Archived polls

5927 polls, displaying 5201 through 5250
I have been working for my oldest client for:
By anonymous - featured on Dec 1, 2007
1 - 5 years 53.0%
6 - 10 years 19.6%
< 1 year 11.9%
11 - 15 years 6.0%
> 15 years 5.5%
Other - N/A 4.0%
1247 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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The longest it's ever taken me to translate a difficult word/term was...
By anonymous - featured on Nov 30, 2007
1 - 5 hrs 34.8%
< 1 hr 23.1%
I'm still working on it... 8.6%
> 48 hrs 8.3%
24 - 48 hrs 7.9%
5 - 10 hrs 5.6%
Other - N/A 5.2%
15 - 24 hrs 5.1%
10 - 15 hrs 1.3%
1323 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If not otherwise specified, what's your personal definition of “urgent"?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 29, 2007
Must be done right now 38.0%
Must be done today 35.2%
Must be done by tomorrow a.m. 15.4%
Other 6.9%
Must be done in ≤ 3 days 3.5%
N/A 1.1%
1401 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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To keep up in my second language (s), I mainly:
By anonymous - featured on Nov 28, 2007
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Would you cringe now if you looked at some of the first work you produced as a translator?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 27, 2007
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What do you give most importance to when you receive a job offer?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 26, 2007
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Clients tend to treat freelancers more like ...
By anonymous - featured on Nov 25, 2007
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By how much have CAT tools increased your daily productivity?
By Crystal Samples - featured on Nov 23, 2007
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Do you think of yourself firstly as a business person?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 22, 2007
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Do you ever think of funny, literal & obviously wrong translations of words while translating?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 21, 2007
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A colleague you get on well with asks for a short translation, would you bill them?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 20, 2007
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I believe networking with other translators (virtually or in person) is
By anonymous - featured on Nov 19, 2007
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How often do new clients request to see copies of your credentials?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 16, 2007
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Do you notice other people's pet expressions?
By Romina Bona - featured on Nov 15, 2007
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What part of your translator qualifications do you think attracts the most clients?
By Crystal Samples - featured on Nov 14, 2007
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Do your neighbors know what you do for a living?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 13, 2007
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Are you easily distracted from translating?
By Colin Ryan (X) - featured on Nov 12, 2007
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The fastest payment I've ever received was within
By anonymous - featured on Nov 11, 2007
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Have you ever wished you could personally meet the author of the text you were translating?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 9, 2007
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After many years of working in the same translation field
By Manuel Martín-Iguacel - featured on Nov 8, 2007
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At what time of day do you get most jobs?
By Heinrich Pesch - featured on Nov 7, 2007
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Greetings in my culture include:
By anonymous - featured on Nov 6, 2007
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If I finish a big project in the morning or the middle of the day, I
By anonymous - featured on Nov 5, 2007
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How many windows / tabs do you have open at the moment?
By Hikmat Gumilar - featured on Nov 3, 2007
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Do you change people's names according to the language you're speaking (e.g. Helen vs. Elena)?
By anonymous - featured on Nov 2, 2007
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The funniest (incorrect) translation I've ever read was in / on
By anonymous - featured on Nov 1, 2007
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What font do you use when translating scanned documents / non-standard formats?
By Marie-Hélène Hayles - featured on Oct 31, 2007
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Which of these words is part of your profile tagline?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 30, 2007
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Have you ever taken another temporary job (not translating) during a slow period?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 29, 2007
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Does being a good translator depend on nature or nurture?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 28, 2007
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How many friends /acquaintances have you made through
By Mariam Osmann - featured on Oct 26, 2007
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Which is your most productive season of the year?
By dimitris_gre (X) - featured on Oct 25, 2007
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What I like most about my second language is / are its
By John Cutler - featured on Oct 24, 2007
Usefulness 30.8%
Idioms / expressions 18.9%
Wealth of vocabulary 13.2%
Pronunciation 12.1%
Great literature 11.3%
Other (please share!) 8.2%
N/A 3.3%
History 2.2%
1260 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you request automatic receipts for your emails?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 23, 2007
No 37.9%
Yes, but only for important emails. 35.7%
Yes, for every email. 14.2%
I would if only I knew how to configure it. 10.7%
Other - N/A 1.4%
1510 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What's your preferred means of making / receiving international payments?
By jkeady - featured on Oct 22, 2007
Wire transfer 49.0%
PayPal 23.1%
Moneybookers 9.7%
Deposit into a foreign bank account 7.7%
Other - N/A 5.5%
International money order 3.4%
Other online transaction system 1.7%
1283 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you had to, which of these could you most easily renounce?
By Rosanna Saraceno - featured on Oct 21, 2007
personal interests 34.0%
career 32.4%
Other - N/A 17.6%
friendship 7.9%
love 4.4%
family 3.7%
1348 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you live in a bi / multilingual home, do you speak sentences that are a mix of those languages?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 19, 2007
I don't live in a bi/ multilingual home 34.1%
Yes, sometimes 21.0%
Yes, very often 14.8%
Yes, but not often 12.8%
No 10.9%
Yes, but we try not to 4.2%
Other - N/A 2.2%
1305 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What helps you concentrate and stay alert?
By Niraja Nanjundan (X) - featured on Oct 18, 2007
Absolute silence 25.6%
Some of the above 24.7%
Coffee, etc 18.9%
Music 12.0%
Sports / Exercise 8.1%
Other - N/A 5.7%
Reading 2.0%
Meditation 1.6%
Prayer 1.6%
1538 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you touch-type (not looking at the keys)?
By heikeb - featured on Oct 17, 2007
Yes, flawlessly 43.8%
Kind of 23.5%
No, but I get by just fine 14.4%
Yes, but with many typos 9.7%
No, but it's on my to-do list 6.5%
Other - N/A 2.1%
1449 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How do you cope with Monday mornings?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 16, 2007
The same as any other day 47.3%
Takes me longer to start working 14.0%
I love them 12.4%
I start longing for the weekend 9.2%
Extra strong coffee, tea... 8.2%
I hit “snooze” & stay in bed 4.5%
Other 3.1%
N/A 1.3%
1563 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are you in the process of learning a new language?
By Karina Rafter - featured on Oct 15, 2007
No 56.0%
Yes (which?) 32.1%
No - I couldn't fit another in my head 7.3%
Other - N/A 4.6%
982 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you invest any of your income?
By Jussi Rosti - featured on Oct 14, 2007
Yes (please share) 47.2%
No 34.2%
No- I spend it before I get it 13.1%
Other - N/A 5.5%
1305 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Are there any words in your acquired language(s) you have difficulty in remembering?
By anonymous - featured on Oct 12, 2007
Yes, but they've slipped my mind 59.2%
Yes (give examples) 22.4%
No 13.5%
Other - N/A 4.9%
1137 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Before I leave home, I double check I've:
By anonymous - featured on Oct 11, 2007
not received any urgent email 52.9%
locked up 14.8%
turned off household appliances 12.9%
Other- N/A 10.3%
sent the job I've just finished 6.4%
let the cat / dog out 2.5%
listened to my messages 0.2%
1339 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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I would rate my professional interpersonal skills as:
By anonymous - featured on Oct 10, 2007
Quite good 43.3%
Average 24.6%
Excellent 17.4%
Somewhat lacking 11.5%
N/A 1.9%
Other 1.4%
1327 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Will machine translation ever replace human translation entirely?
By Paulo César Mendes MD, CT - featured on Oct 9, 2007
No, never 69.3%
Yes, but I won't live to see it 12.9%
Maybe 12.3%
Yes, and I'll live to see it 3.9%
Other - N/A 1.6%
1515 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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My professional philosophy is:
By anonymous - featured on Oct 8, 2007
I work to live 64.4%
Other -N/A 24.0%
I live to work 11.6%
1232 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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You know you speak a second language well, when you can:
By John Cutler - featured on Oct 7, 2007
A combination of the above 47.3%
Think freely in the language 16.5%
Converse fluently with strangers 12.3%
Tell a joke & people laugh 9.5%
Dream in it 6.3%
Speak seriously & people don't laugh 2.9%
Other (feel free to give opinion) 2.6%
N/A 1.6%
Make friends speaking it 1.0%
1336 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you hide behind invisibility in your favorite Instant Messaging Service?
By Enrique Cavalitto - featured on Oct 5, 2007
Yes, sometimes 32.3%
I don't use any 23.5%
Never 19.8%
Yes, always 11.9%
Yes, when working 9.6%
Other - N/A 2.8%
1215 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you modify the layout of your office?
By Manuel Martín-Iguacel - featured on Oct 4, 2007
Occasionally 35.2%
I don't have a proper office 24.2%
Never 19.5%
Only minor variations 17.5%
N/A 1.7%
Other, please comment 1.1%
Every day 0.6%
1317 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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5927 polls, displaying 5201 through 5250