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¿En qué proyecto de traducción está trabajando actualmente?

Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Translating an app to monitor cancer patients, French to Spanish, 15904 words.

cancer, monitoring, adverse events, chemotherapy


I Do That

  • francés al español
  • 15904 palabras
  • Medical (general)
respondió desde ProZ.com a las 09:39 Aug 6, 2020:

[Photo credit: PracticalCures.com]

Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Proofreading a list of horse bits, English to Spanish, 200 words, for a new client. Much more technical than it seems, but I love digging into terminology!

bits, eggbutt, curb


I Do That

  • inglés al español
  • Sports / Fitness / Recreation, Equestrian sports, Horses
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Translating a presentation on mountain security and risk management in adventure sports, Spanish to French, 2663 words. Remember that getting to the top is optional, but getting down is mandatory!

risk management, adventure sports, active leisure


I Do That

  • español al francés
  • Sports / Fitness / Recreation, Safety, Tourism & Travel
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

A list of ingredients for natural pet foods, English to Spanish, 450 words.

starch, ingredients, chicken, tuna


I Do That

  • inglés al español
  • Nutrition, Veterinary, Animals
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Transcribing an interesting interview with a French perfume designer. I'm learning a lot!

parfum, tuberose, ylang-ylang


I Do That

  • Cosmetics, Beauty, Journalism, Media / Multimedia
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Just starting a new translation on atopic dermatitis in dogs, English to Spanish, 9065 words... I love it!

atopic dermatitis, pruritus, allergens


I Do That

  • inglés al español
  • 9025 palabras
  • veterinary, companion animals, Zoology
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Small EN>ES translation for a company that makes audio gear for young, sporty people, English to Spanish, 192 words.



I Do That

  • inglés al español
  • Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Reviewing the galley proofs of a book about canine and feline urinalysis, 132 pages

urinalysis,urine collection,urine sample handling,urine sediment,proteinuria


I Do That

  • veterinary, nephrology, companion animals
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

A blog article on welfare biology research and vaccination of animals in the wild, English to Spanish, 724 words.

rabies,vaccination,wildlife conservation,ecosystems


I Do That

  • inglés al español
  • 724 palabras
  • zoology, ecology, animal welfare
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Last chapter of a book on nephrology and urology in cats and dogs dealing with clinical procedures (renal biopsy, cystoscopy, subcutaneous ureteral bypass, etc.), English to Spanish, 3432 words

cystoscopy,kidney biopsy,subcutaneous ureteral bypass,hemodialysis,stenting


I Do That

  • inglés al español
  • 2555 palabras
  • veterinary, nephrology, companion animals
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

A book chapter about diseases of the lower urinary tract in cats and dogs, English to Spanish, 4365 words

urinary tract infection,urolithiasis,micturition disorders


I Do That

  • inglés al español
  • 4365 palabras
  • veterinary, nephrology, companion animals
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

A book chapter about diseases of the kidney in cats and dogs, English to Spanish, 5471 words

chronic kidney disease,acute kidney injury,glomerular disease


1 userI Do That

  • inglés al español
  • 5471 palabras
  • veterinary, nephrology, companion animals
Nathalie Fernández publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Translating a brochure on patellar luxation in dogs, English to Spanish, 4074 words.



1 userI Do That

  • inglés al español
  • 4074 palabras
  • Veterinary Medicine