Poll: What time do you usually start work?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Dec 22, 2006

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "What time do you usually start work?".

This poll was originally submitted by Rebecca Hendry

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This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "What time do you usually start work?".

This poll was originally submitted by Rebecca Hendry

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A forum topic will appear each time a new poll is run. For more information, see: http://proz.com/topic/33629

Andres & Leticia Enjuto
Andres & Leticia Enjuto  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:32
Miembro 2005
inglés al español
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Around 6 am Dec 22, 2006

I try to begin at or before 6 am, as the morning is my most productive time.
I love to start before sunrise, and then make a short break to see the sun appear in the horizon (we live in a countryside area near a main city, actually). This is not possible during summer time, when the day is longer, but it's already an habit.

If I'm too tired I start at around 8 am, just like today.

Happy holiday to
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I try to begin at or before 6 am, as the morning is my most productive time.
I love to start before sunrise, and then make a short break to see the sun appear in the horizon (we live in a countryside area near a main city, actually). This is not possible during summer time, when the day is longer, but it's already an habit.

If I'm too tired I start at around 8 am, just like today.

Happy holiday to everyone!


Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT
Tomás Cano Binder, BA, CT  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:32
Miembro 2005
inglés al español
+ ...
Task switching at its best Dec 22, 2006

Ok folks. I will try to summarise what my usual working day looked like in the last year:

- Get up with my wife at 6:30 (shower etc.). Wife heads for her job.
- Work from 6:45 to 7:45 (when my children have to get up to go to school)
- Children: Wake up/scratch their back a bit/tickle them a bit too/dress/give breakfast/take to school/resist the temptation to have a coffee in town with other parents who insist in proposing it (the latter is the hardest part)
- Work
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Ok folks. I will try to summarise what my usual working day looked like in the last year:

- Get up with my wife at 6:30 (shower etc.). Wife heads for her job.
- Work from 6:45 to 7:45 (when my children have to get up to go to school)
- Children: Wake up/scratch their back a bit/tickle them a bit too/dress/give breakfast/take to school/resist the temptation to have a coffee in town with other parents who insist in proposing it (the latter is the hardest part)
- Work from 9:15 to 22:00, with a short break for lunch, a short break to kiss mi children when my wife brings them back from school, a short break to have dinner with children and wife, and a short break to feed the dogs.

That's it! In the first hour early in the morning I usually deal with smaller tasks or email, and in the rest of the day I work on the bigger, more complex tasks.

Izabela Szczypka
Izabela Szczypka  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:32
inglés al polaco
+ ...
10-12, but ... Dec 22, 2006

My mornings are for contacts with the outside world - phone calls, visits, invoicing, looking through Proz and the news sites etc. When I still taught, I liked starting classes at 8 am because that stimulated me for the rest of day. Now I am on my PC or phone at about 9 am.
At around noon my most creative and concentrated phase starts - that's the best time to start translating. I work till 11 pm or midnight, rarely later - just don't think effectively at small hours. But I love to read in
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My mornings are for contacts with the outside world - phone calls, visits, invoicing, looking through Proz and the news sites etc. When I still taught, I liked starting classes at 8 am because that stimulated me for the rest of day. Now I am on my PC or phone at about 9 am.
At around noon my most creative and concentrated phase starts - that's the best time to start translating. I work till 11 pm or midnight, rarely later - just don't think effectively at small hours. But I love to read in bed until 1-2 am ... which is not good, but sooo nice
The routine has developed for the last few months of living alone - before that I was obviously dependent on my family coming back from school / work, and it gets upside down when they come back to stay for a time.
No need saying that tight deadlines also have their impact ... but my morning translation output is never really satisfactory in terms of quality, and revising takes far too much time - no use really unless I feel standing at a gunpoint.

Anthony Baldwin
Anthony Baldwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 21:32
portugués al inglés
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an easier question to answer Dec 23, 2006

would be ¨when do I not work¨, the answer to which would be, ¨when I am sleeping¨, which isn´t often...
Of course, I can go two weeks with hardly a birth certificate to work on, and then, as soon as a) I plan a weekend with the Mrs., b) my daughter is on vacation from school, or c) a major holiday approaches (like Christmas), I will suddenly have 5 project managers converge upon me at once with projects that MUST be done NOW, and since I´ve gone two weeks with nothing to do, I take t
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would be ¨when do I not work¨, the answer to which would be, ¨when I am sleeping¨, which isn´t often...
Of course, I can go two weeks with hardly a birth certificate to work on, and then, as soon as a) I plan a weekend with the Mrs., b) my daughter is on vacation from school, or c) a major holiday approaches (like Christmas), I will suddenly have 5 project managers converge upon me at once with projects that MUST be done NOW, and since I´ve gone two weeks with nothing to do, I take them all and give up sleep for days on end...
But when conditions are ideal, I will get up around 5 am with the Mrs and have coffee with her, see her off to work around 6ish, spend 6-7am reading e-mails, bidding on jobs, managing invoices and financial records,and other administrative and/or marketing tasks (which, YES, is work) while downing a whole ´nother pot of coffee, get my daughter off to school, go for a walk around town for 30 minutes to two hours (depending on work load--I need fresh air and exercise). Then I come home 9am to 10amish and settle into work until about 1:30 to 2pmish, break for lunch, a 20min nap, and go to teach Spanish at a local charter school for two hours (3pm to 5pm). Pick up the monkey from school, help with homework, have a chat with her about school, read a book with her, etc., shuffle her off to shower and bed, and then begin working again, from 7:30pmish to anywhere from 11pm to 3am, depending on workload, spousal influences, and coffee supplies....
And still get up by 5 or 6 am the next day and start all over.
I rarely sleep more than 5 hours at a time, and usually less. Those 20 minute afternoon powernaps really help, though.
Then there are the days when I interpret in court, in which I will do no translation work at all during the day, but will still work late at night.

[Edited at 2006-12-23 00:13]

Claudio Porcellana (X)
Claudio Porcellana (X)  Identity Verified
I am an owl Dec 23, 2006

and I love night, so here is my work day:

awake when the sun light my bedroom, at about 11-12

have breakfast, then read/answer mails and start to work

at about 14:00 a light lunch, then I work again

at about 19:30 dinner with my wife then a bit of TV to relax

at about 21 work again till to first yawns, then I close translations and open the "window on the web" to learn something about SW/PC/security news
then a look to ProZ/T
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and I love night, so here is my work day:

awake when the sun light my bedroom, at about 11-12

have breakfast, then read/answer mails and start to work

at about 14:00 a light lunch, then I work again

at about 19:30 dinner with my wife then a bit of TV to relax

at about 21 work again till to first yawns, then I close translations and open the "window on the web" to learn something about SW/PC/security news
then a look to ProZ/Translators cafè jobs

at about 2:00 go to sleep

P.S: all the work day is accompanied by internet music and some pause to go out or play with Paintshop

Andrea Riffo
Andrea Riffo  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:32
inglés al español
+ ...
I start translating around 10-11am Dec 23, 2006

But I'm usually sitting in front of my PC around 9am and use this two-hour gap to answer e-mails, log on to skype and messenger (because of the different timezones, I try to be online at 12:00 GMT at the latest), drink loads of coffee, and snooze in front of the screen.

The reasons for this are:
(a) I have never been, and probably never will be, a morning person, so even if I get 10 hours' sleep I am next to useless before 10-11am.
(b) I also have a very hard time
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But I'm usually sitting in front of my PC around 9am and use this two-hour gap to answer e-mails, log on to skype and messenger (because of the different timezones, I try to be online at 12:00 GMT at the latest), drink loads of coffee, and snooze in front of the screen.

The reasons for this are:
(a) I have never been, and probably never will be, a morning person, so even if I get 10 hours' sleep I am next to useless before 10-11am.
(b) I also have a very hard time concentrating, so I need about 30 minutes in front of the screen and lots of willpower in order to concentrate enough in what I'm doing. Once I get there, though, you could hit me over the head with an anvil and I wouldn't even flinch.

When I have a work overload or rush jobs, I cheat: I go to bed at around 7-8pm and sleep until 12-1am. Then I get up and work straight into the next evening without yawning even once. If I were to go to bed at 12am and get up at 7am, even though it's more hours of sleep, I would be totally useless.

To each their own, I guess

Rolf Kern
Rolf Kern  Identity Verified
Local time: 03:32
inglés al alemán
+ ...
In Memoriam
My typical working day Dec 23, 2006

I have an office away form the appartment. Normally: 09.30 am to 06.00 pm with 1 hour lunch-and-newspapare-reading break in the office (microwave heating or cold dishes like tomato salad with ognion and Mozzarella). Then dinner at home and back to the office between 08.00 and 10.30 pm.


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Poll: What time do you usually start work?

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