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Poll: In general, how rigorous are your clients' screening processes for new translators?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
Emin Arı
Emin Arı  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:21
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quality or money? May 23, 2012

it depends on their preferences. Are they looking for best quality or best prize? If their foremost priority is quality then screening process is rather tough but otherwise they just select lowest bid.

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:21
inglés al español
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Beware of lengthy front office management May 23, 2012

Robert Forstag wrote:

I have also found that initial requirements for completion of forms (which then have to be printed, scanned and sent back) and test translations typically lead to nothing.

On the other hand, I have received offers out of the blue for substantial work at good rates from new clients, merely on the strength of my ATA and/or proz.com profile. These parties have typically asked only that I complete the paperwork at my convenience after I've turned in the project.

I obviously prefer the latter agencies.

Because of these experiences, I in general don't have much patience any more for demands for upfront paperwork.

Agree with Robert and others here. I won't name names to protect the guilty, but filing out lengthy forms usually led to zero assignments and zero business relationships. My ATA profile or my NOTA (Northeast Ohio Translators Assocn) profile are reason enough for some of my newest clients to trust me, as well as my LinkedIN profile.

Allison Wright (X)
Allison Wright (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:21
It varies May 23, 2012

My most recent new agency client had a fairly rigorous procedure, including a challenging test and much signing of agreements. I was glad, and still am, to have jumped through all the hoops successfully.

Four months, and much translation later, I have also started editing translations done by others registered with the same agency. Sometimes this is rewarding; enlightening, even.
But I also have frequent occasion to wonder impartially whether some of these translators jumped
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My most recent new agency client had a fairly rigorous procedure, including a challenging test and much signing of agreements. I was glad, and still am, to have jumped through all the hoops successfully.

Four months, and much translation later, I have also started editing translations done by others registered with the same agency. Sometimes this is rewarding; enlightening, even.
But I also have frequent occasion to wonder impartially whether some of these translators jumped through a different set of hoops to the ones I encountered. Then, I remember that we all had to start somewhere...

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Poll: In general, how rigorous are your clients' screening processes for new translators?

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