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Powwow: Barcelona - Spain

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Tracy Byrne
Tracy Byrne  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:28
alemán al inglés
+ ...
Me, too! Dec 13, 2001

Should we all wear a red carnation or something?!

Thierry LOTTE
Thierry LOTTE  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:28
Miembro 2001
inglés al francés
+ ...
11h00 at the l illa coffe shop Dec 13, 2001

Count me in


Sean Lyle
Sean Lyle  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:28
español al inglés
+ ...
It has a name! Dec 13, 2001

The rendez-vous:

La Claraboya

It is opposite the Jamaica Coffee Shop, on the edge of the section of the basement shopping area dedicated to food, called "El Rebost". You can either go down at the FNAC end and walk towards the centre, or go down the escalators at the information point on the ground floor, and you're right there.

I love the idea of the red carnation (and all the trimmings!), but the sound of raucous English voices might possibly be enough!! I
... See more
The rendez-vous:

La Claraboya

It is opposite the Jamaica Coffee Shop, on the edge of the section of the basement shopping area dedicated to food, called "El Rebost". You can either go down at the FNAC end and walk towards the centre, or go down the escalators at the information point on the ground floor, and you're right there.

I love the idea of the red carnation (and all the trimmings!), but the sound of raucous English voices might possibly be enough!! If anyone gets lost, my phone number is 600 49 18 63, and I'll try to be there by about a quarter to.
So far it looks like the following people:
Josefa, Sheila, Patrick, Berni(?), Alexellis, Tracy, Thierry, and me... not bad for a start.
...Any more takers out of the 26 who have put their opinions on the bulletin board?

Eduard Salas
Eduard Salas  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:28
inglés al español
+ ...
Too bad it's too tight in the morning! Dec 13, 2001

Although the idea of La Masia was more convincing, I cannot actually make it at 11:00 am. I have a 1-hour drive to BCN. Any idea as to where to go for lunch and at what time? Will it go on in the afternoon/evening...? Hopefully someone (Sean, maybe) will suggest an aswer.

ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Barcelona powwow: final details Dec 14, 2001

Rondezvous for the Barcelona powwow will be 11am on Saturday, at La Claraboya, the basement coffee house of Illa Diagonal.

See page for details...

Sean Lyle
Sean Lyle  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:28
español al inglés
+ ...
Any late arrivers Dec 14, 2001

If you can't get in early, or if you can't find anyone at La Claraboya whe you get there, chase me on the mobile phone I gave before - 600 49 18 63.

A note for Harsonford - coffee, and lunch, but I for one won't have the stamina to keep on going into the evening. I'm afraid. I can't vouch for any of the others. If you can't make it I imagine that we'll be doing some more before too long.

...and for all those who won't be able to make it - Happy Christmas and a non-reces
... See more
If you can't get in early, or if you can't find anyone at La Claraboya whe you get there, chase me on the mobile phone I gave before - 600 49 18 63.

A note for Harsonford - coffee, and lunch, but I for one won't have the stamina to keep on going into the evening. I'm afraid. I can't vouch for any of the others. If you can't make it I imagine that we'll be doing some more before too long.

...and for all those who won't be able to make it - Happy Christmas and a non-recessive New Year!

Berni Armstrong
Berni Armstrong  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:28
+ ...
Snowed in Dec 14, 2001

Hi all,

maybe you metro users might still be able to make it tomorrow, but I will be reliant on the Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat being in working order in the morning (the Igualada line).

In case I don't make it.. have a good one! Although if the trains are running I will do my best to be there! (I will also be reliant on the bus from the town to the station running. At the moment the road is closed to traffic. We are quite literally "cut-off"

Cheers,... See more
Hi all,

maybe you metro users might still be able to make it tomorrow, but I will be reliant on the Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat being in working order in the morning (the Igualada line).

In case I don't make it.. have a good one! Although if the trains are running I will do my best to be there! (I will also be reliant on the bus from the town to the station running. At the moment the road is closed to traffic. We are quite literally "cut-off"


-4º C still snowing and 10 inches of snow already on the ground!

Lia Fail (X)
Lia Fail (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:28
español al inglés
+ ...
Hello Bcn pow-wowers Dec 15, 2001

Sorry to have missed the opportunity to meet people I got to know virtually, and to get to know people I could have continued to meet virtually in the future! I have had atrocious problems with my computer and Internet connection over the last two weeks, now resolved, but leaving me with an enormous backlog to be cleared up before I fly out of Spain for my hols.

So I sincerely hope there will be a future meeting, and I wish you all the very best for Christmas and a prosperous 2002.<
... See more
Sorry to have missed the opportunity to meet people I got to know virtually, and to get to know people I could have continued to meet virtually in the future! I have had atrocious problems with my computer and Internet connection over the last two weeks, now resolved, but leaving me with an enormous backlog to be cleared up before I fly out of Spain for my hols.

So I sincerely hope there will be a future meeting, and I wish you all the very best for Christmas and a prosperous 2002.


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Powwow: Barcelona - Spain

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