The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

portugués al inglés Electrónica / Ing. elect. Translation Glossary

portugués term inglés translation
canal de serviço service channel
contacto NA normally open contact
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
Linha Viva ao Contato até 25 kV, 25 kV live-line working
PPD / VD Disabled person / Car for disabled person
Entered by: Ana Vozone
a linha X está em curto com a linha Y the x line is shorted to the y line
Acetazolamida,Butadiazamida; Carbutamida; Acetazolamide, Butadiazamide, Carbutamide
Acionamentos starters
acionamentos controlados controlled drives
Entered by: Mario Freitas
Acionar a resistência instalada na parte superior da câmara do forno. Turn on the resistance located at the upper part of the oven chamber
Aditivo antifibrilante Anti-fibrillation additives
aguas abaixo downstream from
alarme de molas frouxas loose springs alarm
aletas (aluminium) vanes
Alimentos úmidos Moist foods
Alimentos refogados Sauteed food
alto rendimento high efficiency
Alvará de Construção.. Building Permit / License
Alvará de Construção.. Building Permit / License
alvéolos cells
amperímetro do tipo ferro móvel moving iron ammeter
anéis de calço shim rings
ancoragem anchoring
andar final do receptor receiver last stage
anel ring
anel de curto short circuit ring
anilha bush, grommet, seal grommet, socket, washer
anteparo para rede primária primary electrical network protection
ao potencial da terra ground potential/grounded
apertos, torque tightenings/tightness - torque
apontador overseer (of labourers)
Armários de dispersão Distribution cabinets
arvorejamento treeing
assincrono asynchronous
Ata de presença minutes of attendance (also minutes of the meeting)
atendimento Response
Entered by: airmailrpl
atendimento aos níveis de tensão estipulados compliance with voltage levels established; compliance with voltage levels stipulated
aterramento elétrico electrical grounding (USA) / electrical earthing (UK)
Entered by: Richard Jenkins
Atores Actuators
Entered by: judith ryan
Automático de reserva á rede automatic mains failure panel
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
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