Powwow Report for Francia - Biarritz (May 9 2009)

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Report from  Flo in London
An excellent turnout for this 2nd Biarritz powwow: the ProZians from South Western France and Northern Spain certainly did us proud, braving the erratic weather to gather in good spirits on the roof of Biarritz. The Palme d'Or for travelling the longest distance has to go to Kit who came all the way from Pamplona, with special mentions to Vincent & family, Amaia, Gordana and Laurence for their remarkable efforts.

6 languages were represented: French, English, Spanish, German, Japanese and Croatian. We spent a very pleasant few hours getting to know each other, comparing work methods & tools, exchanging tips and filling our lungs with the invigorating sea air (or was that a gale??). The topics discussed are too numerous to list but hopefully everyone found an answer to what they were looking for.

Thanks all for coming, it was great meeting such a nice, proactive bunch! I'm already looking forward to the next one :-)


Photos from  Flo in London

Photos from  Flo in London

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Laurence Nerry
Kaori Myatt
Kit Cree
Flo in London
Amaia Trad
Joanne Edwards

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

May 17 '09  Flo in London: Pamplona
Indeed, there's a Pamplona powwow on June 13th, see: http://www.proz.com/powwow/2584
Sadly, I won't be able to make it but I hope you all have fun :-)

PS: glad you all enjoyed the Biarritz one, I certainly had a great time meeting you all. Hopefully we can organise another one soon :-)
May 13 '09  Penelope Ausejo: Pamplona
Too bad I couldn't attend to this one... but the next one is in Pamplona, right?
May 11 '09  soubervie: thanks also from me
it was a valuable afternoon indeed; now i know proz is worthy ! thanks for the tips and i´ll be there for the next PowWow in SW France or why not...in Spain
May 11 '09  Kaori Myatt: Thanks Flo!
Thanks for the meeting! Nice to meet you everyone!
May 11 '09  Joanne Edwards: Thank You
A big thanks to you Flo for a lovely afternoon! It was great to meet you all and I look forward to the next event...
Kind regards to all
May 11 '09  Amaia Trad: Merci Flo!
Thank you so much for this interesting meeting Flo!
It was nice meeting you all and having the opportunity to talk about translation issues.
Ikusi arte,
May 11 '09  Laurence Nerry: Milesker !
It was great meeting people working with different languages, backrounds and work experiences... but all sharing the same enthusiasm and understanding for our job. The location was absolutely wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to organizing all this, Flo. Hope to meet you all again in the future. Laurence.
May 10 '09  Kit Cree: thanks Flo!
It was lovely to meet you all yesterday. I hope we can do it again some time soon. Thanks for organising Flo, and for crossing your fingers for the weather!!!