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Poll: How often do you use a CAT tool if it has not been specifically required by the client?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
ProZ.com Staff
Jan 20, 2009

This forum topic is for the discussion of the poll question "How often do you use a CAT tool if it has not been specifically required by the client?".

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Maria Isabel Pazos Gómez
Maria Isabel Pazos Gómez  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:18
alemán al español
+ ...
Always... Jan 20, 2009

.. except non- convertible documents or some complicated jobs.


Parrot  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:18
español al inglés
+ ...
Sometimes (actually, seldom) Jan 21, 2009

I principally do legal documents, travel and tourism guides, history essays and stuff like that. I pull CAT tools out for the manuals (client dixit or not), but legalese can have sticky style problems when subjected to automated unit-based treatment. It HAS happened that one contract turned out to be part of a big package referring back to the clauses of that contract, and then I thanked God for WINALIGN.

M. Anna Kańduła
M. Anna Kańduła  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 22:18
inglés al polaco
Always Jan 21, 2009

Even if it is not a repetitive text, a CAT tool helps me not to miss any sentence and I find it more convenient to use it, than instantly jump all over a text document, add translated text, delete original, etc.


[Edited at 2009-01-21 01:34 GMT]

Elvia Rodriguez
Elvia Rodriguez  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:18
Miembro 2007
inglés al español
Same here Jan 21, 2009

M. Anna Kańduła wrote:

Even if it is not a repetitive text, a CAT tool helps me not to miss any sentence and I find it more convenient to use it, than instantly jump all over a text document, add translated text, delete original, etc.


[Edited at 2009-01-21 01:34 GMT]

could't say it better.

Leanne Young
Leanne Young  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:18
italiano al inglés
Always Jan 21, 2009

I have become used to using mine and find that it helps order my thinking and also greatly helps with proofreading at the end. I rarely work on highly repetitive text.

Martine C
Martine C
Local time: 23:18
griego al francés
+ ...
CATS TOOLS Jan 21, 2009

They are completely useless. To me, my moto is clear: it's me without Trados or Trados without me

Claire Cox
Claire Cox
Reino Unido
Local time: 22:18
francés al inglés
+ ...
I would love to say always but.... Jan 21, 2009

it's just not possible. I still get pdf files, faxes, even hard copies from clients which I simply cannot use with CAT tools. I have various pdf conversion tools, including Solid (which I prefer) and Abbyy for scanned documents, but they don't always work satisfactorily, so I have to resort to doing them from scratch. Voice recognition comes in handy, as it's quicker to dictate than type, but I do miss the glossary facility you get with CAT tools. Even in documents which you can process with CAT... See more
it's just not possible. I still get pdf files, faxes, even hard copies from clients which I simply cannot use with CAT tools. I have various pdf conversion tools, including Solid (which I prefer) and Abbyy for scanned documents, but they don't always work satisfactorily, so I have to resort to doing them from scratch. Voice recognition comes in handy, as it's quicker to dictate than type, but I do miss the glossary facility you get with CAT tools. Even in documents which you can process with CAT tools, e.g Powerpoint files, there are often embedded tables/objects which you have to process manually.Collapse

Textklick  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
alemán al inglés
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In Memoriam
Agree Jan 21, 2009

M. Anna Kańduła wrote:

Even if it is not a repetitive text, a CAT tool helps me not to miss any sentence and I find it more convenient to use it, than instantly jump all over a text document, add translated text, delete original, etc.


How often? Do they mean when?

I believe that this subject has been discussed before somewhen.

Better check that now.


SirReaL  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:18
inglés al ruso
+ ...
When I use my CAT tool Jan 21, 2009

1) As long as the source document doesn't have untranslatable portions I'd have to skip over, my CAT tool (Trados) helps -- mostly with consistency.
2) Obviously, repetitions (10+%) are a good sign a CAT tool can save me some time.
3) I also use it when I know there will be more jobs for the same end client, even if no/few repetitions are found. When some time passes and the next job comes, I no longer (have to) remember all the terms I used on the first job -- I just use the Concord
... See more
1) As long as the source document doesn't have untranslatable portions I'd have to skip over, my CAT tool (Trados) helps -- mostly with consistency.
2) Obviously, repetitions (10+%) are a good sign a CAT tool can save me some time.
3) I also use it when I know there will be more jobs for the same end client, even if no/few repetitions are found. When some time passes and the next job comes, I no longer (have to) remember all the terms I used on the first job -- I just use the Concordance feature.
4) Powerpoint, Excel, HTML and some other documents can be a pain in the butt. So, I unleash TagEditor on them and voila, another problem solved.
5) There must be lots of other cases I can't remember at the moment.

Giles Watson
Giles Watson  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:18
italiano al inglés
In Memoriam
Always - to maintain the same workflow Jan 21, 2009

There is quite a difference in the workflow you are forced to adopt with a CAT compared to translating with a word processor or on paper. Shifting from one workflow to another is very distracting and can induce errors that you wouldn't otherwise make.

The different workflow is also, I suspect, a reason why many CAT-phobic translators refuse to take the plunge. It's a very valid reason, of course, if they are already happily earning a living without a CAT.

... See more
There is quite a difference in the workflow you are forced to adopt with a CAT compared to translating with a word processor or on paper. Shifting from one workflow to another is very distracting and can induce errors that you wouldn't otherwise make.

The different workflow is also, I suspect, a reason why many CAT-phobic translators refuse to take the plunge. It's a very valid reason, of course, if they are already happily earning a living without a CAT.



Textklick  Identity Verified
Local time: 22:18
alemán al inglés
+ ...
In Memoriam
Another highly relevant aspect Jan 21, 2009

Giles Watson wrote:

Shifting from one workflow to another is very distracting and can induce errors that you wouldn't otherwise make.


'CAT- phobics' please note. It is also significant that this comes from a peer who (inter alia) translates literature, where the repetition rate ranges from 0 to not much more.


Marie-Hélène Hayles
Marie-Hélène Hayles  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:18
italiano al inglés
+ ...
Always Jan 21, 2009

When I can, that is - I get a lot of scanned PDFs to translate.

Philippe Etienne
Philippe Etienne  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:18
inglés al francés
Always Jan 21, 2009

As long as the format is CAT compatible and the formatting of the source file is not too much of a hassle.
I find rereading my own translations much easier, and overall I feel "safer" working with a CAT tool.
Since I now own both, I am currently assessing whether I should replace Trados with MemoQ as my default CAT tool for CAT-unspecified jobs.

Miet Ooms
Miet Ooms
Local time: 23:18
alemán al neerlandés
+ ...
Always, except... Jan 21, 2009

for very small jobs in excel, where I have to put the translation for my language in a certain row. Then it is more work to do the job first in a CAT-tool and then copy and paste the result into the correct row.

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Poll: How often do you use a CAT tool if it has not been specifically required by the client?

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