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[View Powwow Report] powwow: Walk in historical The Hague

August 4, 2007, 2:00 pm
Países BajosThe HagueIn personinglés
Hello colleagues,

The reason I am organizing this Powwow at this time,
even though a number of people will be on vacation, is to give Marion Lurf, the organizer of the succesful Eindhoven PW a few months ago, the change to meet up with colleagues again before she returns to Edinburgh. On the other hand, it will give ProZians vacationing in Holland a change to meet up.

I am planning on gathering at 2 p.m. at the Lange Voorhout in front of the 'Kloosterkerk', which is a stone's throw of the Garuda Restaurant where we will meet at around 6 p.m. or at a time to be determined, for an Indonesian dinner. There is also an art exhibition going on at the Lange Voorhout, which should be interesting.

If you arrive from The Hague CS, you can take any of the many trams of busses for only 2 or 3 tram stops; however, it is an easy and pleasant walk. If you are driving, it would be best to park in the Malieveld garage and find your way to our meeting place few hundred yards away.

There are plenty of maps online, but by all means, ask and I will help you to find your way. My mobile phone number is 06 55 78 08 45 so if you were to arrive later, it is easy to meet up 'en route' as long as you have a map in hand. I am planning on making a map with marked stops available later.

Assuming that we will have a nice day with lots of sunshine, the walk will consist of walking along the Lange Vijverberg to the Houses of Parliament, pausing frequently, offering a guided tour as it were, past, for instance, the statues of Dutch kings as well as the hapless Johan the Witt next to the 'Gevangenpoort'.

We will then walk past the Royal Palace at the Noordeinde, ultimately leading us to the museam in the Zeestraat; entry fee is 5 Euros. After that, we will meander back through the historic Denneweg, no doubt pausing for refreshments at a pub or at a 'terrasje', ending up again at the Lange Voorhout in time for our 'rijsttafel'.

However, if it turns out to be rainy day, we can, shielded by the beautiful chestnuts, make our way to the Mauritshuis Museum and then later 'find refuge' in one of the many old pubs in the area.

I am planning on making a reservation soon, so please let me know if you are coming or cancel in time if you cannot make it. There is an entire floor available for us.

Event Organizer:

Albert Stufkens

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: organizer : photos : report : host

Interested members (25) / Confirmed: 14 / Tentative: 1
Name NoteWill Attend
Marijke Mayer  \"Organizer\" \"Reporter\" To Ralien: Nice of you to come, I don't think it matters at this point as I have enough people to fill a large table and we can always make room for one more!  y
Albert Stufkens  \"Organizer\" Seeing some icons that remind me of a most successful happening in Eindhoven, how can I not join? The itinerary in The Hague is interesting, and I surely know what to expect at the Garuda, a favourite joint for Parliamentarians.  y
Henk Peelen  \"Photographer\" No holiday plans, so there's a change I meet the admission requirements. By the way, at garoeda, I would prefer the rijsttafel above the floor.  y
Marion Lurf   Thank you so much, Marijke! Looking forward to seeing you again in The Hague.  y
Elena Carbonell  \"Photographer\" I'll be in Holland then, so why not. It sounds nice.  y
Kaliamma Ponnan   Thank you for arranging this powwow. I will be interested to join all of you.  y
XRenee O   Can't make it, I'm sorry, but wishing you a lot of fun and sunshine. The Hague is beautiful - says the chauvinist - and there's enough to do.  n
Nabeel Alwyssi   I did not know I have to fill in here!  y
avantix   For Marion I would travel as far as Novosibirsk. ;-) But as I'm planning to move house shortly, I cannot give an unconditional Yes at this moment.  
Dominique Maréchal   I'll be there  y
Inge Dijkstra   too bad ... I'll be on holiday to the UK!  n
XUErnst   I'll be glad to come.  y
Renske Schuilenga   Sounds nice. I would like to come.  n
Xben stork (X)   bedankt allemaal, de kennismaking met jullie is me uitstekend bevallen!  y
gypsyboy   gypsyboy  y
XSophie Welsing (X)   I would like to come  y
Ralien   I would love to come, but I'm not sure if I can make it. How many days in advance do I need to confirm?  
XSimona B   Hi! It sounds really nice, I think I can join but I won't be able to confirm till a couple of days in advance...  n
André Dryansky   André Dryansky  
katerina turevich   sounds cool. I would like to come, since i live fairly close in amsterdam, but do not really know for sure, if i can join or not. So, please reserve a seat for me, and i will confirm later on. Cheers, and i hope i can make it.  
Nigel Saych   I enjoyed the Eindhoven event but missed out on the meal! It will be good to see some familiar faces again and actually get to eat something. I'll let you know in the next day or two if I can definitely come...  y
Anne-Marie Kalkman   hope I can make it. After all, The Hague is my town of birth  m
XMarga Demmers (X)   Sounds good to me, but I will be touring Catalonia by then. But you can count on me the next time!  n
XEvelien Veldhuizen (X)   Sorry, I will not be able to attend!  n
XNMR (X)   (Nicolette Richy)  y

Postings about this event

Powwow: The Hague - Netherlands
Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 07:12
Miembro 2003
alemán al neerlandés
+ ...
Anybody out there interested in Brussels? Jul 21, 2007

I'm planning to combine my visit to this powwow with a visit the Brussels powwow a day before. August 3 to 4 I can stay the night around The Hague, so in case anybody would be interested to go together by train to Brussels on August 3th, just let me know. For instance, go to Brussels about 12 am (0 pm) and come back around 10 - 12 pm. Or by car, if you bring one. Or by bike, but than we should go August 2th and stay two nights in Brussels and come back August 4th by train.

Nigel Saych
Nigel Saych  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
Confirmed Jul 25, 2007

Hi Marijke; just to confirm that I will be coming.

Marijke Mayer
Marijke Mayer  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 07:12
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
Nice to see you, nice! Jul 25, 2007

as Tommy Cooper used to say (a long time ago I might add)! Great that most of you can come. We're gonna have fun! Please note my mobiel phone number and I am planning on having Romina upload a map with numbers and corresponding times where we will be!

Marijke Mayer
Marijke Mayer  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 07:12
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
3rd floor at the Garuda! Jul 26, 2007

It looks like most, if not all, of the 3rd floor will be ours on August 4th! There is a small elevator. I put 12 people down for now, but would appreciate if each of you could indicate your Yes/No on the right of you posting on this page, which will help keeping the people at the Garuda up to date as to how many will be coming. If you can't come, please do not forget to adjust your Yes to No!

Dominique Maréchal
Dominique Maréchal  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
neerlandés al francés
+ ...
Bedankt! Aug 5, 2007

Bedankt Marijke voor deze zonnige powwow! De rijsttafel met uitzicht op historisch in Den Haag was ook perfect. Het was mijn eerste powwow, maar zeker niet de laatste!

Marion Lurf
Marion Lurf  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 06:12
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Thank you, Marijke! Aug 6, 2007

Thanks for organising this entertaining and informative powwow, Marijke! It was nice to see some old faces again and to get to know a few new ones. Can't wait for everyone's pictures!

Albert Stufkens
Albert Stufkens  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 07:12
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
Thank you Aug 6, 2007

The weather gods favoured this day with the best weather possible; the tour took place in an environment steeped in history, and ended in a bountiful, exotic culinary happening that was also reminiscent of a glorious past. After this there followed an interesting chat over some drinks in a nearby square.

Nigel Saych
Nigel Saych  Identity Verified
Local time: 07:12
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
Thanks Marijke Aug 6, 2007

A great day out (actually a weekend away for me!) and the first time I have actually enjoyed going to de Bijenkorf....
As I was first to leave the Eindhoven event in June, I was determined to be amongst the hard drinkers this time and sit it out to the end, putting the world to rights opposite the Hofvijfer.
Actually I was in bed before midnight, but it seemed very late!
Looking forward to the next meeting, whoever plans it will have a hard time beating the weather we had on Satu
... See more
A great day out (actually a weekend away for me!) and the first time I have actually enjoyed going to de Bijenkorf....
As I was first to leave the Eindhoven event in June, I was determined to be amongst the hard drinkers this time and sit it out to the end, putting the world to rights opposite the Hofvijfer.
Actually I was in bed before midnight, but it seemed very late!
Looking forward to the next meeting, whoever plans it will have a hard time beating the weather we had on Saturday!

Elena Carbonell
Elena Carbonell  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 07:12
Miembro 2007
inglés al español
+ ...
I am wiser! Aug 6, 2007

Yes, I have learned a lot, thanks to you. And most of all I learned how much I still have to learn. I should know more about Dutch literature, maybe learn swahili and try to distinguish more accurately between Art Noveau and Art Deco.
The food was yummy yummy.
Thank you Marijke and all of you!

Kaliamma Ponnan
Kaliamma Ponnan  Identity Verified
Local time: 13:12
inglés al tamil
+ ...
My first unforgettable Powwow Aug 6, 2007

I am glad I attended this event. It was great getting to know all of you. All new faces but I never doubted the fact that friends can be acquired anywhere. I still couldn't believe we thought we had "lost" Henk in the shopping complex when we had actually left him behind long before that! It was great getting to know you and your husband, Marijke. Dank u for the memorable historical walk.

André Dryansky
André Dryansky
Local time: 07:12
inglés al francés
Thanks, merci, bedankt, köszönöm. etc... Aug 7, 2007

Thanks for the great day and for revealing to me that The Hague is more than just a dreary railroad station - with a certain retro charm nonetheless - and a few silly-looking trams. I really enjoyed it and I will try to talk less next time. Tot zo, André

Albert Stufkens
Albert Stufkens  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 07:12
neerlandés al inglés
+ ...
In defence of Den Haag Aug 7, 2007

Ah, my friends,
On this day we hardly scratched the surface of The Hague's offerings. The 'dreary' railway station is in the process of being transformed into an ultramodern TGV station. There is the spectacular Town Hall, Peace Palace, grand architecture of the Ministries, dazzling Scheveningen, Plein 1830 with its lively cafés, mueums, Omniversum, etc. etc.
By the way, I am a Rotterdammer.

Henk Peelen
Henk Peelen  Identity Verified
Países Bajos
Local time: 07:12
Miembro 2003
alemán al neerlandés
+ ...
Moving pictures and picturing movies Aug 8, 2007

Marijke, thank you very much for this great powwow. Kaliamma, don't worry, I did enjoy the fiddlers and, even more, the "IJssalon" at the Spuistraat. André, thanks for feeding good shots. Terrible you tell us we have to do without them next powwow. Ben thanks for sending a digital version of the Garuda invoice.

Den Haag kraakt in zijn voegen. Anti-fasci
... See more
Marijke, thank you very much for this great powwow. Kaliamma, don't worry, I did enjoy the fiddlers and, even more, the "IJssalon" at the Spuistraat. André, thanks for feeding good shots. Terrible you tell us we have to do without them next powwow. Ben thanks for sending a digital version of the Garuda invoice.

Den Haag kraakt in zijn voegen. Anti-fascism demonstration. Good start against desparate franco- & germanophil Gaius Tacitus / Jozef Ratzinger limpeza-de-sangre-Übermensch-versus-Untermensch talk like "Dutch is a German dialect" or about Vietnam or Iraq. No doubt about it! Dutch is a Germanic language, and we’ll promote democracy.
Part of Marijke’s paper:
Letterlijke en figuurlijke verstrooiing in de passage (stroll and fiddlers)

At the end you'll find some familiar faces (I hope Ellena's photo's put you better in the spotlight), ans as a summit of Hollandse Kneuterdijkerigheid the invoice fot tax purposes. Click on it with the right (opposite to left) mouse button and select "Afbeelding opslaan als" or something like "Save (picture) as".

Local time: 07:12
francés al neerlandés
+ ...
Bedankt! Aug 15, 2007

En leuke foto's. Het was erg gezellig. Groetjes aan allemaal - Nicolette


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