The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

portugués al inglés Aeroespacial / Aviación / Espacio Translation Glossary

portugués term inglés translation
'saindo sozinho' on its own
acompanhamento assistance
acompanhamento do estacionamento até ao avião escorting from the parking lot to the aircraft
Acordos-Empresa collective agreements
Entered by: Tania Pires
ajuda estatal state aid
alcance (in this context) Wingspan Area
AMS AMS - air medical services
andar final final stage
aparelhos de aproximaçao approaching devices
aplicação de modificação estrutural implementation of structural modification
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
aproximação de estol approaching stall
Entered by: airmailrpl
aproximação para circular final approach;circle-to-land approach;circling approach
armar (desarmar) mangas Emergency shutes/chutes
arrasto drag
asas rotativas rotary wings
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
atitude de giro Roll Attitude
Entered by: judith ryan
avião de caça fighter plane
Avião-caça Fighter plane / aircraft
Área de movimento (em aeroporto) (airport) movement area (maneuvering area and the apron(s)
área não edificada unbuilt area
banda passante passband
bandeira feather
barra de cabeceira transverse stripe
batimentos edifícios
CABECEIRA DE AEROPORTO runway threshold ...airport runway threshold...
Entered by: airmailrpl
caderneta de celula Aircraft Maintenance Records
Entered by: judith ryan
caderneta individual de voo (CIV) pilot logbook
calagem Timing
Certificado de Capacidade Física (CFF) Medical Certificate (aviation)
certificados de aptidao vocational aptitude certificate
chamada de atenção take to task, read a lecture
chefe de escala station manager
Entered by: Tania Pires
chegada e saída de ULDs arrival and departure of ULDs
cinco etapas anuais five anual stages
Entered by: André Fernandes
Conjuntura aérea Air transport overview
CTE TH comandante de helicóptero de transporte
Curso de Teoria de Linha Aérea de Aviões airline theory course
cut-outs recortes
destacados assigned
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