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Poll: How many hours per week do you actually spend working (translating, accounting, marketing, etc.)?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Aug 4, 2013

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How many hours per week do you actually spend working (translating, accounting, marketing, etc.)?".

This poll was originally submitted by Carolin Haase. View the poll results »

Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida
Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:28
Miembro 2007
inglés al portugués
+ ...
It varies a lot Aug 4, 2013

Some weeks I put in less than 10 hours, but others much more than 60!

Heather McCrae
Heather McCrae  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
alemán al inglés
over 60 hours a week? Aug 4, 2013

I would like to know why nearly 24% have to work over 60 hours a week? What exactly do you do that takes up so much time and is it worth it?

Noura Tawil
Noura Tawil  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:28
Miembro 2013
inglés al árabe
ACTUAL Aug 4, 2013

Guys please pay attention to this "Actual" work hours.. These do not include breaks, lunch hours, snack hours, answering non business phones, day dreaming or caressing your cat!

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:28
inglés al español
+ ...
As we say in America... Aug 4, 2013

As in “none of your business.”

They're really scraping the barrel with these poll questions. My suggestion: stop thinking with your lizard brain and use your evolved hominid brain!

tilak raj
tilak raj  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:58
Miembro 2012
inglés al panyabí
+ ...
It varies at least 40 hours per week Aug 4, 2013

Working as freelancer is not to be limited in time limitation. But as per matter of translation and other related accounting work, I spend at least 40 hours per week in my profession. It varies because sometimes I get free in weekends. Sometimes very busy in these days. So 8-10 hour per day is genuine duty for a translator thus in a week at least (without weekends) 40 hours and max. 50 hours.

Chun Un
Chun Un  Identity Verified
Miembro 2007
inglés al chino
+ ...
31-40 hours Aug 5, 2013

on average...

Wolfgang Vogt
Wolfgang Vogt  Identity Verified
Local time: 10:28
inglés al alemán
+ ...
why? Aug 5, 2013

Mario Chavez wrote:

As in “none of your business.”

They're really scraping the barrel with these poll questions. My suggestion: stop thinking with your lizard brain and use your evolved hominid brain!

Hi Mario, why wouldn't you answer this kind of question? (I'm asking out of genuine interest - saying that just to avoid misunderstandings)

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:28
inglés al español
+ ...
Argentina Aug 5, 2013

Wolfgang Vogt wrote:

Mario Chavez wrote:

As in “none of your business.”

They're really scraping the barrel with these poll questions. My suggestion: stop thinking with your lizard brain and use your evolved hominid brain!

Hi Mario, why wouldn't you answer this kind of question? (I'm asking out of genuine interest - saying that just to avoid misunderstandings)

Hi, Wolfgang,

Thanks for asking so politely. Basically, the poll asks for a useless piece of statistics in my view. Instead of offering polls that would help responders share useful advice or pointers on translation, the translation business or improving our skills (including our soft skills such as client support), polls like this go for the superficial questions.

It's like asking this: If you have a pet in your office, does it sit on your lap while you work?

Cute, but professionally useless.

Triston Goodwin
Triston Goodwin  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 07:28
español al inglés
+ ...
60+ Aug 5, 2013

But because my wife and I translate, build websites, work in graphic design, and I still dabble in construction. I am much happier person when I'm working and being able to work along side my beautiful wife makes it perfect.

Oh, my dog tries to climb on my lap while I work, but he quickly receives a good fajada. Gaby doesn't seem to mind him though.

[Edited at 2013-08-05 04:37 GMT]

Muriel Vasconcellos
Muriel Vasconcellos  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 06:28
Miembro 2003
español al inglés
+ ...
31-40 Aug 5, 2013

On translation business. I used to spend more, but as some pointed out, it's not really worth it. I have been able to maintain this pace and keep my income at the level I wanted while still:
- Blogging
- Writing a book ("Finding My Invincible Summer," published in November 2012)
- Taking classes in landscape design

I don't do the extra activities all the time, but I have the flexibility in my life to do the things I want to.

Michael Harris
Michael Harris  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
Miembro 2006
alemán al inglés
Maybe because we have lots of work to do?? Aug 5, 2013

heathermccrae wrote:

I would like to know why nearly 24% have to work over 60 hours a week? What exactly do you do that takes up so much time and is it worth it?

Who said that "have" to work these hours, the question was how many hours do you work.
I generally work between 50 & 60 hours a week and I have to say, I am also happy about it. I could cut it down, but as long as I am happy about working these hours, why shouldnt I??

Christopher Schröder
Christopher Schröder
Reino Unido
Miembro 2011
sueco al inglés
+ ...
Looks like Aug 5, 2013

40% of those responding to the poll need to get a life

writeaway  Identity Verified
francés al inglés
+ ...
Work to live or live to work? Aug 5, 2013

Chris S wrote:

40% of those responding to the poll need to get a life

Some translators work to live, others live to work. I know colleagues in the latter group and 24 hours a day isn't enough for them. I get tired just hearing about it. To each his/her own.

Tatty  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:28
español al inglés
+ ...
Good poll! Aug 5, 2013

I like this kind of poll because I would have guessed that many more translators would be working between 50-60 or more hours a week. I do, but then I take time off to compensate.

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Poll: How many hours per week do you actually spend working (translating, accounting, marketing, etc.)?

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