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Poll: "True artists are almost the only people who do their work with pleasure" -Auguste Rodin
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jun 2, 2012

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question ""True artists are almost the only people who do their work with pleasure" -Auguste Rodin".

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Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:36
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
??? Jun 2, 2012

Nice quote but could someone please tell me what this has to do with translation and translators on this website.

This is even worse than the poll I suggested the other day -- "How often do you floss?"

Local time: 17:36
español al inglés
+ ...
Other Jun 2, 2012

I think that being able to enjoy one's work certainly makes the act of performing it more pleasant, whatever it may happen to be, but also that this faculty is not exclusive to "artists", true or otherwise. However, I'm not the best person to ask, as I have never quite solved the "What is art?" conundrum satisfactorily...

The sterotype of the tortured artist must exist for a reason.

Hugo Martínez Andrade
Hugo Martínez Andrade  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:36
francés al español
+ ...
What's pleasure? Jun 2, 2012

The problem here is to define the word "pleasure", since the pleasure person A feels doing something may not be the same one person B does. How knows? Perhaps B has never felt the same pleasure as A. Indeed a difficult word to describe!

Suzan Hamer
Suzan Hamer  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 17:36
+ ...
What's that saying? Jun 2, 2012

"Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life"?

I suppose the unstated connection to translation, Julian, might be "Do translators also find pleasure in their work?" And mixed up with that might be "Is translation art"? (I think there was a poll on that recently).... And then, yes, we're off down that path that Neil mentioned "What is art?"

[Edited at 2012-06-02 08:41 GMT]

Filipa Plant dos Santos
Filipa Plant dos Santos  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:36
portugués al inglés
Might be silly Jun 2, 2012

Nice quote but could someone please tell me what this has to do with translation and translators on this website.

This is even worse than the poll I suggested the other day -- "How often do you floss?"

But - I want to know!

If this daily poll was strictly limited to questions to do with translation, they'd run out in about - one or two months? surely?

I think the poll about how often do you clean your computer should be run on a regular
... See more
Nice quote but could someone please tell me what this has to do with translation and translators on this website.

This is even worse than the poll I suggested the other day -- "How often do you floss?"

But - I want to know!

If this daily poll was strictly limited to questions to do with translation, they'd run out in about - one or two months? surely?

I think the poll about how often do you clean your computer should be run on a regular, monthly basis, as it's the only time I do it, and reading other people's detailed cleaning instructions always spurs me on

Ty Kendall
Ty Kendall  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 16:36
hebreo al inglés
Define "true", define "artist", define "work", define "pleasure" Jun 2, 2012

Oh these weekend polls. They do make me drop my spoon in my shreddies on a regular basis.

Victor Dewsbery
Victor Dewsbery  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:36
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Resounding yes, because .... Jun 2, 2012

... if you enjoy doing your work, that in itself makes you into an artist, and your whole life is a work of art.
When I translate (even when the content is highly technical or legal), I enjoy the work and consider it to be part of the work of art which is my life. This principle can also be applied to other sorts of work - from scrubbing floors to governing countries.
On this basis, I disagree with just one word in the poll question: the word "almost".

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:36
francés al inglés
c'mon "guys" ;-) Jun 2, 2012

I would say it depends on the work. I know I get more pleasure out of translating about art than instructions for coffee machines... even if the pleasure is partly derived from chuckling at the sheer ludicrous drivel the writer has spewed out trying to work up some energy to enthuse over the totally nonsensical work of "art" (quote marks pending definition)

Ty Kendall wrote:

Oh these weekend polls. They do make me drop my spoon in my shreddies on a regular basis.

Ty is it not as a result of one of *your* threads that these light-hearted weekend polls have started popping up?

So you should be rejoicing: for once Proz are listening!

Bon appétit with your Shreddies.

(OT: I didn't choke, I had finished dunking my croissant spread liberally with nutella into my freshly ground coffee before booting up here. I must say it was a typical moment when I'm really glad to have moved to France. Makes you understand that un-translatable expression "art de vivre" Hey I'm back on topic here!
More OT: I remember a shreddie advert that said "bet you can't eat three". I had never tried them, my parents being the cornflakes-only type, but that ad spurred me to trying... I never even finished the first)

Alexander Kondorsky
Alexander Kondorsky  Identity Verified
Federación Rusa
Local time: 18:36
inglés al ruso
+ ...
Disagree Jun 2, 2012

One does not have to be a true artist to do one's work with plesure and vice versa. BTW, Paganini was definitely a true artist but he hated violin!

Alexander Kondorsky
Alexander Kondorsky  Identity Verified
Federación Rusa
Local time: 18:36
inglés al ruso
+ ...
quality of polls Jun 2, 2012

Speaking of the 'quality' of poll questions I feel it's quite unfair that site moderators ignored the question I suggest some 6 months ago: Do you consider translating, interpreting and teaching foreign language to be three different professions?

Thayenga  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:36
Miembro 2009
inglés al alemán
+ ...
:) Jun 2, 2012

Suzan Hamer wrote:

"Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life"?

I suppose the unstated connection to translation, Julian, might be "Do translators also find pleasure in their work?" And mixed up with that might be "Is translation art"? (I think there was a poll on that recently).... And then, yes, we're off down that path that Neil mentioned "What is art?"

[Edited at 2012-06-02 08:41 GMT]

Well, every "full-blood" translator is an artist when it comes to languages and the "art of translation".

And just like any other kind of artist, the pleasure will not always be experienced.

Weekend polls... an "art" in their own right.

Julian Holmes
Julian Holmes  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:36
Miembro 2011
japonés al inglés
Weekend polls ;-)) Jun 2, 2012

@Thayenga, yes!

If there was some kind of clearly defined rule such as:

- more serious topics on weekdays, and
- lighter entertainment on weekends

then everyone would have a much better idea of what to expect and we could all let off a little of that pent-up steam and have some fun. Hey, weekends are party time. BYOB Yeeeh!

In this respect, I hope that the random poll pic
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@Thayenga, yes!

If there was some kind of clearly defined rule such as:

- more serious topics on weekdays, and
- lighter entertainment on weekends

then everyone would have a much better idea of what to expect and we could all let off a little of that pent-up steam and have some fun. Hey, weekends are party time. BYOB Yeeeh!

In this respect, I hope that the random poll picker comes across one of my juicier topics that I suggested recently.

Andrea Munhoz
Andrea Munhoz  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:36
portugués al inglés
+ ...
Other Jun 2, 2012

You can be an artist in your job without working with art. And this applies to translation as well, of course. And then, sure, there's great pleasure involved.

Robert Forstag
Robert Forstag  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 11:36
español al inglés
+ ...
Yes Jun 2, 2012

In an absolute sense, I think the quote is correct. Artists who have the freedom not to be driven by commercial motives are creators in the purist sense. When an artist is not engaged in commissioned work, and not pandering to particular tastes, his creation emerges from his own expressive impulse--nothing more and nothing less. This is the summit of pleasure--and of freedom.

In our world, I would say that, to the extent that a translator engages in work that he finds interesting,
... See more
In an absolute sense, I think the quote is correct. Artists who have the freedom not to be driven by commercial motives are creators in the purist sense. When an artist is not engaged in commissioned work, and not pandering to particular tastes, his creation emerges from his own expressive impulse--nothing more and nothing less. This is the summit of pleasure--and of freedom.

In our world, I would say that, to the extent that a translator engages in work that he finds interesting, feels is in some objective sense important, and draws upon skills that are not widely shared among his peers, he takes pleasure in it.

[Note re usage: Masculine pronouns used here to refer to all human beings, and no gender bias is intended.]

[Edited at 2012-06-02 13:08 GMT]

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Poll: "True artists are almost the only people who do their work with pleasure" -Auguste Rodin

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