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2009 virtual conference: General questions
Autor de la hebra: Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
alemán al inglés
Jun 2, 2009


I just registered for the virtual conference to be held in September, which is still a few months away. I'm sure I'll be posting in this forum again before then, but just thought I'd start things off, in case anyone else has questions.

Although I feel that a "real live" conference where you meet people "in the flesh" is definitely much better, I'm really curious to see how this virtual conference environment works. That's my main reason for registering. I do hope
... See more

I just registered for the virtual conference to be held in September, which is still a few months away. I'm sure I'll be posting in this forum again before then, but just thought I'd start things off, in case anyone else has questions.

Although I feel that a "real live" conference where you meet people "in the flesh" is definitely much better, I'm really curious to see how this virtual conference environment works. That's my main reason for registering. I do hope I'll be able to attend one of the "real" conferences soon too.

I have a question about the avatars. Do we have to have one? I didn't select one or create one when I registered. How does it work with them, anyway? Do they actually move around the screen? Please excuse my ignorance, but I'm completely new to something like this and, as I already said, quite curious to know how it works.

Looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks about it.

Best regards,

[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2010-06-03 15:48 GMT]

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:37
español al inglés
+ ...
Thanks for starting the thread Jun 2, 2009

Glad to hear you are interested in attending and have registered at http://events.unisfair.com/rt/proz~2009 The virtual conference will enable users that are perhaps geographically dispersed, or for other reasons not able to attend an in-person conference to experience some of the benefits and value of ProZ.com conference from their home. Attendees will be able to watch presentations and partici... See more
Glad to hear you are interested in attending and have registered at http://events.unisfair.com/rt/proz~2009 The virtual conference will enable users that are perhaps geographically dispersed, or for other reasons not able to attend an in-person conference to experience some of the benefits and value of ProZ.com conference from their home. Attendees will be able to watch presentations and participate in Q&A with the speaker via a chat interface, visit exhibitor booths and download materials and information, receive special day of the show offers, and network with one another.

The Avatar is used to build your virtual business card and you can use an image (jpeg, gif) to do so. I don't believe users will see your image or avatar walking around, but they will be able to see your image when chatting with you in any of the halls, exhibit booths, etc. Users will be able to search for friends, colleagues, and anyone else by a variety of parameters, language pair, country etc and when initiating chat or messaging with these people they will see your avatar or image.

We hope this virtual environment will enable a wide range of ProZians to "attend" and interact with each other. We will have more information and program details available soon at http://www.proz.com/conference/74



Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
alemán al inglés
A good networking experience Jun 2, 2009

Drew MacFadyen wrote:
The virtual conference will enable users that are perhaps geographically dispersed, or for other reasons not able to attend an in-person conference to experience some of the benefits and value of ProZ.com conference from their home.

This is true, of course, and I'm sure it could be a good networking experience. I see that almost a hundred people have already expressed interest.

Thanks to you and ProZ.com for providing yet another interesting networking opportunity.

Ivette Camargo López
Ivette Camargo López  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:37
inglés al español
+ ...
Initial feedback +2 Jun 3, 2009


I just signed up for this conference and I just wanted to comment that it sounds like a very interesting idea. This global-networking/contact (both professional and personal) potential is one of the things that interests me the most about Proz.com.

I am looking forward to participating, so I hope I don't get any last-minute deadlines that keep me from participating.



Cristina Dodich
Cristina Dodich  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:37
inglés al italiano
+ ...
New Thing, New-comer! Jul 16, 2009

Hi, everybody!

I'm a newcomer to this new thing - new to translators, I mean! Might it be possible to have some hints concerning the conference programme?



Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
alemán al inglés
Programme not announced yet Jul 16, 2009

Hi Cristina,

The conference programme has not been announced yet, so the rest of us are just as clueless as you at the moment Maybe Drew can shed some light on what kind of things the organisers have in mind.

Best wishes,

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
alemán al inglés
I do have some information Jul 16, 2009

Hi again, Cristina,

I did, in fact, get an e-mail today about upcoming events and there is a brief summary about what to expect from the virtual conference. Here it is:

"Throughout the event ProZ.com seeks to further its mission:

To provide tools and opportunities that translators, translation companies and others in the language industry use to:
- network and increase their business - through interaction between LSP's/CAT Tool providers and transla
... See more
Hi again, Cristina,

I did, in fact, get an e-mail today about upcoming events and there is a brief summary about what to expect from the virtual conference. Here it is:

"Throughout the event ProZ.com seeks to further its mission:

To provide tools and opportunities that translators, translation companies and others in the language industry use to:
- network and increase their business - through interaction between LSP's/CAT Tool providers and translation professionals in the virtual booth environment
- improve their work - by attending the various training and information sessions during the event
- and have fun - by winning prizes and participating in contests during the celebration of International Translation DayEverything offered during this event; networking, seminars and giveaways are available FREE of CHARGE due to the generous support of our sponsors.

Workshops and seminars occuring thoughout the 12 hour event include topics such as (subject to change): Negotiation and Earning Highter Rates, SDL TRADOS Studio 2009, Atril DeJa Vu X, Lionbridge LogoPort, Wordfast Pro, 10 Steps to improve your ProZ.com Profile, The state and future of the Translation Industry "

I hope this gives you some idea, although more details would be appreciated.


Oliver Walter
Oliver Walter  Identity Verified
Reino Unido
Local time: 18:37
alemán al inglés
+ ...
My general questions Jul 17, 2009

I'm not sure whether this should be in this thread, because it overlaps only a little with the original posting.
My questions are about registration:

1. I have registered and have used a picture of myself as an avatar. Can I change this later if I want to? In particular I would like to replace the 100x100 image with one containing more pixels. I used 100x100 because the avatar selector said this is the optimal size. I hope this will be changed to allow, for example, at
... See more
I'm not sure whether this should be in this thread, because it overlaps only a little with the original posting.
My questions are about registration:

1. I have registered and have used a picture of myself as an avatar. Can I change this later if I want to? In particular I would like to replace the 100x100 image with one containing more pixels. I used 100x100 because the avatar selector said this is the optimal size. I hope this will be changed to allow, for example, at least 150x150.

2. What else can I change after registration? For example, I might want to change my specializations. At present I have entered 3 general ones. Will I be able to add 1 or 2 to these or even replace existing ones? (again, this is not highly important but I might consider it useful).

3. How frequently is the list of registrants updated? The displayed list still has 279 and this doesn't include me although I registered about 15 minutes ago. I have received the confirmation email, so I know I really have registered. Perhaps it's done manually once a day. The answer might be useful for members who are thinking of registering and want to know what to expect.


Andy Bell
Andy Bell  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:37
noruego al inglés
+ ...
In Memoriam
Seminar content - CAT tool producers Jul 22, 2009

At the moment I'm feeling thoroughly unimpressed by the seminar content. Apart from the usual suspects, i.e. Trados, Atril etc., is anyone hosting a seminar who is not trying to sell a product? Sorry to sound cynical, but I think the idea of a virtual conference is great, but let's have some serious content please, not just a flog-fest for those selling software and CAT tools.

Wulf-Dieter Krüger
Wulf-Dieter Krüger  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:37
inglés al alemán
+ ...
flogging software Jul 22, 2009

Andy Bell wrote:

At the moment I'm feeling thoroughly unimpressed by the seminar content. Apart from the usual suspects, i.e. Trados, Atril etc., is anyone hosting a seminar who is not trying to sell a product? Sorry to sound cynical, but I think the idea of a virtual conference is great, but let's have some serious content please, not just a flog-fest for those selling software and CAT tools.

Well there has to be some reason to sponsor this event and should it stay as that, I am afraid, it is going to disapoint quite a few freelancers. However, I do hope that the chatting facility will provide a lot of opportunities for the doers to interact. This has always been the best part of all live IATFL/TEOL conferences (I am a language instructor as well) I attended.

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:37
español al inglés
+ ...
Clarification and a few answers Jul 22, 2009

1. I have registered and have used a picture of myself as an avatar. Can I change this later if I want to? In particular I would like to replace the 100x100 image with one containing more pixels. I used 100x100 because the avatar selector said this is the optimal size. I hope this will be changed to allow, for example, at least 150x150.

2. What else can I change after registration? For example, I might want to change my specializations. At present I have entered 3 general ones. Will I be able to add 1 or 2 to these or even replace existing ones? (again, this is not highly important but I might consider it useful).Can I change this later if I want to? In particular I would like to replace the 100x100 image with one containing more pixels. I used 100x100 because the avatar selector said this is the optimal size. I hope this will be changed to allow, for example, at least 150x150.

2. What else can I change after registration? For example, I might want to change my specializations. At present I have entered 3 general ones. Will I be able to add 1 or 2 to these or even replace existing ones? (again, this is not highly important but I might consider it useful).

After registration user data and avatar can be changed but only on September 30th when users log in to the environment.

Well there has to be some reason to sponsor this event and should it stay as that, I am afraid, it is going to disapoint quite a few freelancers. However, I do hope that the chatting facility will provide a lot of opportunities for the doers to interact. This has always been the best part of all live IATFL/TEOL conferences (I am a language instructor as well) I attended.

The program details are not finalized yet. There are sessions on negotiation for translators, search engine optimization, key note presentation by Henry, Hosting a website & ten ways to improve your profile. Many users might be interested in presentations by software vendors - our series of webinars attract many that are unfamiliar with these products. It is due to these sponsors generous support that this event is free to attend.

We will have more details on sessions, prize give aways and contests soon. And as Wulf-dieter points out the chat, networking and forum options will provide a unique and fun way to engage with your colleagues worldwide.

Looking forward to seeing you virtually on September 30th, 2009


Katalin Szilárd
Katalin Szilárd  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:37
inglés al húngaro
+ ...
Suggestion concerning specializations Jul 22, 2009

Today I read about this exciting opportunity. I was filling out the form for registration when I reached the specialization section. I think there are way too many specialization options (kind of over-detailed), which I think is not only unnecessary, but if somebody for example is specialized in medical translation, then it's very likely that she/he is dealing with medical (general) medical (health care) and at least 1 more medical field or if somebody is specialized in finance then definitely s... See more
Today I read about this exciting opportunity. I was filling out the form for registration when I reached the specialization section. I think there are way too many specialization options (kind of over-detailed), which I think is not only unnecessary, but if somebody for example is specialized in medical translation, then it's very likely that she/he is dealing with medical (general) medical (health care) and at least 1 more medical field or if somebody is specialized in finance then definitely she/he wants to add economic and business. Meanwhile there are only 5 options for specializations. What about simply adding general fields options just as what we can see in our profiles?

Social Sciences

Below that 10 specialty and 30 working fields could also be added.
What do you think?


[Edited at 2009-07-22 17:12 GMT]

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Estados Unidos
Local time: 13:37
español al inglés
+ ...
Specialty fields Jul 23, 2009

Thanks for the feedback. The specialty fields are to facilitate networking and search options within the conference environment so we wished to include many options. The fields are not mandatory in order to complete registration.


Melanie Wittwer
Melanie Wittwer  Identity Verified
Nueva Zelanda
Local time: 07:37
inglés al alemán
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Different Time Zone Jul 23, 2009

I live in New Zealand which is 13(?) hours ahead of GMT. I am at an age, where I can no longer stay awake all night. Would it be possible to just attend parts of the conference and view the presentations I have missed at a later stage?

Niraja Nanjundan (X)
Niraja Nanjundan (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:07
alemán al inglés
Different time zone as well Jul 23, 2009

Like Melanie, I also live in a different time zone - India is 5 1/2 hours ahead of GMT. 30th September is also a working day, so I wasn't planning to "attend" the whole conference for that reason as well - only those parts that interest me. However, I would also like to know if we can view any presentations we miss later on after the conference.

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2009 virtual conference: General questions

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