En qué están trabajando los traductores

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¿En qué proyecto de traducción está trabajando actualmente?

Valeska Nygren publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Attended another excellent Annual Conference of the Arizona Interpreters and Translators Association at the end of September 2018. Completed three years of inheritance case facilitation to the great satisfaction of my two client families.


I Do That

Valeska Nygren publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Back from an excellent simultaneous interpreting workshop in Chicago and another very instructive annual conference of the Arizona Interpreters and Translators Association, back to facilitating the legal - inheritance - case, German <> English, exciting genealogical research American descendant looking for German ancestors.


I Do That

Valeska Nygren publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Still facilitating a legal - inheritance - case, German <> English, just completed interpreting for a deposition, German <> English, genealogical research American descendant looking for German ancestors, several legal documents English to German


I Do That

Valeska Nygren publicó desde ProZ.com y compartió:

Facilitating a legal case English and German, on-going, genealogical research and translations, three smaller assignments


I Do That