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Research project on Agricultural reforms in EU translation scam - Marie Stephens
Autor de la hebra: Lauriane Duran-Pauleau
Francois Gauthier
Francois Gauthier
Local time: 18:21
inglés al francés
+ ...
Same email from Mary Marcco Sep 21, 2020

I though I had a nice contract until she accepted my offer in 2 minutes and offered to pay upfront via check or wire transfer.

Laurie Bennett
Patrick Goulet
Nils Lövgren Boulianne
Adam Dickinson
Liviu-Lee Roth
Despina Nifakos
Eva Siskowski Boatwright
Patrick Goulet
Patrick Goulet
Local time: 18:21
inglés al francés
+ ...
Also from Mary Marcco Sep 21, 2020

"She" also had me until I asked the purpose of the file, and "she" literally answered "Am also a translation." Of course, you are a translation...

Nils Lövgren Boulianne
Adam Dickinson
Nils Lövgren Boulianne
Nils Lövgren Boulianne
Local time: 18:21
francés al inglés
Yeah she's (he's?) hitting Canada right now as Marie Marcco Sep 21, 2020

Same deal.

Thank you for your email,
Your total amount and your delivery time is fine. However 30% will be paid to start and the remainder on delivery.
My preferred mode of payment is by check, wire transfer kindly get back to me if that works for you.
Best regards.

Adam Dickinson
Liviu-Lee Roth
Patrick Goulet
Anick Choinière
Anick Choinière
Local time: 18:21
inglés al francés
+ ...
I nearly got scammed Sep 21, 2020

I thought I had my first client but it was weird "she" didn't seek out someone specialized in agriculture, or someone with more experience, for such a large project... trusted my gut feeling and found this thread. She contacted me as Mary Marcco, so be wary if you get an email from someone with that name.

Liviu-Lee Roth
Patrick Goulet
Inge Schumacher
Daniel Legare
Daniel Legare
Local time: 19:21
japonés al inglés
+ ...
I gave them my address and phone number…am I in trouble? Sep 22, 2020

I got scammed by Mary Marco too.
I should have checked here first…thankfully I didn't start anything and was drafting up a contract when I thought of checking.
I'm calling my bank and phone service, but I'm wondering if anyone else gave some their address and phone number and had something happen?
Lesson learned here…

[Edited at 2020-09-22 18:45 GMT]

ELENA MITULESCU  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:21
inglés al rumano
+ ...
Scam - Etude agricole pour etudiant - 19,000 words - French to English (EU Agricultural Study) Sep 22, 2020

Hi all,
Just be aware of scammers sending emails from these Gmail accounts: MARY MARCCO and BETH KANTUS
[email protected] and [email protected].
The same pattern: fake translation request, scammer offered to pay 50% upfront and 50% upon delivery by check/wire transfer.
I attached the document below.

Sample below:

... See more
Hi all,
Just be aware of scammers sending emails from these Gmail accounts: MARY MARCCO and BETH KANTUS
[email protected] and [email protected].
The same pattern: fake translation request, scammer offered to pay 50% upfront and 50% upon delivery by check/wire transfer.
I attached the document below.

Sample below:

Étude agricole pour étudiant en Europe
Qu’elles émanent du secteur public ou privé, les réponses actuelles ne parviennent pas à relever de manière adéquate les grands défis interconnectés des systèmes alimentaires. Ces lacunes sont le reflet de profonds problèmes dans la gouvernance des systèmes alimentaires européens.
Le traitement des problèmes spécifiques à certains points de la chaîne s’est certes amélioré, au détriment cependant des résultats dans d’autres domaines : par exemple, bien que l’emploi d’intrants synthétiques ait été nettement réduit, l’utilisation totale de pesticides est toujours en hausse dans plusieurs pays.
38 L’utilisation européenne totale d’azote minéral et d’engrais phosphaté (cause principale d’eutrophisation) a augmenté de 6 % entre 2012 et 2015.39 Pendant ce temps, la dépendance vis-à-vis de l’importation d’aliments pour animaux ne cesse de croître, compensant ainsi les avantages d’une agriculture émettant moins de GES en Europe. Le revenu agricole moyen tend aujourd’hui à augmenter à travers toute l’UE, mais de nombreuses petites exploitations agricoles ont dû mettre la clé sous la porte ou être fusionnées pour former de plus grands groupes.
Derrière la hausse du revenu agricole moyen se cachent également d’importantes différences entre et au sein des États membres : en 2016, le salaire mensuel d’environ 30 % des producteurs français s’élevait à moins de 350 €, soit moins d’un tiers du salaire minimum.
Les solutions choisies ont souvent reporté les problèmes sous-jacents, ainsi que les coûts exorbitants qu’ils génèrent, sur les générations futures et sur les autres régions du monde : cela se remarque particulièrement dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire.
Les systèmes alimentaires actuels sont parvenus à garder les prix des aliments à un niveau relativement bas en termes historiques, et à fournir un approvisionnement plutôt constant et abondant en denrées alimentaires. Le maintien d’une production mondiale et de flux suffisants de produits alimentaires est crucial : selon le FAO, 66 pays sont pour le moment incapables de remplir leurs propres besoins alimentaires, et ce nombre augmentera probablement à cause du changement climatique. Toutefois, une productivité agricole importante dans l’hémisphère nord n’a pas au jour d‘aujourd’hui fourni de base suffisante pour éradiquer l’insécurité alimentaire dans l’UE ou dans le monde, et encore moins pour assurer un régime alimentaire sain pour tous. De plus, la quête d’une productivité toujours plus importante menace désormais la production future, avec des récoltes qui commencent à s’immobiliser dans des régions clés.

Despina Nifakos
Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:21
Miembro 2007
+ ...
They want to launder money, not harvest data Sep 22, 2020

Daniel Legare wrote:

I got scammed by Mary Marco too.
I should have checked here first…thankfully I didn't start anything and was drafting up a contract when I thought of checking.
I'm calling my bank and phone service, but I'm wondering if anyone else gave some their address and phone number and had something happen?
Lesson learned here…

[Edited at 2020-09-22 18:45 GMT]

I understand your worry but I've never heard of a problem with the personal details given to these particular scammers. They want to launder money, and plenty of it. They aren't concerned with your private information and don't -- on the face of it -- appear to be selling it on.

Despina Nifakos
Despina Nifakos
Despina Nifakos  Identity Verified
Local time: 18:21
francés al inglés
+ ...
SCAM Sep 22, 2020

The same thing happened to me yesterday; I thought this was perhaps a too-good-to-be-true scenario because she agreed on my rates and deadline; she didn't try bargaining my services. Anyways, please beware of this Mary Marcco person ([email protected]). By all means, do not even answer.

Luckily for me, I noticed something was off because I found the translated text online and didn't pursue the project any longer. I quickly wrote about it on Facebook language groups that quickly
... See more
The same thing happened to me yesterday; I thought this was perhaps a too-good-to-be-true scenario because she agreed on my rates and deadline; she didn't try bargaining my services. Anyways, please beware of this Mary Marcco person ([email protected]). By all means, do not even answer.

Luckily for me, I noticed something was off because I found the translated text online and didn't pursue the project any longer. I quickly wrote about it on Facebook language groups that quickly pointed me to this forum and other testimonials. Now I know better.

Nick Elitzik
Nick Elitzik
Estados Unidos
Local time: 17:21
chino al inglés
Jennifer Doxsey Oct 2, 2020

I also got an email asking for translation from Chinese to English from Jennifer Doxsey. I gave her the benefit of the doubt, as if she received the job from an ilicit party and was passing it off to me. But it seems she sent the document in other languages to people for translation, judging by some of the responses here.

Jonathan M. Trayser
Jonathan M. Trayser
inglés al alemán
+ ...
New Name of the Scammer Oct 4, 2020

Hi fellow proz users,

same thing happened with me - only now she is using the name Mariana Doxsey with the same document: Agricultural Restructuring in Europe: A Case Study. Her new email is [email protected] sent from an IP address in San Jose, CA!

Thank you for helping me avoid this scammer. One thing that I don´t understand however is that if she pays upfront and then asks for the money back what prevents us to
... See more
Hi fellow proz users,

same thing happened with me - only now she is using the name Mariana Doxsey with the same document: Agricultural Restructuring in Europe: A Case Study. Her new email is [email protected] sent from an IP address in San Jose, CA!

Thank you for helping me avoid this scammer. One thing that I don´t understand however is that if she pays upfront and then asks for the money back what prevents us to just scam her back and take the money?

Christian Witt
Liviu-Lee Roth
Liviu-Lee Roth
Estados Unidos
Local time: 18:21
rumano al inglés
+ ...
what money? Oct 5, 2020

Jonathan M. Trayser wrote:

Hi fellow proz users,

same thing happened with me - only now she is using the name Mariana Doxsey with the same document: Agricultural Restructuring in Europe: A Case Study. Her new email is [email protected] sent from an IP address in San Jose, CA!

Thank you for helping me avoid this scammer. One thing that I don´t understand however is that if she pays upfront and then asks for the money back what prevents us to just scam her back and take the money?

The scammer sends you a well done fake check. If the bank teller (now, they are called ”bankers”) does not notice the fake, it takes 10-14 day to clear; too late if you sent the money.

Again, as I mentioned million of times, it is not a particular ”she”; it is a well organized world-wide industry with ”money mules” or ”arrows” in every country.

Stay safe,

Christian Witt
Christian Witt  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:21
Miembro May 2024
inglés al alemán
+ ...
Request from "doxsey" Oct 5, 2020

Jonathan M. Trayser wrote:

Hi fellow proz users,

same thing happened with me - only now she is using the name Mariana Doxsey with the same document: Agricultural Restructuring in Europe: A Case Study. Her new email is [email protected] sent from an IP address in San Jose, CA!

Thank you for helping me avoid this scammer. One thing that I don´t understand however is that if she pays upfront and then asks for the money back what prevents us to just scam her back and take the money?

Hi Jonathan,

I, too, have a pending request from this user regarding "The concept of culture and some cultural facilities", English to German. I don't get the concept of the scam as well but then it is best to stay away from the job, if I understand correctly.

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:21
Miembro 2002
inglés al ruso
+ ...

Get educated Oct 5, 2020

Christian Witt wrote:

I don't get the concept of the scam as well

Go to https://www.proz.com/about/translator-scam-alerts and read everything attentively.

Liviu-Lee Roth
Mona Fendri (X)
Mona Fendri (X)
Local time: 00:21
francés al alemán
+ ...
Why the scam? Oct 12, 2020


I also received a request from Mariana Doxsey and found it very unusual that they would want to pay 50% upfront. Also, I already found the translated documents online.
But I don't understand the purpose of the scam. Even if they receive the bank details, there is nothing they can do with it, is there? Has someone here experienced something unusual after agreeing to do the work?

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:21
Miembro 2002
inglés al ruso
+ ...

Why the scam Oct 12, 2020

Mona Fendri wrote:
But I don't understand the purpose of the scam. Even if they receive the bank details, there is nothing they can do with it, is there? Has someone here experienced something unusual after agreeing to do the work?

You will get a fake check and then a request for a refund due to overpayment issue.
So in fact you will pay the scammer your own money.

The scammer's IPs are spoofed, in reality he is located somewhere in Nigeria (or probably some other country in Africa), so nobody will help you to get your money back.

This scam is well known since some 10 years - please follow the link in the previous post to get familiar with various kinds of scam.

[Edited at 2020-10-12 16:03 GMT]

Liviu-Lee Roth
Sim Ngezahayo
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Research project on Agricultural reforms in EU translation scam - Marie Stephens

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