Powwow Report for Alemania - Heppenheim, Hessen (Dec 8 2007)

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Report from  Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren
Dear friends,

This is my second attempt of writing this report. Hopefully, I will manage staying in front of the computer: today was the last day of my mother in Germany and I had to bring her to the aeroport. The trip to the aeroport was somehow adventurous, yet I managed to find my way back home. Sometimes, I wonder if X chromosomes have anything to do with disorientation. Men, normally having only one, they are likely to stick out this problem:) But we have two of them!:) Do not worry, I will not start to philosophy here.

I was happy to have prepared some topic, but I am even so glad that you could have made it and you brought life to it with your spontaneity. Normally, I nevel hold a presentation or prepare a topic, but obviously, leaving academics behind few years back, I was just tempted to have a challenge. Of course, the second idea was also lying on the fact that I could make use of a thema that I seemed to know best. As Ivette and Petra suggested earlier, sociology is my hobby. The differences among people are just something that make my day. Yet, I don't learn the differences to polarise the cultures, I use the differences to laugh at.

Next time, I will gladly come to a venue that suits you better. For us to communicate with each other effectively, I am glad to send all of you the email addresses of those whose adresses are not exchanged yet.

Warmest and loveliest regards from Heppenheim: myself, my husband Roland, my two lovely dogs Tubis and Daisy.

Attached are pictures, and very unfortunately, I was too lazy to take many of them: One thing is for sure, they all look pretty excellent to me. Yet, I will remove the pictures that you mind being on the Web.

Keep well.


Photos from  Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren

Photos from  Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Ivette Camargo López
Özden Arıkan
Petra Sell
Semra Maden-Balamir (X)
Dilek Senurkmez-Wollnik
Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Dec 17 '07  Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren: Hallo all, emails and a small note for Xmas/New Year/Kurban Bayrami
All friends,

This is just to acknowledge I have received whole-heartly your nice wishes. And, to wish you a healthy, merry, peaceful new year/merry Xmas and Kurban Bayrami.

Upon your request, I am herewith sending your emails all at a time:
Binnur and Roland (my husband): [email protected]

Özden Arikan:[email protected]

Semra Maden-Balamir: [email protected]

Petra Sell:[email protected]

Dilek Senurkmez-Wollnik:[email protected]

[email protected]

Ivette:[email protected]

Warmest regards,

Dec 11 '07  Semra Maden-Balamir (X): Danke, Binnur!
Ich schließe mich den allgemeinen Lobeshymnen an. Tolle Organisation, köstliches Essen, nette Leute, leider viel zu kurz für mich, aber eine gute Voraussetzung, weitere Powwows zu organisieren.

Dec 10 '07  Dilek Senurkmez-Wollnik: was great
Dear Binnur,

Thank you so much for organizing this powwow and bringing us in such a cozy atmosphere together and thanks a million for the enthusiastic and creative presentation, accompanied with the delicious Turkish food and the most important of all for all that hospitality. It has been great to get to know you and your family, and the other prozians, Semra, Özden, Ivette and Petra as well. I am so glad I made it and I am so glad to have met you all! By the way, I loved the pictures.

I hope to come together again!
Dec 10 '07  Özden Arıkan: Und die Bilder sind echt toll!
Danke noch mal, Binnur. Wir alle sehen sehr glücklich aus, nicht wahr?

(Don't laugh at my German, or the next time I'll leave even less food for you!)
Dec 10 '07  Petra Sell: Hoffe wir können den Kontakt erhalten..
Liebe Binnur und ein großes Hallo an die anderen Teilnehmerinnen,
ganz herzlichen Dank für das informationsreiche Treffen in HP und die leckere Verköstigung! Du hast dir wirklich sehr viel Mühe gegeben und ich habe einiges an neuem Wissen mit nach Hause genommen. Vor allem hat es mich gefreut andere Übersetzer/innen kennen zu lernen und die Gelegenheit zum Austausch zu haben. Herzliche Grüsse an alle Petra.
Dec 10 '07  Binnur Tuncel van Pomeren: I am sure we will do again
We will be able to see each other for sure. Petra and Ivette are just around the corner. Besides, why not informing us about a conference (we can sometimes go there together (like Dilek, Semra and Özden managed)? From my experience, conference is a kind of holiday as well. I remember a siberian prof saying:\"Ah, everything was fine, if these naughty presentations were not there!!!:))))))\"Love to all and enjoy a lovely evening,Binnur
Dec 10 '07  Özden Arıkan: Thank you, Binnur, and everybody!
Even though I messed up things a bit in the train station, I'd say, all's well that ends well!

Binnur, thank you so much for the kind hospitality, for the lively "sessions", for the great food (why did I know beforehand that the food would be great? :pp), for creating the opportunity to meet great people! Also heartfelt thanks to Roland and to your dear mom. And Ivette, Semra, Petra, Dilek, it was really wonderful to meet you all folks, let's do it again ;-)

Best wishes from the Syrian border!

Dec 10 '07  Ivette Camargo López: Thanks....
...To Binnur & Roland,

For their kind hospitality, the delicious food and the fun afternoon in general.

And thanks to everyone in general, as it was really nice to meet other Prozian colleagues from the area, so friendly and so willing to chat about all kinds of things, not only the "official" topic of the meeting :-)

But for me it was also great to learn so many new things about a country (and its language) as interesting as Turkey.

I hope we can all meet again in the future.

Kind regards,
