[News Article] UNESCO marks anniversary of translation index
Autor de la hebra: Valentini Mellas
Valentini Mellas
Valentini Mellas  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:46
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Dec 6, 2007

Μία πραγματικά πολύ καλή πηγή για αναζητήσεις και για ευρύτερη επιμόρφωση. Γιορτάζει κιόλας τα 75(!!) της χρόνια ...

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Μία πραγματικά πολύ καλή πηγή για αναζητήσεις και για ευρύτερη επιμόρφωση. Γιορτάζει κιόλας τα 75(!!) της χρόνια ...

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UNESCO marks anniversary of translation index

5 December 2007 – The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO) today marked the 75th anniversary of the Index Translationum, a comprehensive database of the world’s translated works.

The discussion will be on the topic “Measuring translation flows: what for?” and is being held with the participation of the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), according to a press release issued by UNESCO.

The index, which currently has some 1,700,000 entries listing more than 250,000 authors, contains cumulative bibliographical information on books translated and published in some 800 languages in about 130 UNESCO Member States since 1979. .....


ΥΓ: Για όσους δεν ξέρετε τη διεύθυνση του Index Translationum, είναι: http://portal.unesco.org/culture/en/ev.php-URL_ID=7810&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html

[Edited at 2007-12-06 09:10]


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[News Article] UNESCO marks anniversary of translation index

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