The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

croata al inglés Derecho: (general) Translation Glossary

croata term inglés translation
pristojbeni obveznik administrative fee payer
pritužba appeal
privremena mjera osiguranja temporary injunction
proba plocice temporary registration plates, trade plates
procesne stvari matters in issue
Proglašenje ovrhe nedopuštenom declaring the enforcement inadmissible
proizvesti pravni učinak to have legal effect
promijeniti prezime rješenjem to change last name by decision (by)
propust u međusobnoj interakciji omission in the interaction between
Entered by: sandra zovko
protiv against
protustranka opposing/opposite party
proveden registered with the Land Registry
provelo se izvlaštenje nekretnina property has been expropriated
Public Interest Disclosure Act Zakon o otkrivanju (informacija) u općem (javnom) interesu
Entered by: Natasa Stankovic
punomoćnik attorney
raspored u sustavu policije na radna mjesta assignment to positions/jobs within the police system
Entered by: sandra zovko
raspremanje izložbe dismantling of exhibition
razlučni vjerovnik creditor with separate satisfaction right
razrješenje dužnosti relieve of one\'s duty
redoviti otkaz ordinary dismissal
Registrar of the Family Court Matičar (pisar, zapisničar) Obiteljskog suda
registraski predmet upisa subject matter of the entries in the register
regresna odgovornost radnika regressive responsibility of the worker
remećenje javnog reda i mira breach of peace / disturbing the public peace and quiet
riješeno je kao u izreci ovog rješenja has been decided as in the dictum (herein)
riješio je decided / determined
rješenje o osiguranju ruling on the collateral
ročište hearing
rodno uvjetovano nasilje gender-based violence
Entered by: V&M Stanković
rubricirani predmet rubricated case
s obrtom izjednacenom djelatnosti trade (craft) or equivalent
Simuliran otkup predmeta kaznenog djela Simulated purchase of criminal property
sklapanje pravnih poslova concluding legal transactions
Entered by: sandra zovko
sklopiti posao conclude a deal
skraćenje shortening
Entered by: sandra zovko
Skrbništvo (legal) guardianship/ (child) custody
slijedom ustupa on the grounds of assignment (of inheritance)
Entered by: Elio Verbanac
slivna vodna naknada Water-basin fee
služba za imovinsko – pravne i geodetske poslove Office for Property-Legal and Surveying Matters
Služba za opću upravu i društvene djelatnosti General Administrative and Social Affairs Service
Entered by: A.Đapo
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