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Poll: What factor most influences your preference of one CAT tool over another?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
Triston Goodwin
Triston Goodwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 07:25
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Still trying to decide Oct 31, 2013

We recently decided to look more seriously at CAT tools here and we're having a hard time trying to pick one. I've been working with Wordfast Pro for about a month now (I love the free demo version!) and I've become very fond of it. We would like to give SDL Trados a shot as well, but the demo version isn't out yet and I'm hesitant to spend money on something that I haven't tested yet.

My major concern is initial price and usability; especially after I hit the wrong button in Wordfa
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We recently decided to look more seriously at CAT tools here and we're having a hard time trying to pick one. I've been working with Wordfast Pro for about a month now (I love the free demo version!) and I've become very fond of it. We would like to give SDL Trados a shot as well, but the demo version isn't out yet and I'm hesitant to spend money on something that I haven't tested yet.

My major concern is initial price and usability; especially after I hit the wrong button in Wordfast once and it copied all the source text into the target segments, erasing my translations in the process.

Catharine Cellier-Smart
Catharine Cellier-Smart  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:25
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Not up to date with Omega-T Oct 31, 2013

Mario Chavez wrote:

Do you use Omega-T for translations?

I now use Wordfast Pro.

I used to use Omega-T until about three years ago when I started working with Wordfast.

Steve Kerry
Steve Kerry  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:25
alemán al inglés
Interface Oct 31, 2013

I have tried several CAT tools, but the Trados Studio one works for me. It's simply the look and feel of the interface which makes me feel relaxed, comfortable and able to "rock on" with the job. In the final analysis, it is a matter of personal preference.

Steve K.

Jaime Oriard
Jaime Oriard  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:25
Miembro 2005
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Features Oct 31, 2013

The most important aspect for me is the feature set, but more realistically, a combination of factors, including compatibility, speed and automation.

Local time: 15:25
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No time to waste... Oct 31, 2013

Leon Ivanihin wrote:

... Why 'easier to learn'?

So that you can get started working with it ASAP. Otherwise the work pending just starts piling up. That's mainly why I chose Wordfast - I found I could understand the instructions and start to use it shortly after installing it, unlike other programs.

Cecilia Civetta
Cecilia Civetta  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:25
Miembro 2003
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FEATURES Oct 31, 2013

Timothy Barton wrote:

Why is "features" not in the list? It's the most important criterion for me.

Exactly my thought the moment I read the question!

Rebecca Garber
Rebecca Garber  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:25
Miembro 2005
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client preference Oct 31, 2013

I use both WordFast and Across. One very longterm client switched to Across, and I bought a cheap PC to run it. The PC paid for itself in 3 months.

That said, I'm not partial to Across, but I have 2 very, very good clients who prefer it.

Otherwise, if I receive word docs to translate, I run them through WordFast on the Mac, which, since it is the only CAT for Macs, makes that a non-starter as a question.

However, due to the nature of my specialization, most
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I use both WordFast and Across. One very longterm client switched to Across, and I bought a cheap PC to run it. The PC paid for itself in 3 months.

That said, I'm not partial to Across, but I have 2 very, very good clients who prefer it.

Otherwise, if I receive word docs to translate, I run them through WordFast on the Mac, which, since it is the only CAT for Macs, makes that a non-starter as a question.

However, due to the nature of my specialization, most of my texts arrive as pdf files, so I work directly in Word with some really big glossaries.

I have turned down projects from agencies that insist on MemoQ or Trados. I have enough work, and the learning curve for any CAT is longer than the standard project term. Also, I'm less than thrilled with the prices.

Steve Kerry
Steve Kerry  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:25
alemán al inglés
Learning curve Nov 5, 2013

Rebecca Garber wrote: ... the learning curve for any CAT is longer than the standard project term. Also, I'm less than thrilled with the prices.

You said that right!

Steve K.

Diana Obermeyer
Diana Obermeyer  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 14:25
Miembro 2013
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found something that works, don't want to try further Nov 30, 2013

Steve Kerry wrote:

Rebecca Garber wrote: ... the learning curve for any CAT is longer than the standard project term. Also, I'm less than thrilled with the prices.

You said that right!

Steve K.

I kept trialling until I found those that work for me and stopped right there.

I didn't find that learning curve too dramatic for Wordfast and MemoQ and I use them in equal measure. I have 2 clients that frequently send me mini texts. And I really mean 100 - 200 word documents. Its not even worth the time importing them into a CAT tool and Wordfast is just the perfect solution here.

Otherwise, I work with MemoQ, because it actually does what I want it to do, all the controls are exactly where I would expect them to be, it is beyond intuitive, fast, compatible, and there are no messed up formatting issues.

Then I keep the Starter Edition of Trados for those clients that insist on it. I detest Trados. Imho a monster. Slow, random files in random places, clutters my pc, deliberately complicated to trick you into buying support, constant functionality problems. But yes, some clients want it and I have to conform. I have told a client before that if he needed me to use Trados on the project in question, I would need to charge him 10% extra and add an extra day onto the delivery schedule. I will conform and work with it for very good clients. Others I will let go. Its not so much about the money as about my sanity. I would grudge paying for the full version of a program I detest, so just out of principle, I won't buy it.

I won a year's license for Heartsome and can't even be bothered trying to work it out - so to those that answered price here - contact me, I'm happy to pass it on to someone who has use for it.

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Poll: What factor most influences your preference of one CAT tool over another?

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