T15-Terminology for Legal Settings, Level 3

Format: Videos
Topic: Legal translation

Course summary
Availability:This training is available on-demand

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Summary:This session will provide information and terminology at an ADVANCED level used in complex legal settings in different parts of the world. It is suitable for translators and interpreters that need to work on complicated legal subjects and concepts and who want to expand their vocabulary and understanding of difficult legal concepts. (The session is language-neutral delivered in English but appropriate for any language pair.)
This 90 minute session covers hundreds of terms at an advanced level - that of a Judge or a litigation attorney - as used in the courts and complex legal documentation and meetings. It describes terms used in advanced legal research and writing, presenting a systematic approach to word building and term comprehension.

This is a fast-pace, intense, session with an upbeat and lively mood, that requires full engagement on the part of the participant in terms of ACTIVE listening, individual thinking and processing of information, as well as hands-on note-taking and interactive activities. HANDS-ON exercises will also be suggested to be completed AFTER the session.

This is one more session that forms part of the bundles focusing on the progressive acquisition of skills in terminology used in legal settings, healthcare and medicine, and business and finance, and guidance on how to build better glossaries.
Target audience
Learning objectives
- Define, describe, and identify advanced-level terminology used in different legal settings
- Compare, analyze, combine and explain listings of terminology used in complex legal encounters and documents
- Evaluate study material and resources to improve vocabulary
Sufficient command of English to understand the session.
Preferably, to have taken the T07 and T12-Elementary and Intermediate Terminology in Legal Settings
Preferably, experience in legal translation or interpreting
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Introduction and explanation of approximately 200 complex legal terms.
Registration and payment information (click to expand)
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Price: 39.00 USD
Click on the buy button on the right to purchase your seat Participation fee includes unlimited access to the recording. How do I purchase the video? To purchase your seat at this session please click on the "buy" button. After your payment is received, your status will be changed to “registered and paid” and an invoice and receipt of payment will be sent to you for your records. How do I access the video? Once the payment is processed you will be able to watch the video here
Created by
 Claudia Brauer    View feedback | View all courses
Bio: Claudia became a trainer of translators and interpreters in 2011, after 35 years of experience as a translator and interpreter. She is also a speaker, writer and blogger on topics related to the current state of the translation and interpreting industry.

She has designed and delivered more than 300 hours of proprietary content and uses her wikis to freely disseminated some 25 copyrighted tools designed to help translators and interpreters in the 21st century virtual village.

The vision of BrauerTraining is to educate translators and interpreters, so they may become great quality professionals with a high code of ethics, embracing technology to remain competitive in today's world.

Claudia can be found on the web at http://brauertraining.com and on Twitter as @Brauer21Century.
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