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¿En qué proyecto de traducción está trabajando actualmente?
ES-CA MTPE: Spanish to Catalan MT post-editing of a roundtable discussion on the need to recognize the specialized role of nurses in oncology wards.
On-site EN<>ES Simultaneous interpretation: 1st Annual Meeting of the Mediterranean Climate Action Partnership (MCAP). 4-day event on climate resilience, drought and fire prevention in countries with a Mediterranean climate.
(editada) EN-ES RSI, Simultaneous Remote Interpreting: 60-minute webinar on the management of early pain after vasectomy.
1 user
ES-CA MTPE: Spanish to Catalan MT post-editing of the transcript of a roundtable discussion on cancer immunotherapies, 13,156 words
1 user
(editada) ES-CA MTPE: New Summer Set Menus for a Spanish gourmet-burger restaurant chain, 4,304 words
(editada) On-site EN<>ES Simultaneous interpretation: All-day event for a major global e-commerce platform. Translated Carles Puyol, former FC Barcelona soccer player, who was interviewed during the event's inspirational session. Translated John Grotzinger, former chief scientist and director of strategic science planning for NASA's $2.5 billion Curiosity rover mission to Mars.
(editada) EN-ES RSI, Simultaneous Remote Interpreting: 60-minute webinar on managing lameness in dairy cattle.
(editada) EN-ES RSI: Simultaneous remote interpreting. Townhall meeting for a major global food and beverage company.
1 user
(editada) ES-CA MTPE: Marketing materials for a Spanish gourmet-burger restaurant chain, 625 words
(editada) EN-ES simultaneous remote interpreting: 60-minute internal webinar for one of the world's leading highway operators detailing the project to implement a new electronic toll collection system in the Elizabeth River Tunnels in Virginia, USA.
1 user
EN-ES simultaneous remote interpreting: 60-minute sales training session introducing new breast implant technology and surgical techniques.
2 users
(editada) Last week: Simultaneous interpreting for the certified water birth training course held at the Vall d'Hebrón University Hospital campus in Barcelona. A truly inspiring job!
2 users
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