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Powwow: Montréal - Canada

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Marie Lauzon
Marie Lauzon  Identity Verified
Local time: 11:21
inglés al francés
Thanks, merci, obrigada, gracias! Aug 9, 2003

Thanks to Louise and everyone, the powwow was great fun and an occasion for a bit of a discovery - all these different points of view, and in common a love for languages! And yes, let's do it again, Cornwall, Montréal, the works!

Thanks in particular to Henry, it was great to meet the person who created this community. The Internet is a friendlier place thanks to you

Local time: 11:21
Miembro 2002
francés al inglés
+ ...

Merci Aug 10, 2003

It was great to note that those who attended my first PowWow came again, that's a very good sign!
Perhaps the experience should be repeated!
It was great meeting your families, too -- I think the girls got along great! Fun was had by all.
Merci Louise, André, Katherine for your fine hospitality.
Thanks Henry for feeding us (and for not feeding lamb to the vegetarians;-) )
Also thanks for introducing
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It was great to note that those who attended my first PowWow came again, that's a very good sign!
Perhaps the experience should be repeated!
It was great meeting your families, too -- I think the girls got along great! Fun was had by all.
Merci Louise, André, Katherine for your fine hospitality.
Thanks Henry for feeding us (and for not feeding lamb to the vegetarians;-) )
Also thanks for introducing us all, I think you are a match-maker in more ways than one.
Good day, all! Bonne journée à tous!

Maria-Teresa Zenteno
Maria-Teresa Zenteno
Local time: 11:21
inglés al español
+ ...
Merci Louise!!! Aug 11, 2003

What a nice gathering! I had a great time and enjoyed sharing with such a nice group. Unfortunately the time went by so fast that I think we need another one... The pictures are lovely. Thanks Louise and family for the hospitality and Nancy, you are a great organizer. Hope to see you all again.

Henry Dotterer
Henry Dotterer
Local time: 11:21
Nice to meet everyone! Aug 11, 2003

Thanks to Louise for organizing and hosting the powwow, to John for photographing it, and to all those who made it. I learned a lot from meeting you all and hearing about your work!

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Powwow: Montréal - Canada

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