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New like / share buttons in ProZ.com forums? (Staff: "Not yet")
Autor de la hebra: John Fossey
Lingua 5B
Lingua 5B  Identity Verified
Bosnia y Herzegovina
Local time: 17:05
Miembro 2009
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I was just giving an example. May 23, 2018

The share button is also a reminder, as Mirko has said. It's not comparable.

AllegroTrans  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 16:05
Miembro 2011
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The buttons (even "faded out") have now disappeared May 24, 2018

Does this mean that ProZ has decided to discontinue them?

B D Finch
B D Finch  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
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I hate "Like" buttons May 25, 2018

AllegroTrans wrote:

is for ProZ to poll all of its fee-paying members and to ask them clearly:-

(a) Whether they want these links to social madia, with all that that implies
(b) Whether they want "internal" Proz-only like buttons

I for one will definitely consider cancelling my subscription to this site if there is even the slightest risk of anything I post or my data getting onto the likes of Facebook. I don't use social media and I regard ProZ as a professional site that should have no connection with social media.

I totally endorse the above comment AllegroTrans. I do use social media, but as little as possible. One thing I particularly dislike is "Like" buttons, which encourage brainless, groupie behaviour. They also lead to some very nasty effects when people feel excluded because they don't have enough "likes", or not as many as their friends seem to have. There is also the problem of people soliciting "likes" and others feeling under pressure if they don't want to comply. There is a growing amount of evidence of the damage to young people's mental health caused by this sort of thing.

Altogether, I think this is an extremely nasty phenomenon and I want nothing to do with ProZ.com if it goes down this route.

Chris Says Bye
Stephen Fennell
Jennifer Levey
Jennifer Levey  Identity Verified
Local time: 12:05
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Ditto ... May 26, 2018

B D Finch wrote:
Altogether, I think this is an extremely nasty phenomenon and I want nothing to do with ProZ.com if it goes down this route.

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
francés al inglés
Agree button! May 26, 2018

B D Finch wrote:

AllegroTrans wrote:

is for ProZ to poll all of its fee-paying members and to ask them clearly:-

(a) Whether they want these links to social madia, with all that that implies
(b) Whether they want "internal" Proz-only like buttons

I for one will definitely consider cancelling my subscription to this site if there is even the slightest risk of anything I post or my data getting onto the likes of Facebook. I don't use social media and I regard ProZ as a professional site that should have no connection with social media.

I totally endorse the above comment AllegroTrans. I do use social media, but as little as possible. One thing I particularly dislike is "Like" buttons, which encourage brainless, groupie behaviour. They also lead to some very nasty effects when people feel excluded because they don't have enough "likes", or not as many as their friends seem to have. There is also the problem of people soliciting "likes" and others feeling under pressure if they don't want to comply. There is a growing amount of evidence of the damage to young people's mental health caused by this sort of thing.

Altogether, I think this is an extremely nasty phenomenon and I want nothing to do with ProZ.com if it goes down this route.

Surely translators can be more mature than the teenagers that act like that?
I mean, there's a like button on Linked In but I've never heard anyone bragging or bemoaning the number of likes they garner there. I've heard about it mostly on Facebook and Instagram, which are both seriously infected with social narcissism.

I have seen various discussions here where it would be helpful to just click on "like" rather than staying silent (in which case nobody knows what you think) or posting a message just to say "I agree with you".

...Which prompts me to now suggest that an "Agree" button might be more pertinent than a "Like" button.

Yvonne Gallagher
Yvonne Gallagher
Local time: 16:05
Miembro 2010
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Absolutely against instant links to social media sites May 26, 2018

B D Finch wrote:

AllegroTrans wrote:

is for ProZ to poll all of its fee-paying members and to ask them clearly:-

(a) Whether they want these links to social madia, with all that that implies
(b) Whether they want "internal" Proz-only like buttons

I for one will definitely consider cancelling my subscription to this site if there is even the slightest risk of anything I post or my data getting onto the likes of Facebook. I don't use social media and I regard ProZ as a professional site that should have no connection with social media.

I totally endorse the above comment AllegroTrans. I do use social media, but as little as possible. One thing I particularly dislike is "Like" buttons, which encourage brainless, groupie behaviour....

Altogether, I think this is an extremely nasty phenomenon and I want nothing to do with ProZ.com if it goes down this route.

I had to seriously think about renewing my membership last year and will be reconsidering again this year. As others have said, this is supposed to be a professional site. There seems to be a lot of changes being made in the last two years without any consultation with or polling of members in advance and I really don't like the direction this site is going. It also looks like we have to be constantly looking at forums, or get a heads-up from other members, to find out what is going on, rather than being informed via a monthly newsletter.

I do use Facebook but my own page is used purely for my private social network of friends and family and I very rarely share anything as "public". I am also in several FB closed groups which are conducted in a spirit of professional and respectful cooperation with like-minded peers. So yes, I have used "Like" buttons on Facebook (but never on LinkedIn which has a more serious vibe) but see no reason to have them here.

There are already problems with "agree" and "disagree" buttons on Kudoz where there are some serial disagreers who disagree with all answers except their own and others who "agree" with their pals/compatriots even when the answer is patently wrong. So, what will a "like" button achieve in that scenario?

Yes, there have been times when I have liked some comments and laughed at others and thought it might be good to have internal "like" or "lol" buttons but also times when I have thought "what a twat!" so I'd be looking for "wow" and "angry" buttons too, but then this can all get very personal and political so I think it best not to go down that road at all.

In particular, I have no wish whatsoever to have any of my Proz activity shared with Facebook or any other social media sites.

Stephen Fennell
AllegroTrans  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 16:05
Miembro 2011
francés al inglés
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So at the end of the day May 26, 2018

What do we need social media links for at all on the ProZ site? Opinions are expressed in anwering KudoZ questions and commenting on other people's answers. We have the forums which encourage discussion.

Users can contact each other privately and outsourcers can advertise translation jobs.

What on earth are "like" buttons (and the like, if you will excuse the pun) needed for?? And while we are on the topic, do serious translators have the time and inclimation to push us
... See more
What do we need social media links for at all on the ProZ site? Opinions are expressed in anwering KudoZ questions and commenting on other people's answers. We have the forums which encourage discussion.

Users can contact each other privately and outsourcers can advertise translation jobs.

What on earth are "like" buttons (and the like, if you will excuse the pun) needed for?? And while we are on the topic, do serious translators have the time and inclimation to push useless buttons?

Mirko Mainardi
Mirko Mainardi  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
inglés al italiano
Quickly express agreement May 27, 2018

AllegroTrans wrote:

What on earth are "like" buttons (and the like, if you will excuse the pun) needed for?? And while we are on the topic, do serious translators have the time and inclimation to push useless buttons?

If "serious translators" have time to read and participate in the fora, then I would venture to guess they would also have the time to click on a button to express their agreement with a post, rather than clicking and pushing several buttons just to write "I agree". Furthermore, having strings of posts that quote a previous comment only to add "I agree" seems hardly functional or desirable, while a simple counter would serve the same function in an efficient and unobtrusive way.

That said, as I wrote before, I totally agree that a similar feature (if implemented) should not be linked in any way to social networks and/or external platforms.

Local time: 17:05
español al inglés
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Like May 28, 2018

Kay Denney wrote:

Proz may be using our likes to be able to reach out to others. The fact that it's a FB like means that FB then gets to use that information. Personally, I think that my musings on translation are none of their business. If it were, I would have joined a translators group on FB. I joined Proz instead. Now FB is invading Proz, and I'm uncomfortable about that.

[Edited at 2018-05-21 12:46 GMT]

If I had a "Like" button now, I'd give you an upvote for your comments. FB has become a right royal pain these days. Every time I want to log in, it asks me to either confirm my ID or change my password. And I use my real name on FB groups, whereas I prefer to use a pseudonym on the proz site per se.

Local time: 17:05
español al inglés
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To save time May 28, 2018

AllegroTrans wrote:

What on earth are "like" buttons (and the like, if you will excuse the pun) needed for?? And while we are on the topic, do serious translators have the time and inclimation to push useless buttons?

Sometimes I just want to quickly transmit that something has pleased or amused me, which is why a like button would be nice. Like a nod or a wink. But if it's linked to other sites like FB, I can happily do without it.
An edit button for typos would be handy in the kudoz section though...

AllegroTrans  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 16:05
Miembro 2011
francés al inglés
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So where are we now? May 29, 2018

Is ProZ senior management listening to the opinions expressed here? Would they care to reply? And is ProZ receiving a nice backhander from Facebook et al for incorprating their buttons onto this site? I as a fee-paying member think I am entitled to know the answer.

Andy Watkinson
Andy Watkinson  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
catalán al inglés
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I'm just quoting Mirko's post here again in its entirety to say..... May 30, 2018

Mirko Mainardi wrote:

AllegroTrans wrote:

What on earth are "like" buttons (and the like, if you will excuse the pun) needed for?? And while we are on the topic, do serious translators have the time and inclination to push useless buttons?

If "serious translators" have time to read and participate in the fora, then I would venture to guess they would also have the time to click on a button to express their agreement with a post, rather than clicking and pushing several buttons just to write "I agree". Furthermore, having strings of posts that quote a previous comment only to add "I agree" seems hardly functional or desirable, while a simple counter would serve the same function in an efficient and unobtrusive way.

That said, as I wrote before, I totally agree that a similar feature (if implemented) should not be linked in any way to social networks and/or external platforms.

...I agree.

Kay Denney
Kay Denney  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
francés al inglés
So do I! May 30, 2018

Andy Watkinson wrote:

Mirko Mainardi wrote:

AllegroTrans wrote:

What on earth are "like" buttons (and the like, if you will excuse the pun) needed for?? And while we are on the topic, do serious translators have the time and inclination to push useless buttons?

If "serious translators" have time to read and participate in the fora, then I would venture to guess they would also have the time to click on a button to express their agreement with a post, rather than clicking and pushing several buttons just to write "I agree". Furthermore, having strings of posts that quote a previous comment only to add "I agree" seems hardly functional or desirable, while a simple counter would serve the same function in an efficient and unobtrusive way.

That said, as I wrote before, I totally agree that a similar feature (if implemented) should not be linked in any way to social networks and/or external platforms.

...I agree.

Thomas T. Frost
Thomas T. Frost  Identity Verified
Local time: 16:05
danés al inglés
+ ...
Agree May 30, 2018

Andy Watkinson wrote:

Mirko Mainardi wrote:

AllegroTrans wrote:

What on earth are "like" buttons (and the like, if you will excuse the pun) needed for?? And while we are on the topic, do serious translators have the time and inclination to push useless buttons?

If "serious translators" have time to read and participate in the fora, then I would venture to guess they would also have the time to click on a button to express their agreement with a post, rather than clicking and pushing several buttons just to write "I agree". Furthermore, having strings of posts that quote a previous comment only to add "I agree" seems hardly functional or desirable, while a simple counter would serve the same function in an efficient and unobtrusive way.

That said, as I wrote before, I totally agree that a similar feature (if implemented) should not be linked in any way to social networks and/or external platforms.

...I agree.

I agree.

Andy Watkinson
Andy Watkinson  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:05
catalán al inglés
+ ...
Thank you Thomas and Kay... May 31, 2018

Thomas T. Frost wrote:

Andy Watkinson wrote:

Mirko Mainardi wrote:

AllegroTrans wrote:

What on earth are "like" buttons (and the like, if you will excuse the pun) needed for?? And while we are on the topic, do serious translators have the time and inclination to push useless buttons?

If "serious translators" have time to read and participate in the fora, then I would venture to guess they would also have the time to click on a button to express their agreement with a post, rather than clicking and pushing several buttons just to write "I agree". Furthermore, having strings of posts that quote a previous comment only to add "I agree" seems hardly functional or desirable, while a simple counter would serve the same function in an efficient and unobtrusive way.

That said, as I wrote before, I totally agree that a similar feature (if implemented) should not be linked in any way to social networks and/or external platforms.

...I agree.

I agree.

.....for agreeing with me.

Because I agree with you too.

PS. Just occurred to me. Wouldn't an Agree button do away with all of this?

[Edited at 2018-06-01 01:44 GMT]

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New like / share buttons in ProZ.com forums? (Staff: "Not yet")

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