Aceept/Reject changes
Autor de la hebra: Baran Keki
Baran Keki
Baran Keki  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:25
inglés al turco
Jul 18

In MemoQ's top ribbon there is only the green 'Accept' option, and a dropdown menu where you can choose the 'Reject and Move To Next' option:


Using that dropdown menu to reject changes (and then moving on to the next) is just too time consuming. I'd like to be able to reject changes by serially clicking on that button that says 'Accept' (which should be 'Reject' obviously) and go through the rest of the text, occasionally accepting some changes here and there. So is there a way of turning that 'Accept' button into a 'Reject' button, if that makes any sense?

Felix Sherrington-Kendall
Felix Sherrington-Kendall  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:25
alemán al inglés
Custom menus Jul 18


Not quite what you want, but if you right-click on the menu, you can choose "Customize The Ribbon" and then add the specific button you want to the Quick Access menu, for example. Alternatively you can add the option to the Quick Access Toolbar, which adds the button to the bar at the very top of your memoQ window. Either way you'll be able to click the command you want. Hope that helps!

Baran Keki
MollyRose  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 06:25
inglés al español
+ ...
Reject Jul 18

The only command I found that says "Reject" is under Review/Quality Assurance. I don't think that particular command will do what we want.

Does anyone know exactly how to add (to the ribbon) Reject Change or Reject Change and go to Next? That indeed would be handy! I also have wondered why they didn't just add a Reject button instead of making us click the arrow beside Accept.

Felix Sherrington-Kendall
Felix Sherrington-Kendall  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:25
alemán al inglés
Button location Jul 19

That button should be hiding under Review → Tracking → Accept → Reject This Change (or Reject And Move To Next), basically the same place it is currently hiding in the ribbon

Erwin van Wouw
Erwin van Wouw  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 13:25
Miembro 2010
inglés al neerlandés
Customize shortcuts Jul 22

Just assign a shortcut to the command you need. Here are instructions to do so:


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Aceept/Reject changes

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