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Poll: Which do you use most for your translation work?
Autor de la hebra: ProZ.com Staff
inkweaver  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:31
francés al alemán
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Laptop May 18, 2017

I used to think I would not be comfortable with a laptop but when my last desktop broke down almost 2.5 years ago I had to use it. I actually bought a new desktop to replace the old one but couldn't be bothered to set it up straight away and after a while I found I was so used to the laptop I eventually sold the desktop. I find that I actually make less typos when using the laptop. No idea why, though. And I really don't want to go back to having a big monitor sitting on my desk and spoiling the... See more
I used to think I would not be comfortable with a laptop but when my last desktop broke down almost 2.5 years ago I had to use it. I actually bought a new desktop to replace the old one but couldn't be bothered to set it up straight away and after a while I found I was so used to the laptop I eventually sold the desktop. I find that I actually make less typos when using the laptop. No idea why, though. And I really don't want to go back to having a big monitor sitting on my desk and spoiling the view.Collapse

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Poll: Which do you use most for your translation work?

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