lived novelist Xiao Hong.
The movie prompted me to re-read Xiao's famous 《呼兰河传》on the way back. | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 13:06 inglés al chino + ... |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 13:06 inglés al chino + ...
... See more 《色戒》中易默成与王佳芝之间的所谓爱情,纯粹是原作者与电影导演的凭空想象。为了赢得卖座率,那庸俗的电影导演杜撰编排了几场床戏。明眼人一眼就可看出,那根本不是什么爱情,而是易默成对王佳之肆无忌惮的暴力侵犯。《色戒》这部电影在美国上映时,许多美国人都觉得那些情节太过分,不堪入目!王佳芝与大汉奸易默成不共戴天。她怎么可能会爱上他?
空運隊隊長 王漢勳
王漢勳就任空運隊隊長時,鄭蘋如已經犧牲(鄭在1940年2月在上海徐家匯火車站被汪偽政權槍決)。在這之前,他曾兩次去信要鄭蘋如回來和他結婚,鄭當時正一心一意投身于除奸大業,回信說“等抗戰勝利後再談結婚的事”。這些事王一直守口如瓶,從不向任何人提起,他後來也沒有再找女友。當時空運隊每週有兩次和成都華西壩大學區的女生舉行聯歡PARTY,他也很少參加。王漢勳遇難時只有32歲,英年早逝,令人惋惜。當時在兵荒馬亂中也無法搜尋他的遺體,只在成都磨盤山空軍烈士墓為他樹立了一塊墓碑,後來移到南京紫金山空軍烈士墓。 ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 13:06 inglés al chino + ...
David Lin Reino Unido Local time: 19:06 Miembro 2013 inglés al chino + ... Moderador de este foro
上周末趁伦敦天气暖和,到郊外逛逛,松弛神经,回来后看到我那只有短短三句的阅报后感的帖子,竟然会引起 ysun 那么多联想,也是一个惊奇。
理由很简单,因为所有电影除非注明是由真人真事改编,好像最近获奥斯卡奨的 Selma,是关于民权领袖马丁路德金博士的生平事迹。 如果我有空的话,我也会看看它的真实性有多高。
我记得当时 (也有七、八年前吧)看这个电影时是从爱情片的角度来欣赏。到最近从报上读到一位新进武侠小说家谈到要用中国古代的刺客和爱情来作其新出版的小说题材,我才记起由汤唯饰演的女刺客(也算现代侠士吧)以及她在戏里的爱情观。
何况,正如 Steve 在那个谈电影的贴题里曾说 “don't read in too much”。是一个很好的建议!
至于历史这回事,令我想起 QHE 的帖子里引述著名作家、小说家、诗人 James Joyce (1882-1941) 在其作品 ‘Ulysses’ 《尤利西斯》写道:
"History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake."
“历史是一塲恶梦,我想从恶梦中醒过来。” (个人拙译)
Life is short. Just relax and enjoy films when not translating.
[Edited at 2015-08-17 15:06 GMT] | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 13:06 inglés al chino + ...
David Lin wrote:
上周末趁伦敦天气暖和,到郊外逛逛,松弛神经,回来后看到我那只有短短三句的阅报后感的帖子,竟然会引起 ysun 那么多联想,也是一个惊奇。
理由很简单,因为所有电影除非注明是由真人真事改编,好像最近获奥斯卡奨的 Selma,是关于民权领袖马丁路德金博士的生平事迹。 如果我有空的话,我也会看看它的真实性有多高。
我记得当时 (也有七、八年前吧)看这个电影时是从爱情片的角度来欣赏。到最近从报上读到一位新进武侠小说家谈到要用中国古代的刺客和爱情来作其新出版的小说题材,我才记起由汤唯饰演的女刺客(也算现代侠士吧)以及她在戏里的爱情观。
何况,正如 Steve 在那个谈电影的贴题里曾说 “don't read in too much”。是一个很好的建议!
至于历史这回事,令我想起 QHE 的帖子里引述著名作家、小说家、诗人 James Joyce (1882-1941) 在其作品 ‘Ulysses’ 《尤利西斯》写道:
"History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake."
“历史是一个恶梦,我想从恶梦中醒过来。” (个人拙译)
Life is short. Just relax and enjoy films when not translating.
不过,不管《色戒》里面男女主角的原型是谁,不管电影情节是否符合历史事实,在此电影中梁朝伟饰演的毕竟是大汉奸易默成。 你从“英雄”、“侠士”想起《色戒》里面的汤唯,这很合乎常理。但是,你如何会从“英雄”想起《色戒》里面的梁朝伟呢?难道说,你对梁朝伟在此电影中所演角色的性质还另有高见吗?
[Edited at 2015-08-18 05:55 GMT] | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 13:06 chino al inglés + ... Lust, Caution | Aug 17, 2015 |
I for one appreciate very much Yueyin doing the research and providing the facts surrounding 郑苹如's adventure and her real-life story. She is truly a heroine and beauty combined in one.
I had to re-watch the DVD to jog my memory. The character played by 梁朝伟 indeed was a traitor, the villain of the movie.
BTW, what I meant by not reading too much into something is about the translation of the movie title "Fast and Furious". I thought so... See more David,
I for one appreciate very much Yueyin doing the research and providing the facts surrounding 郑苹如's adventure and her real-life story. She is truly a heroine and beauty combined in one.
I had to re-watch the DVD to jog my memory. The character played by 梁朝伟 indeed was a traitor, the villain of the movie.
BTW, what I meant by not reading too much into something is about the translation of the movie title "Fast and Furious". I thought something along the lines of "疾驰猛飞" would be much better than reading "激情" into it. ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_smile.gif)
[Edited at 2015-08-18 00:13 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
QHE Estados Unidos Local time: 14:06 inglés al chino + ... PERSONA QUE INICIÓ LA HEBRA Kansas City Public Library | Aug 19, 2015 |
"The Community Bookshelf [Central Library Parking Garage] is a striking feature of Kansas City's downtown. It runs along the south wall of the Central Library's parking garage on 10th Street between Wyandotte Street and Baltimore Avenue. The book spines, which measure approximately 25 feet by 9 feet, are made of signboard mylar. The shelf showcases 22 titles reflecting a wide variety of reading interests as suggested by Kansas City readers and then selected by The Kansas City Public Library Board of Trustees."
The shelf showcases 22 titles:
• Kansas City Stories Volumes 1 and 2
• Catch-22 by Joseph Heller
• Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
• O Pioneers! by Willa Cather
• Cien Años de Soledad (One Hundred Years of Solitude) by Gabriel García Márquez
• Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
• Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
• The Republic by Plato
• The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
• Tao Te Ching by Lau Tsu
• The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes by Langston Hughes
• Black Elk Speaks by Black Elk, as told to John G. Neihardt
• Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
• To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
• Journals of the Expedition by Lewis and Clark
• Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson,
And The Opening Of The American West by Stephen Ambrose
• The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
• A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
• Charlotte's Web by E.B. White
• Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
• Truman by David G. McCullough
• a volume of children's books
[Edited at 2015-08-19 23:53 GMT] | |
David Lin Reino Unido Local time: 19:06 Miembro 2013 inglés al chino + ... Moderador de este foro
ysun wrote: 言论自由,各抒己见
不过,不管《色戒》里面男女主角的原型是谁,不管电影情节是否符合历史事实,在此电影中梁朝伟饰演的毕竟是大汉奸易默成。 你从“英雄”、“侠士”想起《色戒》里面的汤唯,这很合乎常理。但是,你如何会从“英雄”想起《色戒》里面的梁朝伟呢?难道说,你对梁朝伟在此电影中所演角色的性质还另有高见吗?
[Edited at 2015-08-18 05:55 GMT]
我从来没有说过从 “英雄” 想起梁朝伟在电影中的角色。你曲解了我的话以表达自己的想法。Don't put words in my mouth.
What I wrote is as follows and I quote:
令人想起以前看过的电影 《色,戒》里面的梁朝伟和汤唯。
在上帖我已经说明七、八年前看这部电影时,是抱著看爱情片而非历史片去欣赏同娱乐自己。所以我是从 ‘爱情’ 想到梁朝伟(奸人)和汤唯(作为刺客/侠士)两个对立者在戏中发展的爱情交错综合的关系。
谢谢合作。 | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 13:06 chino al inglés + ...
Thanks a lot for the clarification. To tell you the truth, I too was confused as to what made you think of 梁朝伟 (in "Lust, Caution") when it comes to "love and heroism". I'm glad that you cleared the air; so we can all move forward on this issue.
Still, I'd like to thank Yueyin again for his research on the historical facts behind the main characters of this movie and posting them to our forum. It gave me much needed insight watching the movie the second... See more David,
Thanks a lot for the clarification. To tell you the truth, I too was confused as to what made you think of 梁朝伟 (in "Lust, Caution") when it comes to "love and heroism". I'm glad that you cleared the air; so we can all move forward on this issue.
Still, I'd like to thank Yueyin again for his research on the historical facts behind the main characters of this movie and posting them to our forum. It gave me much needed insight watching the movie the second time around.![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_smile.gif)
[Edited at 2015-08-20 22:07 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 13:06 inglés al chino + ... I didn’t put words in your mouth | Aug 20, 2015 |
David Lin wrote:
我从来没有说过从 “英雄” 想起梁朝伟在电影中的角色。你曲解了我的话以表达自己的想法。Don't put words in my mouth.
What I wrote is as follows and I quote:
令人想起以前看过的电影 《色,戒》里面的梁朝伟和汤唯。
I don’t think I misinterpreted what you said and put words in your mouth. This is your original post:
David Lin wrote:
令人想起以前看过的电影 《色,戒》里面的梁朝伟和汤唯。
However, I think everything has been made very clear. Further argument over this issue will not make a lot more sense. Enough is enough. Let’s move on as Steve suggested. Nevertheless, if you think you are not done yet and want to continue this argument, I have no objection.
[Edited at 2015-08-20 21:32 GMT] | | |
ysun Estados Unidos Local time: 13:06 inglés al chino + ... Move forward | Aug 20, 2015 |
wherestip wrote:
Thanks a lot for the clarification. To tell you the truth, I too was confused with what made you think of 梁朝伟 when it comes to "love and heroism". I'm glad that you cleared the air, and we can all move forward on this issue.
“爱情不会出自平白无故,英雄也不会天生而成” 这种话,北京人叫做大实话。如果用水来比喻的话,就是白开水! ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
[Edited at 2015-08-20 21:37 GMT] | |
David Lin Reino Unido Local time: 19:06 Miembro 2013 inglés al chino + ... Moderador de este foro
今日是農曆七月初七,七夕,是中國情人節 。
特節錄 《詩經·國風·豳風·七月》與大家一起應節:
祝各位同仁 七巧節 快樂! | | |
wherestip Estados Unidos Local time: 13:06 chino al inglés + ... NOAA: July hottest month on record, and 2015 could be hottest year | Aug 20, 2015 |
Story highlights
July was the hottest month on record, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says
NOAA predicts 2015 could be the hottest year on record
Data from NOAA dates back to 1880, but it is possible that July was the hottest month in at least 4,000 years. Climate research suggests these are the hottest temperatures the Earth has seen since the Bronze Age.
The prediction for 2015 becoming the hottest year on record is based on observed temperatures so far, plus the coming El Niño event.
[Edited at 2015-08-20 20:11 GMT] | | |
QHE Estados Unidos Local time: 14:06 inglés al chino + ... PERSONA QUE INICIÓ LA HEBRA
ysun wrote:
“爱情不会出自平白无故,英雄也不会天生而成” 这种话,北京人叫做大实话。如果用水来比喻的话,就是白开水!
“爱情会出自平白无故,英雄也会天生而成” – 自来水 ![](https://cfcdn.proz.com/images/bb/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif)
“爱情出自平白无故,英雄天生而成” - 泉水 | | |
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