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Poll: Would you recommend a particular translation-related blog to colleagues?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jan 6, 2013

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "Would you recommend a particular translation-related blog to colleagues?".

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Diana Coada (X)
Diana Coada (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 14:35
portugués al inglés
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Yes! Jan 6, 2013

I think these are the best ones

Financial Translation Blog (RIP Miguel)
Thoughts on Translation
The Interpreter Diaries (for interpreters)
The Freelancery (on freelancing in general)

Jack Doughty
Jack Doughty  Identity Verified
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Local time: 14:35
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In Memoriam
URLs for the above Jan 6, 2013

I had to Google the above blogs to find them, so to save others the trouble, they are:

Financial Translation Blog (RIP Miguel) http://traductor-financiero.blogspot.co.uk/
Thoughts on Translation http://thoughtsontranslation.com/
... See more
I had to Google the above blogs to find them, so to save others the trouble, they are:

Financial Translation Blog (RIP Miguel) http://traductor-financiero.blogspot.co.uk/
Thoughts on Translation http://thoughtsontranslation.com/
The Interpreter Diaries (for interpreters) http://theinterpreterdiaries.com/
The Freelancery (on freelancing in general) http://thefreelancery.com/

Maria Amorim (X)
Maria Amorim (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:35
sueco al portugués
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Yes! Jan 6, 2013

This is a very comprehensive blog in Portuguese:


Karen Stokes
Karen Stokes  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 14:35
Miembro 2003
francés al inglés
For legal translators Jan 6, 2013

Words to Deeds on translation and the law http://wordstodeeds.com/

Rob Lunn's blog on legal translation and the Spanish legal system http://legalspaintrans.com/

Diana Coada (X)
Diana Coada (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 14:35
portugués al inglés
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I follow these as well :) Jan 6, 2013

Karen Stokes wrote:

Words to Deeds on translation and the law http://wordstodeeds.com/

Rob Lunn's blog on legal translation and the Spanish legal system http://legalspaintrans.com/

jacana54 (X)
jacana54 (X)  Identity Verified
inglés al español
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A couple of others Jan 6, 2013


Emma Goldsmith's blog. She is a Spanish to English medical translator with an amazing understanding of Trados. And a delightful person.


A blog by Luisa Fernanda Lassaque on Spanis
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Emma Goldsmith's blog. She is a Spanish to English medical translator with an amazing understanding of Trados. And a delightful person.


A blog by Luisa Fernanda Lassaque on Spanish, English, translation... and what she defines as "yerbas anexas", which includes her cats. Highly recommended.

I also sometimes read Allison Wright's blog because I'm interested in what she has to say about life in general and concerned about her partner's health.

My thanks to all three of them.

Mike Sadler (X)
Mike Sadler (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 14:35
español al inglés
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What a brilliant idea for a poll! Jan 6, 2013

Thanks, to the person who proposed the poll and to those sharing blogs as part of the discussion.

Allison Wright (X)
Allison Wright (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:35
Yes Jan 6, 2013

Normally, I recommend individual articles on blogs, if the topic comes up in "conversation".

I did give a number of blog references to a young student currently doing her translation degree (not necessarily these ones).

Catherine Translates (FR-En) has been inactive for some time (suffering repetitive stress syndrome), but she has some excellent material in her archives.
... See more
Normally, I recommend individual articles on blogs, if the topic comes up in "conversation".

I did give a number of blog references to a young student currently doing her translation degree (not necessarily these ones).

Catherine Translates (FR-En) has been inactive for some time (suffering repetitive stress syndrome), but she has some excellent material in her archives. http://catherinetranslates.com

Lisa John (De) Ü wie Übersetzen http://ue-wie-uebersetzen.blogspot.com/

Corinne Mackay, Thoughts on Translation http://thoughtsontranslation.com/ - as already mentioned is pleasant light reading. She has an extensive blogroll which should be mined.

Steve Vitek, at the Patenttranslator's Blog, I love: http://patenttranslator.wordpress.com

I also love Veronica Lupascu's blog at Glossofilia Translations http://glossofilia.com/blog/, mainly because she is young, has her head screwed on straight, and does dual-language blogging. No mean feat.

There are others. There are plenty. Then you get people like me who blog, but only sometimes on translation-related issues - http://www.wrightonthebutton.com

Mox needs no recommendation. Top of the heap already.

Emma Goldsmith
Emma Goldsmith  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:35
Miembro 2004
español al inglés
More recommendations Jan 6, 2013

Lucia Colombino wrote:


Emma Goldsmith's blog. She is a Spanish to English medical translator with an amazing understanding of Trados. And a delightful person.

Lucia, how kind of you to give my blog (and me) such a glowing recommendation!

I second the following recommendations made above:

and would add the following to the growing list:
Paul Filkin's essential blog on all-things Studio: http://multifarious.filkin.com/
Kevin Lossner down-to-earth views on translation: http://www.translationtribulations.com/
Jayne Fox's tips on MultiTerm and Studio: http://foxdocs.biz/BetweenTranslations/
Filipe Samora's software tips: http://thewordmatrix.wordpress.com/

And here's the link to Mox's blog, to save people searching: http://mox.ingenierotraductor.com/

It's interesting that almost 60% of responders don't read translation-related blogs, or wouldn't recommend any to a colleague. Hmmm...

Robert Forstag
Robert Forstag  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 09:35
español al inglés
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Two that I like Jan 6, 2013

The following are sites containing blogs that I find particularly interesting:


Allison Wright (X)
Allison Wright (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:35
Why not read blogs? Jan 6, 2013

Emma Goldsmith wrote:

Lucia Colombino wrote:


Emma Goldsmith's blog. She is a Spanish to English medical translator with an amazing understanding of Trados. And a delightful person.


It's interesting that almost 60% of responders don't read translation-related blogs, or wouldn't recommend any to a colleague. Hmmm...

I second Lucia's recommendation of Emma's blog - even for those like me who are Spanish-challenged. Why? Because this is where we gather the most precious of finds - such as the wonderful news that fellow ProZian, Muriel Vasconcellos has published her autobiography, "Finding my Invincible Summer", proofread by another ProZian, Amy Duncan: http://signsandsymptomsoftranslation.com/2012/12/27/invincible-summer/

I would also like to mention that Lucia is a most discerning reader. I have certainly appreciated the interactions we have had so far, though, once again, our language pairs and subject fields are very different.

Like Emma, I find it somewhat disturbing that so many translators do not read translation-related blogs, or participate in the wider discussion about our profession.

I think this sharing process contributes to knowledge enhancement - even if it is not as direct as, perhaps, the useful links to patent terminology available on the The Patenttranslator's Blog.

To my way of thinking, blogs are useful ways to transmit and gather information, some of which would simply pass us by as we hurtle towards the next deadline. The more meaningful dialogue we can create between professional translators, the better. And we do not have to argue or rant, either.

Diana Coada (X)
Diana Coada (X)  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 14:35
portugués al inglés
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Another one I really like Jan 6, 2013

is Charlie Bavington's blog, ''A Pragmatic Eye''.

''Fidus Interpres'' and Kevin Hendzel's ''Word Prisms'' are great blogs as well.

[Edited at 2013-01-06 14:35 GMT]

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:35
francés al inglés
Why read blogs? Jan 6, 2013

I occasionally read a blog when I see one mentioned in a discussion in the Proz forum, because the poster obviously thinks that the entry they give the link to will give additional insight to the topic in question.

Other than that, I get plenty of information, ideas and points to ponder in the fora, and I have ample opportunity to discuss translation issues with various colleagues and friends.

And I do have other interests in life! However much I enjoy my job, I need t
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I occasionally read a blog when I see one mentioned in a discussion in the Proz forum, because the poster obviously thinks that the entry they give the link to will give additional insight to the topic in question.

Other than that, I get plenty of information, ideas and points to ponder in the fora, and I have ample opportunity to discuss translation issues with various colleagues and friends.

And I do have other interests in life! However much I enjoy my job, I need to get away from it and do other things.

Mario Chavez (X)
Mario Chavez (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:35
inglés al español
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Translation-related blogs come in many flavors Jan 6, 2013

...depending on their objective. I've visited several blogs written by translators, others written by translation companies, translation consultants, etc.

After giving much thought to the matter, I started a blog focused on translation but from the client's viewpoint: http://wordsmeet.wordpress.com

There are some very good blogs written by professional translators, which become go
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...depending on their objective. I've visited several blogs written by translators, others written by translation companies, translation consultants, etc.

After giving much thought to the matter, I started a blog focused on translation but from the client's viewpoint: http://wordsmeet.wordpress.com

There are some very good blogs written by professional translators, which become good resources for our colleagues. The blogs written by translation consultants or translation companies are varied in scope, but I don't feel inclined to read blogs that try to sell something to a particular client (whether the client is freelance translators or translation buyers).

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Poll: Would you recommend a particular translation-related blog to colleagues?

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