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¿En qué proyecto de traducción está trabajando actualmente?

Nadia Peiro publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

6 hours simultaneous online interpretation of medical interviews with cardiologists and nephrologists to review material for a new potassium binder product to treat hyperkalaemia.


I Do That

Nadia Peiro publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

EN/ES interpreting assignment: 6 marketing research interviews with GPs and endocrinologists to talk about material regarding type 1 diabetes treatments (Toujeo and Tresiba)


1 userI Do That

Nadia Peiro publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

14 hours of transcriptions (Spanish into English): Interviews with neurologists on Multiple Sclerosis


I Do That

Nadia Peiro publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just got confirmation to translate a 70 000 word book on Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the USA. Absolutely thrilled, I love historical books!


I Do That

Nadia Peiro publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

This week I am interpreting in KANTAR's offices in Madrid, no more Zoom, it feels good to see friendly faces again!


1 userI Do That

Nadia Peiro publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

(For 2021) Spanish to English 30,000 word book on legal practice in simple terms; 32,000 Spanish to English Corporate Social Responsability 2020 report for a international engineering company; (in 2020) Spanish to English 100,000 word science-fiction book; +75 hours interpreting for KANTAR and other marketing research companies.


I Do That