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Poll: Do you feel successful as a translator or interpreter?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
Steve Kerry
Steve Kerry  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:33
alemán al inglés
Mix and match.. Jul 2, 2013

What is success?
I'm successful in that my clients return to me because they know I am as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar.
I'm unsuccessful in that I earn about as much as a single mother on Jeremy Kyle.
I'm successful in that I have freed myself from petty tyrants (and will not work for such).
I'm unsuccessful in that I still can't afford to retire and go sailing!

Best just get on with it, eh?

Smiling, Steve K.

Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz
Łukasz Gos-Furmankiewicz  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:33
inglés al polaco
+ ...
No Jul 2, 2013

No, nowhere near my potential, nowhere near the quality of work I can produce. On the other hand, you may judge it differently depending on what you look at.

This said, I've gained some informal laurels and accolades, mostly in private, mostly not connected with any sort of additional economic benefit, I've done some really significant things, I've translated some awful stuff, I've made some really pretty translations, I've probably set a speed record or two, I've even looked good i
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No, nowhere near my potential, nowhere near the quality of work I can produce. On the other hand, you may judge it differently depending on what you look at.

This said, I've gained some informal laurels and accolades, mostly in private, mostly not connected with any sort of additional economic benefit, I've done some really significant things, I've translated some awful stuff, I've made some really pretty translations, I've probably set a speed record or two, I've even looked good in the social media and in directories. I have a good collection of enthusiastic referrals and a solid contingent of project managers and agency owners willing to take the stand on my behalf. But if I released my financial statement, there would be no small stir of surprise. (So I won't.)

I'm still skipped in favour of, shall we say, various people, usually without explanation. I see plenty of Master's degree holders in English studies who can't string a sentence together without risking a stroke in a native reader, plenty of practicing into-Polish translators who aren't really that great writers in the language or particularly correct users, I see legal translators who understand neither the law nor the language, I see proofreaders and editors who don't have much idea of editing and proofreading, I even occasionally see native speakers whom I feel compelled to teach their own language as a foreign speaker. All those guys get the jobs I don't. And they aren't even necessarily cheaper to boot.

Success? Heck no. But probably a good combat record.

Triston Goodwin
Triston Goodwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 09:33
español al inglés
+ ...
My parameters Jul 3, 2013

Julian Holmes wrote:

discussion is just beginning to pick up

What are your parameters for gauging success as a translator?

Comments so far lean more towards job satisfaction than the monetary or financial side. Would be interested to see what you all think ....

Julian H.

I feel very successful. Like Łukasz said, my bank account may not necessarily say the same thing, but my quality of life is drastically better than it ever has been.

I judge my success according to my ability to cover my bills and still have money left over to play with, my personal satisfaction with my lifestyle, and the happiness of my family (not necessarily in that order).

I believe that my actions have a positive effect on the world.

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Poll: Do you feel successful as a translator or interpreter?

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