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Importing Trados tmw in OmegaT memory
Autor de la hebra: Alpár-László Krecht
Alpár-László Krecht
Alpár-László Krecht  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
Miembro 2005
alemán al húngaro
+ ...
Aug 24, 2005


i have discover, that OmegaT can quit elegant translate PowerPoint files. But after i have import my trados (i use Trados under Win98se) memory, OmegaT don't use them.
The other problem i met was converting the sxd file into ppt.
Can anibody help me?

Thanks a lot.

Robert Tucker (X)
Robert Tucker (X)
Reino Unido
Local time: 22:48
alemán al inglés
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Trados/OmegaT TMX Aug 24, 2005

Trados, I believe, exports a UTF-16 1.4 TMX while OmegaT works with UTF-8 TMX 1.1 - and a fairly special/simple/minimal version of TMX 1.1 at that.

It may be possible to convert from Trados TMX to OmegaT TMX using a UTF converter and text editors (e.g. Simredo, jEdit, Bluefish) and text stream editors (e.g. sed).

There is
... See more
Trados, I believe, exports a UTF-16 1.4 TMX while OmegaT works with UTF-8 TMX 1.1 - and a fairly special/simple/minimal version of TMX 1.1 at that.

It may be possible to convert from Trados TMX to OmegaT TMX using a UTF converter and text editors (e.g. Simredo, jEdit, Bluefish) and text stream editors (e.g. sed).

There is an online UTF converter at:


and C code (it needs further coding or a program to call it to work) to convert UTF at:


I've not had a Trados TMX to experiment with.

[Edited at 2005-08-24 13:16]

I've found another UTF-16/UTF-8 converter (Java based) at:


I tried it with a UTF-8 HTML file - it converted it to UTF-16BE

Of course, opening UTF-16 files in an editor such as Simredo and saving as UTF-8 might be expected to work - but reports in other forums have led me to suspect that it might not.

[Edited at 2005-08-24 14:17]

File encoding conversion should be possible on both Linux and Windows with iconv

[Edited at 2005-09-03 09:19]

Sonja Tomaskovic (X)
Sonja Tomaskovic (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:48
inglés al alemán
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OmT handles TMX only Aug 24, 2005

Hello Alpár-László,

OmT can only work with TMX files, that means you have to convert your Trados memory (TMW) to TMX. I don't have Trados and cannot say how this works. There must be some sort of export function available in Trados.

In theory, OmT should recognize this TM if you put it into your project's TM folder.

What kind of error message are you getting when trying to convert your file back to PPT?
Have you translated this file with OmT? If
... See more
Hello Alpár-László,

OmT can only work with TMX files, that means you have to convert your Trados memory (TMW) to TMX. I don't have Trados and cannot say how this works. There must be some sort of export function available in Trados.

In theory, OmT should recognize this TM if you put it into your project's TM folder.

What kind of error message are you getting when trying to convert your file back to PPT?
Have you translated this file with OmT? If so, did you verify that all the source tags are in the target segments?



Should you be more comfortable writing in German, please do not hesitate to contact me through my profile.

[Edited at 2005-08-24 11:17]

Sonja Tomaskovic (X)
Sonja Tomaskovic (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:48
inglés al alemán
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.. Aug 24, 2005

Robert Tucker wrote:
Trados, I believe, exports a UTF-16 1.4 TMX while OmegaT works with UTF-8 TMX 1.1 - and a fairly special/simple/minimal version of TMX 1.1 at that.

According to Maxym, the main programmer of the OmT project, this issue has been resolved. I never tested it, though.


Alpár-László Krecht
Alpár-László Krecht  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
Miembro 2005
alemán al húngaro
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Fail to convert - the file was to large Aug 24, 2005

Robert Tucker wrote:

Trados, I believe, exports a UTF-16 1.4 TMX while OmegaT works with UTF-8 TMX 1.1 - and a fairly special/simple/minimal version of TMX 1.1 at that.

It may be possible to convert from Trados TMX to OmegaT TMX using a UTF converter and text editors (e.g. Simredo, jEdit, Bluefish) and text processors (e.g. sed).

There is an online UTF converter at:


and C code (it needs further coding or a program to call it to work) to convert UTF at:


I've not had a Trados TMX to experiment with.

The tmx, with them i try, had cca 33000 TU-s.

[Edited at 2005-08-24 13:03]Maybe i should split in more smaller files.

Thanks anyway.

[Edited at 2005-08-24 13:27]

Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:48
alemán al inglés
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Importing Trados tmw in OmegaT memory Aug 24, 2005

Szia Alpár,

From within Trados, you can export a translation memory to TMX format. Trados gives you the option of choosing the TMX version when you do this, and you can select version 1.1. OmegaT should read TMX v. 1.1 files produced in this way directly.

If you only have a TMX v. 1.4 file, you can probably make it readable by OmegaT by minor modifications (e.g. changing "1.4b" to "1.1" in the header, and possibly deleting any styles information).


Alpár-László Krecht
Alpár-László Krecht  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
Miembro 2005
alemán al húngaro
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How? Aug 24, 2005

Szia Marc,
sorry, but i see just 2 options: export as txt or as tmx. (trados 6.5)
I checked in the exported tm, seems to be tmx 1.1. But still not work. If i copy in Tm folder, when i start OmegaT i got an error message: Fail to load Tm.



Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:48
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Importing Trados tmw in OmegaT memory Aug 25, 2005


A customer produced a TMX 1.1 for me in Trados 6.5 (version number just confirmed ). The function includes an option to select the TMX version.

I checked in the exported tm, seems to be tmx 1.1.

The TMX version number should be clearly indicated in the file header data.

Try this: produce a simple TMX file (just a couple of segments) yourself in OmegaT. Then open this file and the Trados-generated file in a text editor, and compare the two.


[Edited at 2005-08-25 08:36]

Alpár-László Krecht
Alpár-László Krecht  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
Miembro 2005
alemán al húngaro
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Tmx-comparation Aug 25, 2005

Hello Marc,

The only difference i see is: encoding ="UTF-8" (in OmegaT tmx).

To the other hand, in the Trados documentation said that the memory can be exportat as txt or tmx level 2. Is this level 2 the reason?

[Edited at 2005-08-25 09:53]

[Edited at 2005-08-25 09:54]

Marc P (X)
Marc P (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:48
alemán al inglés
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Importing Trados tmw in OmegaT memory Aug 25, 2005

Alpár-László Krecht wrote:

The only difference i see is: encoding ="UTF-8" (in OmegaT tmx).

What happens when you insert that string into the Trados-generated file at the same point(s)? Can OmegaT then import the file?

To the other hand, in the Trados documentation said that the memory can be exportat as txt or tmx level 2. Is this level 2 the reason?

Level 2 is support for in-line formatting. If the Trados memory has in-line formatting codes, these should not prevent the TMX file from being imported into OmegaT; the formatting information will just be useless, that's all.


Alpár-László Krecht
Alpár-László Krecht  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:48
Miembro 2005
alemán al húngaro
+ ...
The same error mesage Aug 25, 2005

The whole error message:

Failed to load tanslation memory for project!
Java io.IO. exception. Parse errot in [folder name][memory file name]
org. omega. filters2. Translation exception Unexepted chars {0}(8)
Tag name: header

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 23:48
Miembro 2006
inglés al afrikaans
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Are you sure OmegaT is segmenting by sentence here? Aug 25, 2005

Alpár-László Krecht wrote:
But after I have import my Trados memory, OmegaT don't use them.

Are you sure the reason isn't perhaps that OmegaT segments by paragraph, and Trados segmented by sentence? Perhaps you'll start getting matches if you segment your text for OmegaT by sentence (either by using the Sentseg script or by using the current beta version which can segment by sentence).

Just a thought...

Diana R.
Diana R.
Local time: 23:48
inglés al polaco
no errors reported in OmegaT Oct 5, 2005

I tried to change the header of the tmx memory file, I simply copied it from oryginal omegaT tmx file. It worked. The error message doesn't occure anymore. But, still the memory is useless. It's not the fault of segmentation, cause I changed it into "sentence" and I runed the sentence segmentation macro in OpenOffice first. Then I reopened OmT project, but couldn't get any matches. I don't really know what more I could do... See more
I tried to change the header of the tmx memory file, I simply copied it from oryginal omegaT tmx file. It worked. The error message doesn't occure anymore. But, still the memory is useless. It's not the fault of segmentation, cause I changed it into "sentence" and I runed the sentence segmentation macro in OpenOffice first. Then I reopened OmT project, but couldn't get any matches. I don't really know what more I could do
Best regards

Anthony Baldwin
Anthony Baldwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:48
portugués al inglés
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too much gobbledy gook Apr 24, 2008

Alpár-László Krecht wrote:

Szia Marc,
sorry, but i see just 2 options: export as txt or as tmx. (trados 6.5)
I checked in the exported tm, seems to be tmx 1.1. But still not work. If i copy in Tm folder, when i start OmegaT i got an error message: Fail to load Tm.



My experience with Trados exported TMX files is that they have tonso gobbledy-gook in the beginning which is not relevant to the actual translations.
(In the headers or right after them, looks like this:

{\f1 \fmodern\fprq1 \fcharset0 Courier New;}
{\f2 \fswiss\fprq2 \fcharset0 Arial;}
{\f3 \froman\fprq2 {\*\panose 02020603050405020304}\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}
{\f4 \froman\fprq2 {\*\panose 05050102010706020507}\fcharset2 Symbol;}
{\f5 \fnil\fprq2 {\*\panose 05000000000000000000}\fcharset2 Wingdings;}
It appears to be font settings and other stuff, but, there are often pages of it.
I open the Trados tmx in an editor and just remove all of that stuff, and then am able to load these tms.

good luck

Anthony Baldwin
Anthony Baldwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:48
portugués al inglés
+ ...
sentence level segmenting Apr 24, 2008

Samuel Murray wrote:

Alpár-László Krecht wrote:
But after I have import my Trados memory, OmegaT don't use them.

Are you sure the reason isn't perhaps that OmegaT segments by paragraph, and Trados segmented by sentence? Perhaps you'll start getting matches if you segment your text for OmegaT by sentence (either by using the Sentseg script or by using the current beta version which can segment by sentence).

Just a thought...

hey, Sam,

Of course, OmegaT has now had sentence level segmenting for quite some time.
(Although not at the time of this original post).


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Importing Trados tmw in OmegaT memory

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