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Off topic: World Cup slogans Autor de la hebra: Paul Dixon
Paul Dixon Brasil Local time: 20:47 portugués al inglés + ... In Memoriam
I have just seen the following on a forum in another social networking site and would like to share it with you (source: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/news/newsid=1209257/index.html?cid=rssfeed&att=)
نجمة وهلال من أجل هدف واحد: النصر
(Star a... See more I have just seen the following on a forum in another social networking site and would like to share it with you (source: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/news/newsid=1209257/index.html?cid=rssfeed&att=)
نجمة وهلال من أجل هدف واحد: النصر
(Star and crescent with one goal: Victory!)
Última parada, la gloria
(Last stop: Glory)
Dare to Dream, Advance Australia
Lotado! O Brasil inteiro está aqui dentro!
(The whole of Brazil is in here!)
Les lions indomptables sont de retour
(The Indomitable Lions are back)
Roja la sangre de mi corazón, Chile campeón
(Red is the blood of my heart, Chile will be Champion)
Côte d'Ivoire
Eléphants, battons nous pour la victoire!
(Elephants, let's fight for victory!)
Det eneste der kræves, er et dansk hold og en drøm
(All you need is a Danish team and a dream)
Playing with Pride and Glory
Tous ensemble vers un nouveau rêve bleu
(All together for a new dream in blue)
Auf dem Weg zum Cup!
(On the road to get the Cup!)
The hope of Africa
Η Ελλάδα είναι παντού!
(Greece is everywhere!)
Un país, una pasión, ¡5 estrellas en el corazón!
(One Country, One passion, 5 Stars in the heart)
Il nostro Azzurro nel cielo d'Africa
(Italian Azzurro on African sky)
(The Samurai spirit never dies! Victory for Japan!)
Korea DPR
또다시 1966년처럼, 조선아 이겨라 !
(1966 again! Victory for DPR of Korea!)
Korea Republic
승리의 함성, 하나된 한국
(The Shouts of Reds, United Republic of Korea)
¡Es tiempo de un nuevo campeón!
(It is time for a new champion!)
Let niet op de grote 5, maar pas op voor de oranje 11
(Don't fear the big five, fear the Orange eleven)
New Zealand
Kickin’ it Kiwi style
Super Eagles super fan united we stand
El león Guaraní ruge en Sudáfrica
(The Guarani lion roars in South Africa!)
Um sonho, uma ambição…Portugal campeão!
(One dream, one purpose… Portugal victorious!)
Igramo srcem, vodimo osmehom!
(Play with the heart, lead with a smile!)
Rozbehnime to: Slovensko do toho!
(Shake the green field: Go Slovakia!)
Z enajstimi pogumnimi srci do konca
(With eleven brave hearts to the end)
South Africa
One nation, proudly united under one rainbow
Ilusión es mi camino, Victoria mi destino
(Hope is my road, victory my destiny)
Hopp Schwiiz! - "Hop Suisse!" - "Forza Svizzera!" - "C'mon Switzerland!"
El sol brilla sobre nosotros. ¡Vamos Uruguay!
(The sun shines upon us. Go Uruguay!)
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Victory!"
What do you think of them?
In general, I think they are very good. I like the one from Chile (comparing the red of the heart with the red shirts of "La Roja" - "The Reds", which is the Chilean national team's nickname), also the Netherlands message (contrast between the Big Five and the Orange Eleven). The weakest one seems to be Greece's "Greece is everywhere" which makes no mention of victory, playing with the heart etc. that most of the slogans have. Brazil's slogan is similar to that of Greece but at least stresses national support for the team. ▲ Collapse | | |
Dear Paul,
I´m sorry for Chile, but La Roja is ours
Ilusión es mi camino, Victoria mi destino
(Hope is my road, victory my destiny)
Greetings from Spain,
Gemma | | |
Paul Dixon Brasil Local time: 20:47 portugués al inglés + ... PERSONA QUE INICIÓ LA HEBRA In Memoriam
Dear Gemma,
I did not know that Spain was also "La Roja" - but you have a great team anyway!
PAUL | | |
Lizette Britz España Local time: 00:47 Miembro 2008 inglés al español
I thought only Spain was La Roja (marea roja, furia roja) ... but there is Chile and the Korea Republic who also are red.
I think my favorite slogan is New Zealand's Kickin’ it Kiwi style
Liz | |
Apparently the unofficial slogan here is ABE - I'll leave it to you to figure it out | | |
Rad Graban (X) Reino Unido Local time: 23:47 inglés al eslovaco + ...
Not sure about the English translation. I would have personally translated "Rozbehníme to" as "Let's Roll".
[Edited at 2010-06-12 12:08 GMT] | | |
Italian slogan | Jun 13, 2010 |
I saw the Italian one on the side of the team bus, with the accompanying translation...
Italian Minister Calderoli says we all have to make sacrifices given the economic crisis, and that footballers should too... I guess the translation department was the first to be affected | | |
I'm with North Korea | Jun 13, 2010 |
A repeat of 1966 works pretty well for me.
Meanwhile, @Rad, look, "let's roll" sounds almost sensible. Anyone would think you'd actually watched a football match and heard the kind of thing that gets said. Quite frankly, I find that attitude appalling. What we need is more ludicrousness and less brain. I love "shake the green field" and will be recommending that our own FA adopt it sharpish. | |
:) Right Fiona | Jun 13, 2010 |
Il nostro Azzurro nel cielo d'Africa
(Italian Azzurro on African sky)
Correct translation is: Our Azzurro on African sky
happy world cup!
[Edited at 2010-06-13 14:08 GMT] | | |
Lingua 5B Bosnia y Herzegovina Local time: 00:47 Miembro 2009 inglés al croata + ... Slogans and supporters' songs at World Cup | Jun 14, 2010 |
I can't hear supporters at all, since my TV is buzzing from the sound of vuvuzela horns on each match. lol I wonder what it's like for the people who are actually present at the stadium. | | |
Was wondering the same thing | Jun 14, 2010 |
Lingua 5B wrote:
I wonder what it's like for the people who are actually present at the stadium.
Mind-blowing, I suppose. | | |
Linda Kelly España Local time: 23:47 español al inglés + ... Slogans from TV/Newspapers | Jun 14, 2010 |
Some of these are actually quite telling. In Spain we're all singing "sí podemos" (yes we can), but Britain's biggest selling daily The Sun (scary I know) says "maybe, just maybe". Hmmmm.... | |
The slogan when they get back... | Jun 14, 2010 |
...will probably be "you can take your vuvuzelas and ........." (I'll leave it up to you to complete the sentence). | | |
J Celeita (X) Local time: 15:47 español al inglés + ... the horns become a sort of white background noise | Jun 15, 2010 |
for me...and usually by the end of the game (unless it's one I've been looking forward to) I feel like I just can't fight them anymore, and end up falling asleep! | | |
ricardonhorta wrote:
...will probably be "you can take your vuvuzelas and ........." (I'll leave it up to you to complete the sentence).
Yep, there are several things one could do with them... I mean no offence to South Africans, but these horns are scaring me off the screen; haven't managed to watch a single match till the end.
[Upraveno: 2010-06-15 08:54 GMT] | | |
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