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Poll: Do you grant discounts for large projects?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
564354352 (X)
564354352 (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:31
danés al inglés
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Yes Jan 9, 2015

With one major client, I have a standing agreement for a 10 % discount on projects of more than 20,000 words.

In my view, such projects become a case of 'economies of scale'. Focusing on one particular subject for a set period of time does increase my working speed, so I can afford to give the discount.

John Cutler
John Cutler  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:31
español al inglés
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Mmm... Jan 9, 2015

Accept less money because there's more work?

Isn't that the economic theory behind how migrant workers, field laborers or large fast-food chain employees are paid?

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Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 08:31
Reminder about ProZ.com's limited scope Jan 9, 2015

Hi all,

Just a reminder about ProZ.com's scope, which is limited: http://www.proz.com/scope

Thanks for your understanding.

Alexander Kondorsky
Alexander Kondorsky  Identity Verified
Federación Rusa
Local time: 14:31
inglés al ruso
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Why length? Jan 9, 2015

I can offer a discount for an easy text in a convenient format with an easy deadline or I can offer a discount to a promising or long-standing client. Length of the project is per se not a reason for discount. It can be a long, difficult and tedious project in PDF format, with drawings, charts, etc. and a tight deadline.

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:31
inglés al español
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Discounts are an exception in my business model Jan 9, 2015

I recently submitted 3 quotes for a 55,000-word technical manual. The customer is a good one and we have a good rapport.

Why 3 quotes for the same job? Well, the original I was given is a PDF file with tons of graphics that may need callouts or localization...which I can do for an extra fee. I didn't discount my translation fees but I did offer a slightly lower number of hours to perform the layout.

I stand to make good money with any of the quotes.

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:31
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
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No Jan 12, 2015

Gianluca Marras wrote:

Large project means a large amount of time in order to have it done, also it means a longer time in order to do all the necessary quality control.
Discount for large project = higher rate for short projects?

Rate is something that gives a value to my work and therefore to my time, so large projects = more time = more money at the end of the job.

A discount for larger projects only makes sense when applying higher rates for small(er) projects.

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Poll: Do you grant discounts for large projects?

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