Powwow Report for Reino Unido - London (Oct 28 2006)

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Report from  Alina Matei
As I was expecting, another thoroughly enjoyable meeting. Some new people joined the already jolly bunch who always attend:) It was absolutely amazing to see you all and I hope we'll be meeting again at the new powwow (I've already planned another one, indeed - http://www.proz.com/powwow/1082 ).

Thank you very much to all who made it. I can only hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I have and will be coming again.

I will be uploading the photos really soon, so watch this space.

Until we meet again... have a fabulous time!


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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Alina Matei
Arianna Tremayne
Jaquelina Guardamagna
Kate K.

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Oct 28 '06  Arianna Tremayne: @Katharina
We have had talks about it and were even thinking of doing a 'Secret Santa' - Alina's idea!
Oct 28 '06  Arianna Tremayne: I second that
It is always nice to catch up with you and have some 'girly' time. I thoroughly enjoyed it - as always! Thanks to Alina and the 'crew'!
Oct 28 '06  Magan: thanks for the nice time
Girls, thank you all for the nice afternoon. And specially Alina, (as usual) our favourite and wonderful organiser. I had a really nice time with all of you.
......and ready for the next one.
Oct 28 '06  Katharina Wawrzon-Stewart: Apologies
Sorry I didn't make it today - I had a busy week and needed some rest. Shame because I was looking forward to catching up with everyone and meeting new people. Alina - if you have some time and energy left, how about a pre-Christmas powwow?